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Who Bought What On The Drop?


Top Contributor
Ugh - I really wanted Bullion.com.au


I hope someone here managed to get it and will develop it rather than it just sitting in a domain portfolio.


Top Contributor
I was bidding for it last night, though didn't expect it to go for $1600 :s
Truth be told, I was expecting it to get closer to $2000 - $2500.

I only bid to $1000 - I was hoping that I might get lucky and it would be a lazy Sunday afternoon auction.



Top Contributor
Picked up renovators.com.au on the drop over the weekend. I deal with a lot of tradies in my insurance business, so I'll look to build a bit of a resource which I can offer free advertising on for my existing clients.

It won't be a money spinner in its own right, but a nice little value-add for my clients.

Also over the weekend I bought my first $x,xxx domain via Netfleet. I think I'll stick to developing over the next few months, as my domain buying budget is done for a while!
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Top Contributor
Picked up renovators.com.au on the drop over the weekend.
I think this is a great domain.

I think there's lots potential to set this up as a mainstream business given that back in 2009 I spent a week renovating an investment property I owned with an investment partner.

During the course of that week we both agreed that renovating a house adds significant value to the final sale price yet it is hard to find someone/business who you can hire to be the jack of all trades that is required to renovate in investment property (painter/landscaper/carpenter/cleaner/etc) and that there would be good money in setting up such a service for property investors.

There is little doubt in my mind that after spending $3000 in materials plus a weeks worth of time that the townhouse sold for an extra $30,000 to $40,000.

Whilst there are a lots of people that are happy to do the renovations themselves to save money there are also a number of people that don't have the time or are not physically capable yet understand the value of doing it but also detest dealing with and coordinating lots of different tradesmen.

Also over the weekend I bought my first $x,xxx domain via Netfleet.
Was that invoice.com.au?


If so what are your plans for it?

I think I'll stick to developing over the next few months, as my domain buying budget is done for a while!
I tell myself the same thing every week – but there's always decent domains dropping and I can't say no to a good deal.



Top Contributor
$145 for searchable.com.au? maybe i should've held onto it :p
Maybe, but at the bare minimum it might have been worth throwing up on NF's AMA.

I must admit there is nothing worse than having a bunch of domains that in hindsight are not worth developing yourself, but you have a sneaking suspicion that there might be others with a business model that would produce an ROI to justify investing in the domain or developing it, but the idea of paying the $5 admin fee to list your domain on NF's AMA with a high probability of it not selling isn't an attractive option, but at the same time paying the renewal fee seems like you are throwing good money after bad...



Top Contributor
Was that invoice.com.au?


If so what are your plans for it?

Yep, that's the one. I don't have any major plans for development, I'm just going to throw some resources on there along with a few templates and whatever. I don't expect the site to make any money, I just like the name and believe it has good potential down the track.
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Top Contributor
Yep, that's the one. I don't have any major plans for development, I'm just going to throw some resources on there along with a few templates and whatever.
I was actually looking for an invoice template the other day!


Archived Member
Picked up DataMigration.com.au on NF today. Sure, traffic is not huge but I like it given the fact IBM own the .com version.

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