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whats your paln b ?


Top Contributor
Better than .gov.au

Would say .gov.au is a lot less confusing. Many people know it means government site and that most government sites use .gov.au.

.net.au has no meaning/indentity, it is just another thing visitors have to try and remember. Not that .gov.au don't have significant bleed though, they do. A lot of people just have .com.au etched into their brain.


Top Contributor
I can think of two meanings:



Do you have any hard evidence that .net.au bleeds to .com.au ?


Top Contributor
So I don't think that that was the case in this case.

As findtim has found they rank 1st for the phrase.

It is a lower competition term, it is not hard to rank for something like this. Especially when you are connected with government agencies who are willing to link up juicy .gov.au links and when you have big money for sponsors you can re link.

Personally they could have mixed up the anchor text use a bit and targeted drink driving related campaigns or any thing, example - https://ahrefs.com/site-explorer/backlinks/subdomains/whatsyourplanb.net.au%2F


Top Contributor
yes james, they have some sites linking to them that can really influence how a NEW website is ranked.

planb.gov.au , how much simpler is that to get across !



Top Contributor
I can think of two meanings:



Reminds me of .ws where the story was the meaning was .worldsite. Then later on it supposedly meant .website. For .net.au, it has no identity, you can't even tell me yourself what it actually means.

.com, .com.au, these both mean internet, not .net.au.

If you asked someone on the street, I'm trying to work out the internet site of company XYZ, do you know what the web address could possibly be? Do you think they'd say,

"xyz.net.au, because .net.au means internet"

.net.au means ".com.au was taken, we couldn't think up anything better".

It is meaningless, an alternative when something else is gone.

Do you have any hard evidence that .net.au bleeds to .com.au ?

Here is an example, from the Google keyword planner

Keyword Avg. monthly searches
whirlpool.net.au 1900
whirlpool.com.au 480
www.whirlpool.net.au 720
www.whirlpool.com.au 260

Keyword Avg. monthly searches
abc.net.au 60500
abc.com.au 5400
www.abc.net.au 22200
www.abc.com.au 1000

Plug in any popular .net.au and take a look and the search stats for corresponding the .com.au. I'd list more but I only know of two .net.au sites.


Top Contributor
Regarding the .gov talk, since this is a state government campaign they'd have to use whatsyourplanb.nsw.gov.au.

I'd say the net.au option is better than that one.


Top Contributor
Regarding the .gov talk, since this is a state government campaign they'd have to use whatsyourplanb.nsw.gov.au.

I'd say the net.au option is better than that one.

interesting as i saw it in victoria so thats even more of a waste of money !


further to that this would be just basic planning on the marketing, buy ONLY the TV zones you want it aired ! , i know tv stations do "filler ads" but it was the cricket so i can't see any short supply of companies a tv station would like to impress, i know when i was selling radio advertising if i could get my clients more freebies the more chance i had at selling them next months deal. i'd give local business first grabs rather then government as government was always an easy sell ( not their money )


Top Contributor
i'd give local business first grabs rather then government as government was always an easy sell ( not their money )

It seems to be a fairly common trait that when a well known site is using a .net.au it is often government related or a non profit of some type. I think the reason is above, "not their money" or don't care about poor marketing practices because they rely on donations/no revenue. Can you imagine BHP or Harvey Norman advertising as a .net.au? Not a chance. Most fish & chip shops wouldn't even use it.


Top Contributor
It seems to be a fairly common trait that when a well known site is using a .net.au it is often government related or a non profit of some type. I think the reason is above, "not their money" or don't care about poor marketing practices because they rely on donations/no revenue. Can you imagine BHP or Harvey Norman advertising as a .net.au? Not a chance. Most fish & chip shops wouldn't even use it.

as i was the one that started this thread i totally agree with snoopy, thats WHY i started the thread, it disgusting to do this when its OPM ( other peoples money )

they still should be held accountantable



Top Contributor
For .net.au, it has no identity, you can't even tell me yourself what it actually means.

.com, .com.au, these both mean internet, not .net.au.

.com(.au) is derived from COMmercial
.net(.au) is derived from NETwork (which is what it 'actually means'

They both connote internet.

Is there a need for me to inform you what .au 'actually means'? Or do you just need a hint.

If you asked someone on the street, I'm trying to work out the internet site of company XYZ, do you know what the web address could possibly be? Do you think they'd say,

"xyz.net.au, because .net.au means internet"

.net.au means ".com.au was taken, we couldn't think up anything better".

It is meaningless, an alternative when something else is gone.

If that is what you think.

Here is an example, from the Google keyword planner

Keyword Avg. monthly searches
whirlpool.net.au 1900
whirlpool.com.au 480
www.whirlpool.net.au 720
www.whirlpool.com.au 260

Bad example. Really bad example. Garbage In. Garbage Out.

Surely you realise this?

Next example is a little better.

Keyword Avg. monthly searches
abc.net.au 60500
abc.com.au 5400
www.abc.net.au 22200
www.abc.com.au 1000

Firstly, I'm getting different numbers - but the discrepancy is negligible so I'll run with yours.

So for ABC:

~93% of search for .net.au
~7% for .com.au

Incidentally the .net.au ranks first for the .com.au search anyway therefore in reality no search traffic loss and the .com.au redirects to .net.au therefore no traffic bleed in search terms.

So the question remains.


Top Contributor
Irrespective of traffic bleed or any other factor, I would still never build a real business using a net domain.

Maybe that's just because I'm interested in domains? Maybe non-domaining people wouldn't care? I don't know...

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
abc is well advertised ………perhaps if everyone have their ad budget it would be a different extension, however i do see more and more .net.au's


Top Contributor
A huge number of people not understanding domains just going to the name reg page on some hosting provider, type in the name they want. The result shows a red cross beside .com.au but a green tick beside the .net.au. Within a few minutes they now have the name they think they wanted.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
A huge number of people not understanding domains just going to the name reg page on some hosting provider, type in the name they want. The result shows a red cross beside .com.au but a green tick beside the .net.au. Within a few minutes they now have the name they think they wanted.

which is fine for bobshomelawnmowingservice or dare i say DiscountDubboDentist

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