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nicole resigns


Top Contributor
i thought i'd just jump in here now everyone knows nicole has resigned as a director of auda.
before the usual " we thank you for your service" BS email comes out i want to have my say.
nicole was worth every vote you gave her, your vote was not wasted, i stand firmly behind nicole in her decision to leave the board for her own reasons and i think we all should imo.

her depth of knowledge and contribution to auda is just another blow to auda that we need to fix.

thanks nic



Top Contributor
For both Nicole and Ned to resign within a year of being elected, I think it says more about auDA than it does about the individuals.

I don't think we can blame either of them. Knowing both Ned and Nicole, I've no doubt they did their best in a tough environment.

Tim, I knew you were resilient, but you're next level! Last man standing after Simon and now the latest two departures...

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
When did auDA get a Governance committee?

Anyone know if demand class is under represented on the committee like it is on every other committee?


Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
I'd also like to note that Demand class now has one member elected director and the board has or will elect 3 "demand" class directors.

How's the governance on that Mitch?


Top Contributor
The latest email says it all. They'll be scrambling to fill those roles before they are down to 5 out of 11 directors in coming months.

A recruitment process is already underway to replenish vacant Board roles, and Nicole’s role will be filled as part of this process.

This is particularly important and relevant given the findings of the Federal Government Review of the .au Domain Administration, which noted the need for auDA Board members to be suitably qualified and sufficiently representative of the industry and its stakeholders.


The usual dodgy casual vacancy methods may not cut it any more. They've delayed appointing demand class directors for 5 months. Maybe trying to push directors out wasn't the best idea?


Top Contributor
So let's ask the obvious question... if Ned resigned, and now Nicole... why are you still there?

Why don't Supply Registrars VentraIP/ Synergy Wholesale staff or Directors go for the vacant Demand Class Director roles?

Have you, Angelo or any of your staff submitted your applications for Demand Class Director positions before, now or will you in the future?

Just show how flawed and hilarious the auDA membership model and process is with Supply branch stacking as many positions as they can.

Nothing has improved at auDA on this issue since June 1999 concerns the Government and ACCC wrote about..(See attached)

I am not having a go at you. I am highlighting the flawed membership model and obvious chances of Supply branch stacking Demand positions and membership numbers that have never been fixed.

This is even documented on auDA minutes they have known it has been occurring.


  • ACCC and Government auDA Concerns.pdf
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Top Contributor
You would now expect the Board to appoint directors according to the guidelines outlined in the Government Review.
The focus is on skills, knowledge, experience and diversity. There is no requirement for the new directors to be members of auDA so don't be surprised if this ends up being the case.


Top Contributor
When did auDA get a Governance committee?
Anyone know if demand class is under represented on the committee like it is on every other committee?
There has always been a Governance Committee.
Once on the Board it is expected that you work in the best interests of the company. You are no longer a demand, supply or independent director. You do not represent a particular clan. Committees are made up of "directors" and in some cases non-directors.


Top Contributor
Why don't Supply Registrars VentraIP/ Synergy Wholesale staff or Directors go for the Demand Class Director roles?

Given that the new Board will not have demand (or supply) class directors there is no point since within 12 months the board will be reconstituted by the yet-to-be-formed Nomination Committee.

Have you or Angelo submitted your applications for Demand Class Director yet?

I have no interest nor intention of being on the board at this time.


Top Contributor
You would now expect the Board to appoint directors according to the guidelines outlined in the Government Review.
The focus is on skills, knowledge, experience and diversity. There is no requirement for the new directors to be members of auDA so don't be surprised if this ends up being the case.

Would not surprise me it they weren't auDA members but I doubt it will be related to the criteria above. I think it will be about politics, who knows who, towing the party line. You can see from the email they are already trying to justify what will be bad rushed decisions because they've woken up and realised they won't even be able to operate in a couple of months when the 3 independents go. 5 minutes to midnight in my view.


Top Contributor
I would also expect that all new Directors will go through fairly exhaustive probity and disclosure assesments, as recommended in the review.


Top Contributor
Given that the new Board will not have demand (or supply) class directors there is no point since within 12 months the board will be reconstituted by the yet-to-be-formed Nomination Committee.

I have no interest nor intention of being on the board at this time.

How about Angelo CEO of Supply Registrar VentraIP/ Synergy Wholesale ..

Has he ever submitted an application for auDA Demand Class Director while the CEO of a Supply Registrar?


Top Contributor
Would not surprise me it they weren't auDA members but I doubt it will be related to the criteria above. I think it will be about politics, who knows who, towing the party line. You can see from the email they are already trying to justify what will be bad rushed decisions because they've woken up and realised they won't even be able to operate in a couple of months when the 3 independents go.
If auDA is unable to operate in 3 months then the government will take over. You will no longer be a member and will have to apply to the new entity. A new entity means new constitution. Probably a stricter membership policy with a Code of Conduct and greater powers to expel members. The new entity would most likely have the powers to expel members through the board or a membership committee. It would no longer go to a 75% vote.
Is this what you want?


Top Contributor
woken up and realised they won't even be able to operate in a couple of months when the 3 independents go.

I admire the fact that you think auDA will still be around in a couple of months. The smart money is on exactly what Ian has described above.


Top Contributor
If auDA is unable to operate in 3 months then the government will take over. You will no longer be a member and will have to apply to the new entity. A new entity means new constitution. Probably a stricter membership policy with a Code of Conduct and greater powers to expel members. The new entity would most likely have the powers to expel members through the board or a membership committee. It would no longer go to a 75% vote.
Is this what you want?

Can you back up those claims?

Sorry but seriously ..the "better the devil you know argument" is laughable...

Let's wait for the next Leak of the last 2 years auDA 'real' expenses and trips.. We can see in the media leak how much things improved on the trip reports and if the expenses, Fringe Benefits Tax where reduced or not and created real benefit for .au domain name paying Consumers..

Maybe the next new auDA Management will go after the current auDA Management...spend $millions on investigations and reports to discredit their predecessors to justify they will do it better.... 'trust us"... Politics 101 .. continually wasting a 'Not for Profits' money and taking huge Salaries and benefits.

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