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.net.au rankings


Hi guys,

Just wondering what experiences people have had with regards to getting sites ranked for .net.au as opposed to .com.au

There still seem to be quite a few decent .net.au domains available, but wondering if it's worth the time to obtain and develop them...


Top Contributor
Welcome Dima!

The .net.au question has come up a couple of times over the past few months, and the consensus seems to be that they are significantly harder to rank. I'm sure some people will disagree with me, but my own personal experience seems to indicate that Google prefers .com.au's.


Top Contributor
I've had a lot of experience now with .net.au domains and can say they are okay for selling affiliate type content, in my case accommodation, does not take long to get your money back and a bit more if its set up right.

The beauty of the com.au is Google does love them more than .net.au, absolutely no question in my mind, I've proved it with my hotel domains.

I have www.tours.net.au and is no where to be seen for term tours on Google, yet its a PR4 and has heaps of content, 6500 pages.

Now it does really well on the longtail keywords and was getting 600 visits a day in Feb 10 this year, so they can work, but have to use them in a different way.



Top Contributor
At the moment:

Good for branding and/or marketing. (If whoever owns it can advertise)

Not good for ranking. (Yet?). Though I've come across some keywords where the [keyword].net.au ranks in the to 10.

eg, franchise, timber. So there's still a chance for tours.net.au and the like. May also depend on the keyword competition within the SERPs.
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Thanks for your input!

Think I will try stick clear of the .net.au if possible. See what com.au domains I can salvage...



Top Contributor
My two bobs worth

in uber competitive areas, re insurance, personal loans etc anything with super high cpc .com.au is the only way to go.

.net.au will NOT get a look in with the current algo for G

However in niche markets .net.au are great.


Top Contributor
Regarding Google Algorithm...
That is simply not true... sorry to say.

The Algorithm doesn't make a difference regarding for .net.au, is just that .com.au usually have OLDER links from older domain names pointing to them.

just my 2 cents


Regular Member
Regarding Google Algorithm...
That is simply not true... sorry to say.

The Algorithm doesn't make a difference regarding for .net.au, is just that .com.au usually have OLDER links from older domain names pointing to them.

just my 2 cents

You may want to do a little more research "SEO consultant".:confused:


Top Contributor

are you telling me that the Google algorithm makes a difference between .net.au and .com.au ?

Do you have any data to support this?

No need to be ironic here mate ;)


Top Contributor
Regarding Google Algorithm...
That is simply not true... sorry to say.

The Algorithm doesn't make a difference regarding for .net.au, is just that .com.au usually have OLDER links from older domain names pointing to them.

just my 2 cents
Exactly Spot on
Google algorithm does not consider the .net.au any differently . it is just usually .com.au is older, more developed or just a better site

This is because the .net.au was usually purchased after the .com.au and/or was developed as a smaller site trying to grab some search engine exposure.

If both names were purchased, developed and promoted equally, either has a much chance as the other to reach the higher position.

Occasionally companies own both and have for various reasons promoted the .net.au over the .com.au variant.
Classic example IGA supermarkets promoted themselves as iga.net.au until recently when they changed the advertised URL to IGA.com.au. Do a google search for "IGA" the NUMBER 1 position is iga.net.au with the .com.au variant nowhere to be seen.

This is no different than the difference between .com and .net

Like most things Google there is a lot more Myth and legend than HARD facts promoted by most domain owners & domainers.And, yes there is a difference.
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Top Contributor
I used to think along the same lines as you guys. Why would Google discriminate against .net.au? It makes no logical sense.

Then I actually tried to rank a couple of them!

Maybe this will change in the future (I suspect it will), but from my own personal experience, at the moment google most definitely does discriminate against .net.au.


Top Contributor
Yeah I've also changed my thinking in the same way as Jonathan....

I've also posted before a scientific reason why net.au's might suffer in the rankings slightly....CTR

A typical user is probably slightly more likely to click on a com.au website in the search results than a net.au

This preference might indirectly hurt the ranking of the net.au as Google certainly look at CTR in their algo


Top Contributor
Then I actually tried to rank a couple of them!

Was the .net.au's as old as the .com.au's
Were they developed to the same level.

Was the SEO done correctly?
100's of factors influence the rankings.
the cctld is only a small part of it.


Regular Member
Agree with the theory that users have more preference/trust in .com.au site.

But does Google actually track CTR on SERP pages? I don't see them doing this except for the additional links for the top 1 site.

Yeah I've also changed my thinking in the same way as Jonathan....

I've also posted before a scientific reason why net.au's might suffer in the rankings slightly....CTR

A typical user is probably slightly more likely to click on a com.au website in the search results than a net.au

This preference might indirectly hurt the ranking of the net.au as Google certainly look at CTR in their algo


Top Contributor
Agree with the theory that users have more preference/trust in .com.au site.

But does Google actually track CTR on SERP pages? I don't see them doing this except for the additional links for the top 1 site.

Pretty sure they do. Of course it's impossible to say exactly what they do take into account as it's closely guarded. However there are reportedly 200+ factors - would make sense that CTR was in there & fairly high up too.


Top Contributor
But does Google actually track CTR on SERP pages? I don't see them doing this except for the additional links for the top 1 site.

Surely they would track it, might not be heavily weighted but it would have to be a factor IMO

From the stats I have .net.au definately rank for long tail which is what you want anyway... higher probability of conversion

Uber competitive terms? I only know of a few examples and generally they have authority (branding etc) or are aged.

Still worth developing in the long run IMO.


DJUQA - I would have to say that Google can't actually see how old a .au domain is, as they are a US registrar they can see all the ages of .com/.net/.org etc, but for .au domains, even a whois doesn't show up for age. So they can't really take this into account. Maybe a length of time indexed in google would be used, rather than domain age.


Top Contributor
Yeah I think it's mostly length of time indexed in Google, but there's also www.archive.org.

As for Google tracking clickthrough rate, they would definitely do it, as would all the SE's. It would have to be one of the best metrics for determining whether the results you were serving to your visitors were any good or not.


Top Contributor
Maybe a length of time indexed in google would be used, rather than domain age.
Of course time site has been indexed would be used. We all actually use our names and don't sit on them. Therefore all names would be indexed shortly after original registration Date.
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