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Melbourne Domainers network

Will the Melbourne Domainers network live again?

  • No way fo gf

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Once

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Awesome. I miss them.

    Votes: 3 60.0%

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  • Poll closed .


Top Contributor
Considering the beautiful weather we are having in Melbourne at the moment, is anyone up for a Domainers arvo tea break this Friday 27 June 3 pm at Time Out cafe. Fed square, on the left hand side?
Any takers? Deals will be done dirt cheap on all domains distributed down under.
What do ya reckon?


Top Contributor
What about a gig at the bar at the Westin on a Wednesday night sponsored by Mr Wester.
Friday arvo teabreak is still on at Fed Square, anyways
Thx E.
Need you to explain 1 more time how OS ppl can buy .au

happy to do that Joe, I am thinking end of July or early August for an evening catch up, and I can talk about that and anything else of interest to the community.

What are thoughts for timing ? We just need to avoid school holidays, as historically events held on school holidays aren't well attended.


Top Contributor
happy to do that Joe, I am thinking end of July or early August for an evening catch up, and I can talk about that and anything else of interest to the community.

What are thoughts for timing ? We just need to avoid school holidays, as historically events held on school holidays aren't well attended.

early august works for me, some of us have SEO meetup the first wednesday of the month, just to let you know.


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