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2017 domain industry catchup - melbourne


Top Contributor
admin, can we "sticky" this in "new posts" ?
i think these meetups are worthy and its hard to keep pushing them up when trival posts about the future of the internet keep getting in the way :rolleyes:

and whilst i am at it , i CALL for other cities to have them at the same time, so we could perhaps have a telephone hookup, i see the first time being a DISASTER but lets give it a go, and also if you are ONE peron in dubbo ( maybe a dentist i'm not sure LOL ) " then lets give it a go ! i have an unlimited phone plan, i could call you and then pass the phone around the table !

lets make our next meetup goal to have a member from somehwere join in via phone. all those in favour? all those somewhere else......POST you are coming via phone.

lets give something stupid a go.
Some things are possible some things are harder. A zoom call is always possible if you want to have a webinar style catchup. Meetups in each state are a great suggestion. As you are meeting members not just site admin/members. Although definitely a perk for the Melbourne crew. If you have feedback on the site, or a wish list but aren't comfortable about calling it out online, you can tell us at the meetup in May.


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i was thinking something simple, just members ask for a list of our phone numbers and we pm them to them so perhaps they can get through to one and have a chat, nothing technical.
i'm not sure of power points at the pub, i have a pretty good laptop battery ,we could have a chat room ( skype typing ) style going on?
its just an idea, please come on and say you'd like it or pm us to organise.

banned subjects are how collingwood and st kilda are going :oops:


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Possibly an Idea, because some people kind of like their anonymity. Is creating a poll, with what state you live in. So that you can figure out the demand to setup a meet-up in each state.


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How about a monthly auDA open forum streamed online with Domain Name Industry Supply, Government and Demand Q and A?

We also need a yearly Australian domain name conference and public auction with focus just on Australian names. Many Digital markers, Start ups, Investors, Domainers, Registrars, Media, Web designers, Resellers, Venture Capital, Incubators could attend. It can be government funded also with many available government grants.
The Premium .com.au auction would be a drawcard for Australian and International investors.
Speakers can talk on the importance of .com.au to Australian business etc.
This is what auDA needs to support.


Top Contributor
domainnames: so you will be joining our meetup via phone?

No I think this is more beneficial for everyone to progress and work on..;
"How about a monthly auDA open forum streamed online with Domain Name Industry Supply, Government and Demand Q and A?

We also need a yearly Australian domain name conference and public auction with focus just on Australian names. Many Digital markers, Start ups, Investors, Domainers, Registrars, Media, Web designers, Resellers, Venture Capital, Incubators could attend. It can be government funded also with many available government grants.
The Premium .com.au auction would be a drawcard for Australian and International investors.
Speakers can talk on the importance of .com.au to Australian business etc.
This is what auDA needs to support."


Top Contributor
No I think this is more beneficial for everyone to progress and work on..;
"How about a monthly auDA open forum streamed online with Domain Name Industry Supply, Government and Demand Q and A?
A new thread would be the way to go to get some traction on that idea. As for me, I enjoy a good yarn with Tim and DNEbook at the pub. Its good to chat not using our fingers occasionally.

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