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Domain Sales List 2014


Top Contributor
Just updated the sales list with one from the drops yesterday:

DialDirect.com.au $1,018 - Netfleet


Top Contributor
A few sales added to the list from today:

Poker.net.au $5,050 - Netfleet
DemoCars.com.au $2,700 - Netfleet


Top Contributor
Just updated the list with couple of recent .au sales at Sedo reported on DNJournal:

PennyLane.com.au - $2,218 ($2,000 USD)
Xcams.com.au - $1,109 ($1,000 USD)


Top Contributor
This sale backs that up.

5% of the .com.au sale from a few years ago.

I don't know, I used to track .com versus .net sales and it used to vary from anything from about 1% to 15%. But most of the time the .net just languishes whilst .com's trade much better so when there is a sale of each it is probably already an outlier for the .net to even get a buyer.

I see .net.au/.com.au as a similar situation but relatively I think .net.au is far weaker compared to .com.au than .net is to .com. It isn't really accepted at all aside from some not for profits and fish and chip shops.

My gut feel was about 2-3% for very strong terms only for .net/.com. If is it not strong then far lower, eventually approaching zero.


Regular Member
poker.net.au bought by one of the biggest gambling affiliates from overseas using the trademark loophole.

I didn't watch it - what did it reach on Drop?

Interesting bid from Snapnames?


Top Contributor
poker.net.au bought by one of the biggest gambling affiliates from overseas using the trademark loophole.

I didn't watch it - what did it reach on Drop?

Interesting bid from Snapnames?

Offtap, can you start a new thread and then expand on this as i'm sure members will be interested and i suspect we don't want to change this thread.



Top Contributor
Updated the list with few .au sales reported on DNJournal recently sold at Sedo:

MySale.com.au - $8,676 ($8,000 USD)
OfficeCoffeeMachines.com.au - $1,355 ($1,250 USD)

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