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  1. seller lists a domain on Netfleet (Directors: David and/or Mark Lye) with the intention to get the best price possible for the name
  2. seller makes an error (but doesnt realise this until much later) and lists the name with a “buy now” price instead of “make an offer”
  3. strangely though no-one is able to search for the domain listing in order to place a bid or to grab it at the “buy now” price
  4. It turns out somehow Publishing Australia Pty Ltd (Directors: David and/or Mark Lye) manages buy the name from the seller within an hour or so of the listing at the “buy now” price
  5. seller contacts Netfleet (Directors: David and/or Mark Lye) to advise you that no-one was able to search the listing in order to place a bid and to advise you that “buy now” price was an error as the seller wanted multiple bidders to get the best possible price. Seller also asks Netfleet (Directors: David and/or Mark Lye) to investigate and advise whether the listing was readily available to any person searching your site, which turns out it wasn’t.
  6. Netfleet / Publishing Australia Pty Ltd Netfleet (Directors: David and/or Mark Lye) lawyers involved to force the seller to hand over the domain rather than putting the name back on the market (as requested by the seller) to get the best price for the name.

The only way Publishing Australia could have “acquired” the name before anyone else, is by you having the “inside” information of the actual listing before anyone else.

  1. https://www.dntrade.com.au/threads/netalliance-townsville-com-au-matter.801/#post-3997
  2. https://www.dntrade.com.au/threads/netalliance-townsville-com-au-matter.801/#post-4001
  3. https://www.dntrade.com.au/threads/netalliance-townsville-com-au-matter.801/page-2#post-4044
  4. https://www.dntrade.com.au/threads/netalliance-townsville-com-au-matter.801/page-2#post-4056


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Has Auda, Ausregistry or Melbourne IT made any public comments or press release / media releases on this issue?


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Ausregistry aren't going to care unless they are somehow losing money from it. Actually ditto for AUDA, they probably don't care much either, too busy stacking crates of Bollinger Special Cuvée for their Christmas party at Australia's most expensive function venue.

As for MelbourneIT, it is still with their legal department, their lawyers are crafting a nice little legal letter for us all to read about how nothing untoward has happened. Meanwhile it has been ordered that Mark's mobile phone be replaced with a 1988 brick, because it has no SMS functionality.


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has there been any news in mainstream media? news.com.au, smh.com.au, theaustralian.com.au, financialreview.com.au etc?


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It seems they have sorted things out personally with certain parties behind closed curtains. Not sure why they were so scared to address things publicly and change their shady blind bidding platform, exposed as such with what happened to Greg.
It's a shame a lot of domainers were so scared to speak up and put their name to their unhappiness with Netfleet.
You all missed a great opportunity to make great change.
Don't worry, there will be another chance just a little more down the road, I'm sure.


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Yes I was a little surprised to read as well, that some of the most outspoken people (against netfleet), now seem to suddenly want to put it behind them, and start using netfleet again....

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