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AUDA membership made easy


Top Contributor
I get the sense that the whole election discussion is not solely about the best interests of domainers, but rather an opportunity to punish existing Directors for accepting the recommendations of the Names Policy Panel. If that is the motivation I can understand it, but it is best to call a spade a spade.
I'd have to disagree Erhan.

I don't think it's about punishing people at all. It's simply a case that many DNtrade members have a vote, and they want to use that vote for someone who has similar views to themselves.

I don't know Simon and I have no ill will towards him, but when he posts things like this:

So long as I'm on the auDA Board, DNTrade has a seat at the table. I'm here to represent your views.

(bolding by Simon) but doesn't back it up with anything of any substance, it's difficult to read it as anything but lip service. I'm not saying it is lip service, but we need to be shown otherwise.

People are hiding behind the confidentiality issue, but I think that's a cop out. Sure you cannot discuss board issues, but I can't see anything in the Deed of Confidentiality which stops a director from expressing their own opinions.

George Pongas hasn't been shy in promoting his opinion, and rightly so. If you believe in something like he does, then you should let people know.

So what is stopping you or Simon from expressing your views on whether or not you are positive or negative on direct registrations? Hiding behind confidentiality and "lets worry about implementation" is a cop out in my opinion.

If the two directors up for election this year want votes from DNtrade members, they are simply going to have to do a better job. If they don't think they need our votes, then I guess they can rest easy and keep doing what they're doing...


Top Contributor
People are hiding behind the confidentiality issue, but I think that's a cop out. Sure you cannot discuss board issues, but I can't see anything in the Deed of Confidentiality which stops a director from expressing their own opinions.

George Pongas hasn't been shy in promoting his opinion, and rightly so. If you believe in something like he does, then you should let people know.

So what is stopping you or Simon from expressing your views on whether or not you are positive or negative on direct registrations? Hiding behind confidentiality and "lets worry about implementation" is a cop out in my opinion.

If the two directors up for election this year want votes from DNtrade members, they are simply going to have to do a better job. If they don't think they need our votes, then I guess they can rest easy and keep doing what they're doing...

Nicely said Shane. Totally agree.


Top Contributor
Just spoke with Lisa at auda and its not $22 + $22 nomination fee = $44 , its just $22.
sorry, i got confused but even looking at the form i still find it confusing



Top Contributor
to be safe, just 2 weeks to go, so do it today, $22 !!!!!!!!!!
just let one of your DUD domains drop each year, we all have DUDS

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Tim I am intending to join and vote ....... but my gut feeling is that someone wants to sit at a dinner party and say .... ".au I implemented that"


Top Contributor
if i read that the way i think you meant it, then you think this is a lost cause?
well its not, but not being part of it will certainly help it being a lost cause.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Tim i have paid for membership and will vote, yes I have a negative opinion on it all but do respect you guys and will vote accordingly. The problem with the modern world is that people are hell bent on fixing things that are not broken. As stated I will have my say via a vote and chat with you about this when next we meet.


Top Contributor
D DAY's now !
this week only, Mon/Tue/Wed to make sure.
if you haven't joined yet and you own more then 2 domains, grab $22 and see how long it lasts and what you spend it on?

THANK YOU everyone who has joined up, whether you vote for me or not at least you are having your say.

an overview of everyday businesses concerned about this and amazed they haven't been notified. artist, photographer, printer, optom, musician, doctor, hardware store, pub, tour operator, cake decorator, WHS inspector, florist, to name a few.
just shows you that this lack of communication is a travesty of justice bridging every part of SME australia.



Top Contributor
Here it is again, made easy:
just to make it clear for anyone re membership .
"Please Note: Cut-off for receipt of application and payment for submission to next scheduled Board meeting is 7 calendar days prior. Applications and payments received after the cut-off date will be submitted to the following scheduled Board meeting."
NOTE: when they say "payment" they mean IN THEIR ACCOUNT and not deposited. so don't wait for the last day.
" AUDA NOTE: Membership applications will not be processed until payment is received."

so you have TODAY to be sure..................

HERE'S the online form
payment happens on the 2nd page by cheque, direct debit and they do paypal as well.

"Please include your Member Name in the transaction reference so we can correctly identify your payment."

So there's the easy way.


Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
The difference between the top contenders will be very close. Don't be left thinking if only I had joined.

The time for action is now.


Top Contributor
if you woke this morning and said" fwwwwwww, finally auda membership finished , no more peer pressure ! " well SUCKER LOL, there's still time !!!!!!!!! yep.
you can join and get to vote, just join and select direct deposit, then duck down to your local friendly NAB branch and drop your money in,
Bank Details:
National Australia Bank
BSB:: 083 170
Account No.: 69338 6902 (9 Digits)

then treat yourself to a coffee and watch the world go past :) , ohhh, and pat yourself on the back whilst you are at it, yesss OK, have that blueberry muffin as well.


Top Contributor
I agree.

All domain owners should get automatic membership - like the Canadian model.

And the different classes of membership abolished.
100% correct. Only domain name registrants should be allowed to be members and membership should be FREE.
No conflicts of interest should be allowed from Supply Class board members either!

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