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Interesting reading from Adrian Kinderis

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Well I guess if you ask Afilias nicely they'll pay for your membership like they did for many of their other employees.

As if knowing my name will give any greater credibility to my arguments.

It will give the scumbags ammunition to attack me though. Just like Josh, Jim and Paul have been.

So you agree with much of what Paul said in his submission but the very small group of people here with similar points of view are the focus of your trolling. Forgive me if I call bullshit.


Top Contributor
Laurie your commentary across various threads almost sounds like your suggesting Doc and auDA colluded to remove dissenting voices by way of introducing a Functional Constituency Model, More independent Directors, and a means to achieve that aim via supply side employees from Local & foreign countries. In doing so, they are themselves going to breach 11.2 because they will do what their employer tells them to do.

it also leads to that question, why? Increasing independent Director fees and committee sitting fees whilst pandering to the DoC's recommendations to increase independent Directors, and decrease board numbers reeks of coincidence, especially when a functional constituency model is implemented and both accountability and transparency along with a means to vote is removed from the Australian Public. After achieved, goodbye to the domainer and any policy that enables that investor to grow and freely seek to prosper. And say hello to a mates club with high paying remuneration for grass roots management positions.

Nah. What you describe is a sub-set of an industry at best. A quantum of money exchanged does not an industry make.

auDA website:

Last edited:


Top Contributor
As @Suzabro mentioned earlier, please keep on topic and follow the DNTrade forum rules. While we encourage you to voice your opinion, we do request that members treat each other with respect, avoid spammy behaviour and cross posting. This applies to everyone.


Top Contributor
there's a saying i read once " my ballpark, my rules, don't like them then find your own ballpark"
i have never seen so many posts asking someone to identify themselves, actually ! i don't recall any???

and if there's 1 person here that slags me off the most its BF , but i've never asked for his name. I see it from a different angle, whilst i disagree with him that i am a totally useless waste of space at the board room table i do respect that i have someone ( maybe many) out there that doesn't see what i am trying to achieve and instead of wanting his name i work harder to have him change his mind about me.


Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Tim you don't listen well or retain information very well.

I've previously given you my name and number.

I also don't think you are a total waste of space on the board. I'm sure you infuriate the scumbags as well ;-)


Top Contributor
Nobody needs your tick of approval ha ha ha.

The first rule of the internet kiddies, never give out your real details.

So Laurie, is it ok for Afilias (your employer) to flood the demand membership of auDA with their foreign workers.
Stop talking and listen for a change will you, Bacon. The General has the floor...


Top Contributor
Gawd just did a header check on Affilias deleted article. Turns out they have infinite soft 404s and their header response is ridiculously huge. Talk about massive overhead.
curl -I https://afilias.com.au/newsroom/blo...ight-about-afilias-australia’s-new-au-service

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

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Laurie Patton

Regular Member
As I have consistently stated, my comments are my own and have not been endorsed by Afilias. I have been an active commentator in this field for years. My involvement with auDA predates Afilias coming here. As Adrian points out, AusRegistry was an Organisational Member of Internet Australia when I was CEO. They promised to renew their membership if, but only if, their auDA contract was renewed. All I care about is that the core function of domain name allocation is operating effectively. Nobody seems to be saying this is not the case. The wrangling seems to be nothing more than a fight for control overlaid with a matrix of long-standing interpersonal grievances,


Top Contributor

That is good to hear. Maybe you can add it on each email to auDA members, post and tweet.

Just so people know your views are your own and are not in any way the views of Afilias Inc. You are simply a casual observer who has bought the auDA email list and likes emailing them. I know that but other members may not understand.

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