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Top Contributor
The issue is that in there is no real experience in the domain industry.

They don't understand that demand class members are actually part of the industry. We have invested ourselves in developing the .au namespace into an industry because we believe in it.
I have invested a lot of time and effort in the .au namespace but am only a demand class member who is ignored. It seriously is time for supply and demand class members to step up to the plate. The current situation is a disgrace and changes should be made.

Agree, the video is a good example of it. The CEO is a yes man, he agrees with people to try and get them onside but disregards what was said the next day.


Top Contributor
An interesting article today, I found it quite relevant with Boardman's swipe against Ned in the video, claiming his staff are actually leaving amicably (yeah right),

The former fashion director of British Vogue gave an interview in which she refused to pretend the break-up had been mutual: "I didn't leave. I was fired."

"I don't want to be the person who puts on a brave face and tells everyone, 'Oh, I decided to leave the company,' when everyone knows you were really fired," she said. "There's too much smoke and mirrors in the industry as it is."

http://www.afr.com/leadership/when-...is-admirable-and-when-it-isnt-20170709-gx7wa7 (search google news for the heading if it locks you out)
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Top Contributor
An interesting article today, I found it quite relevant with Boardman's swipe against Ned in the video, claiming his staff are actually leaving amicably (yeah right),
I just love it when the CEO digs himself a bigger hole. There's a lot of very unhappy ex-staff out there. The human cost cost of the past 12 months at auDA has been shocking. My article from June highlights this.


Top Contributor
I just love it when the CEO digs himself a bigger hole. There's a lot of very unhappy ex-staff out there. The human cost cost of the past 12 months at auDA has been shocking. My article from June highlights this.

Whats also is the financial and loss of actual domain name industry experienced people cost?
What is the cost to silence all of the people.. what where they each incentivized to sign?
At least some ex staff and ex directors have the guts to now be coming forward...This gives them added credibility in the eyes of many.
I note numerous people now signing up as members so at least they can give a vote to validate the many concerns raised.


Top Contributor
I note numerous people now signing up as members so at least they can give a vote to validate the many concerns raised.
Unfortunately there is an imbalance between class of membership. You may get 80% of auDA members vote to remove the chair of auDA but because of the way auDA is structured it basically means that 20% actually run the company. For an organisation that is supposedly for the benefit of the Australian community it begs the question of who does it actually benefit.


Top Contributor
Unfortunately there is an imbalance between class of membership. You may get 80% of auDA members vote to remove the chair of auDA but because of the way auDA is structured it basically means that 20% actually run the company. For an organisation that is supposedly for the benefit of the Australian community it begs the question of who does it actually benefit.

Perhaps this is why auDA refuses to use the CIRA free membership model.

auDA and the Board thinks they can stack the numbers by working with some in Supply and to date some in Supply have been making massive profits also from this relationship.. Hand in glove. Near Zero oversight. No wholesale domain name price decrease as promised back in 2008 by Ausregistry as part of the renewed auDA contract obligation!
The major points of the renegotiated Licence Agreement include:

  • extended Customer Support Hours for Registrars
  • funding towards Marketing and Market Research
  • a $0.25 donation to the auDA Foundation for every .com.au and .net.au domain renewal and new registration
  • the implementation of DNSSEC
  • commitment to yearly independent Security Audits
  • continued improvement and enhancement of the Registry Software
  • new pricing that sees a drop in AusRegistry’s wholesale price to $14 (for a 2 year licence) for .com.au and .net.au domains and further drops as volumes increase.


Canada is the model to follow;

  • Free membership for every domain name owner
  • 1 membership only
  • Equal rights for voting
  • No Supply and No Supply
  • Right to vote for the CIRA Board via the online CIRA voting forums


Regular Member
An interesting article today, I found it quite relevant with Boardman's swipe against Ned in the video, claiming his staff are actually leaving amicably (yeah right)

The only thing amicable about it seems to be the spinning door rotating the one direction so ex staff can go out, new staff can come in.


Top Contributor
The mismanagement of auDA & massive auDA Funds wasted on avoidable expenses is something every paying domain name Consumer, Registrar and Resellers needs to know about and follow.

I have no confidence in the way auDA funds have been spent and managed or the accountability, transparency or ROI.

It appears some people at auDA still want to change auDA name to auHQ. Why?

Wake up auDA Management, Board and PR companies. Stop making bad decisions and using auDA funds to do it.

Read and learn. https://www.fastprint.co.uk/blog/15-of-the-worst-corporate-rebrands-ever.html


Hi all,

Happy to clear up some confusion on a couple matters.

auDA have applied for a new trademark AUHQ. Interesting to see the classes they have registered it under. Are they thinking of creating a new entity in place of auDA??
The following information is taken from IPAustralia

Number 1856156
Words AUHQ
Status Filed - Approved
Priority date 30 Jun 2017 (Convention)

You will note this is from July 2017 (that is, 15 months ago). Well before my time on the board. I can confirm, categorically, that this brand has not been discussed at the boardroom table since I joined in Nov 2017.

There is no plan in place to change from auDA to anything else, auHQ or otherwise.

Based on that public record, you could probably assume that a previous board may have explored rebranding. Having rebranded our business recently, we registered a number of domains/names/marks as a speculative thing prior to making any decisions. It makes sense to protect something early in the process to ensure that you don't get half way through and have a problem (as a customer of mine did at the 11th hour last month!)

Another question was asked about how long auDA has been a "registrar." I don't know the specific answer, but I can say "for a very long time." There are technical reasons for it. As a registrant, you cannot choose auDA as your registrar.

Hopefully that clears up some confusion.


Top Contributor
Hi all,

Happy to clear up some confusion on a couple matters.

You will note this is from July 2017 (that is, 15 months ago). Well before my time on the board. I can confirm, categorically, that this brand has not been discussed at the boardroom table since I joined in Nov 2017.

There is no plan in place to change from auDA to anything else, auHQ or otherwise.

Based on that public record, you could probably assume that a previous board may have explored rebranding. Having rebranded our business recently, we registered a number of domains/names/marks as a speculative thing prior to making any decisions. It makes sense to protect something early in the process to ensure that you don't get half way through and have a problem (as a customer of mine did at the 11th hour last month!)

Another question was asked about how long auDA has been a "registrar." I don't know the specific answer, but I can say "for a very long time." There are technical reasons for it. As a registrant, you cannot choose auDA as your registrar.

Hopefully that clears up some confusion.

Hi James,

Thanks for posting and engaging. I refer you and the Board to some facts. It is a pity Ned O'Meara is not posting while on a break but thankfully some of his content is still online. That voice is missed and was a great platform for auDA accountability.


1. The 2017 SGM was held and auDA changed tact to it seems just delay certain people at auDA's plans.

It was clear that auDA Management and Board was not being accountable, transparent or even bothering to put resolutions to members in a truly real Consultative way. ( Not an orchestrated and stacked / rigged way as we recently witnessed).

This raises ongoing concerns and suspicions some at auDA cannot be trusted as long as some of the same board and management mindset, tactics and power are there.

2. auDA made a public announcement and commitment to Government, Stakeholders and members they have again not kept. When did auDA put a resolution to members exactly? They never did even though they said they would. Not Good enough.

Of course with the stacking of auDA membership auDA could have orchestrated voting for resolutions how they wanted anyway... as we all recently witnessed and some have meticulously documented.

"A Board resolution to change auDA’s brand to auHQ will be put to members for their input." https://www.auda.org.au/mailouts/au...+Communique+Following+Special+General+Meeting

"auHQ auDA"

"Rebranding: The Board put on hold any branding changes at auDA until member and stakeholder feedback is sought and considered. A Board resolution to change auDA’s brand to auHQ will be put to members for their input."


"Business name

auDA 14 Sep 2018

auHQ 29 Jun 2017


ABN status: Active from 01 Nov 1999

Entity type: Australian Public Company

Goods & Services Tax (GST): Registered from 01 Jul 2000

Main business location: VIC 3000"
au Domain Administration Limited ABN 38 079 009 340 Board ... - auDA
"Jun 19, 2017 - Present: Stuart Benjamin (Chair), Cameron Boardman (CEO), Erhan Karabardak, ...
The Board resolved to rename the organisation to auHQ."

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