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Friday Funnies


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my kids have thier room and a play room which is always messy, but today they cleaned it up, it looks great and tidy, ruby says " so thats worth $5 " LOL , so we agree only to find the bedrooms are messy , so ruby says " OK, so give us $2 and we will clean the bedrooms and then it goes to $5 " LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL
i don't know where she gets it from !!!!!

Data Glasses

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Rather than be angry I am going to call this a friday funny, the young dumb uni student at our house said when I showed him the small Aussie flag I stuck onto our letter box that these days it is considered racist to show the flag ...... Wtf ?
I then asked what a war veteran would think of his comments ....... I think the penny dropped just a little when I explained these folk gave their life for that flag and our way of life, I suggested not to believe everything you read on the internet

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Came across the term holovision and thought i would see if it was taken, searched on godaddy and although holovision.com was taken as expected, however .......holovisionstateofvictoria.com came up as available but of course we know the security at godaddy is no good so I don't think i'll reg it there (or anywhere else)


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watched that movie about north korea yesterday, the one with all the FUSS
its a comedy so i don't get the problem even though they use the guys name and the actor looks exactly like him !!!!
overall pretty boring but some REALLLLYYYY bad jokes inside it that are quite funny.
i wouldn't to go see it but if you like ODD humour you'll get a laugh or 2



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"Hello, may I speaking with the owner?" "why?" "This is the Telco technical department, we are cutting off tomorrow your Internets" "Bwa ha ha, yeah sure..." "What is funny? beep, beep, beep..."

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Let me guess we can't hang it on Blabbot either ?? what are the rules on local fools ?? truly this is a joke
might ask you to clarify which of the rules is being offended?


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today seems to be a day for funnies.
just got off the phone from a client who wants an update, lets use dubbo dentist once again.
he wants me add have 2 pages, 1 that is called " teeth" and another called "teeth" and different information in each page, i asked "why" and his reply is " well , the first page is for dumb people and the second page is for smarter people "
SERIOUS, and now he wants me to work out how to filter smarter people to click the correct link to the page with the correct information based on in his words " their IQ"
LOL, is their a plugin for that !

TRUE story



Top Contributor
repost, had trouble with the link, sorry


Top Contributor
so, its been a constant laugh here today.
the client that wants a section for smart people !
we have come up with some ideas, what we do is have 2 buttons on a page and a few ideas of the button labels.
" do your hands drag along the ground" , or " i stand upright "
" is your fridge on your front patio" , or " i have a walk in fridge "
" i am a red head " , or " i am not a red head" ( now thatssssssssss funny, sorry redheads )[ i'm irish so i can make those jokes ]
" i live in a caravan" , or " i own a highrise "
" i drink beer" , or " i drink bier "
and the list goesssss onnnnnnnnnnnn


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