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I mentioned in my re-introduction that “I put my trust in one particular individual here in Australia, and that turned out to be a very costly exercise”.

I’ve thought long and hard about whether I should air my dirty laundry, but after hearing some similar stories from other domainers, I decided I would. If my tale of woe saves just one fellow member from making the mistakes I did (and being screwed over), then it will be worth it.

But first up, I know it takes two to tango. So ultimately, whilst I believe I can rightly blame this individual for contributing to my demise, it was my bad judgement and decision making that sealed the deal. So I’m not whinging – I’m just warning others to note my story and be careful.

Earlier this year, I started a joint venture in the United States in the daily deals space with Tim Gosper of Every Ounce Counts Pty Ltd and Voucher.com.au / Vouchers.com.au. He is a member here (Timmy). I got on great with him and thought he was a smart guy, and that we would be on a winner.

Then the nightmare started. He was supposed to tip in money for the business in agreed upon tranches, but it never happened. I had 3 months of ongoing expenses summing up almost $40k in the venture whilst at the same time I also had something else ongoing as well- excuses. The distribution with 2 very large successful companies to publish deals was never honoured as well, which could have possibly stemmed the cash burn I was facing independently.

Naively, I believed him because I thought he was my mate. Did we have a formal written agreement? No we didn’t – it was informal and based on trust and mateship. More fool me.

Then I became aware that he was under attack in Australia with his voucher.com.au brand. He sold things to many people which apparently he didn’t deliver – and message boards, forums and Facebook were full of complaints.

So cutting a long story as short as possible, I severed ties with him on April 25th after he stopped communicating altogether for 3 weeks after he assured me on April 2nd that at least $10k-$15k was coming and he would fly over to work together. I tried to save the business, but it was too late. And so I’m back here in Australia and starting again thanks to the generosity of a few friends and some valued clients – but I have learned some big lessons.

One other matter that involves collateral damage was the tainting of a new relationship that I had just structured with the largest domain name portfolio company in Australia, OMG, owned by Fairfax, because I was instructed by Tim Gosper to acquire a domain name from them and I negotiated the deal. Four and a half months later, I had to write with hat in hand and ultimately claim responsibility of the acquisition of the domain name since I was the brokering agent. After explaining what had transpired throughout his non-payment to them for the domain name, their board was gracious enough to let me out of honouring the offer to purchase and cancelled the invoice.

I’ve tried to reason with Gosper this last week and at least get him to repay me for a few expenses that he previously promised me (or give me a few domain names in lieu if he didn't have cash available), but he refused and gave me some more classic excuses.

With this said, I can state assuredly that I will not be doing any future business with Tim Gosper, his companies or his acquaintances. Imho, he has exhibited gross negligence of character, lack of integrity, and no remorse whatsoever for the money he never tipped in, or the fallout that it ultimately caused me and my family.

I hope he has the balls to come on here and try and defend or explain himself.

Thank you for letting me vent my spleen.



Top Contributor
Thank You!!

Takes guts to let us all know and I'm looking forward to the reply.

I hope you get some recourse if your side of the story is correct?

Innocent until proven guilty.

Always takes two but well done as its easy to sit behind a keyboard and burn people.

The amount of money isn't sheep stations but worth letting us know.



Regular Member
Hi mate. Thanks for your reply. There is no recourse and I, in my opinion, did what I could do in order to allow him to have some sort of shared responsibility for this occurrence and negotiate a settlement with me which he chose not to do. So this wasn't my desire to do, but more so my obligation and duty, to fellow domainers, such as yourself, to state briefly what happened and possibly save someone else their money as well as grief.

Thanks again.


Top Contributor
Wow :eek:.

I'm only really new here so dont know the ins and outs yet of what goes on with who, but would like to thank you for sharing your experiences so others can be more aware of some of the pitfalls of the industry and maybe learn from the experience as well.



Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Hey James a few of us were aware of the situation but stayed silent out of respect for you, i am pleased you have publically warned others that were not up to date with the situation, as you have stated there have been other's airing complaints as well. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck ... well what can you say ...Quack Quack

I am pleased you have not lost your faith in the domain/website industry, i have always thought it is ok to make mistakes, just gotta learn from them if they are not avoided in the first instance, wishing you all the best !


Top Contributor
I consider James a friend, and I am aware of some of the tough times he has gone through - particularly on the home front. No one would wish that on anyone; particularly
where there are young children involved; and I have a great deal of compassion for him.

Having said that, he has always been a "crazy yank" to me. He's done some weird things in the past that a lot of us have shaken our heads over.

But I respect his humility here, and I certainly wish him well in his endeavours to start again.

As far as the allegations against Tim Gosper are concerned, a lot of us have heard stories. The domaining space in Australia is a small one.

But I agree with Billy01 - innocent until proven guilty. I hope he gets on here and gives his side of the story. He has been logged in all morning I see.


Regular Member
Hi Rod. Thank you for that mate. And hi Ned, thank you as well. Yes, I've done some weird things and I'm sure at some point in future, even you will shake your head at me again. :) Even you had I have had our disputes and debates, but have been able to work through them over a common respect for one another and an acknowledgement of a flaw... usually mine. ;) Thanks again guys.


Top Contributor
james and I have completed domain sales together, no contract just a handshake and no problems, as i always say " your word is your word " .

honour it



Top Contributor
Ive never had the pleasure of doing business with you James....thank you for posting and making the issue public. I feel it was hard for you to do, but you have certainly done the right thing and possibly will save other people some money.

The amount of money isn't sheep stations but worth letting us know.
That depends upon perspective.....that amount of money is the difference between me keeping a roof over the kids heads and ensuring that they get a decent feed, rather than in a tent in some persons back garden.


Top Contributor
I have purchased domains from James (demandclass) in the past, and I have never had an issue at all. He has always been professional when doing business.
Saddened to read your story James. I hope life gets better for you.

I actually made a post about Voucher.com.au earlier this week. Didn't realise Tim Gosper was a member here. My woes are much smaller than yours. Just a purchase that I never got. I'm one of many who never got their money back either. Fair Trading was a waste of time. http://www.loveonedaysales.com.au/daily-deal-website-reviews/voucher-com-au-review/

So Tim Gosper, if you're reading this, can we have our money back please?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Saddened to read your story James. I hope life gets better for you.

I actually made a post about Voucher.com.au earlier this week. Didn't realise Tim Gosper was a member here. My woes are much smaller than yours. Just a purchase that I never got. I'm one of many who never got their money back either. Fair Trading was a waste of time. http://www.loveonedaysales.com.au/daily-deal-website-reviews/voucher-com-au-review/

So Tim Gosper, if you're reading this, can we have our money back please?

The thing is the 'brand/domain' has been listed here for sale with the knowledge it is tainted in the eyes of many ........ not sure if that is a good thing


Top Contributor
So Tim Gosper, if you're reading this

Of course he is. He's logged in here every single time I visit.

While you're there Timmy can you pelase advise how we can unsubscribe from the mailing list before you sell off our details as per your sales thread.

Optional inclusion of 80,000+ Australian email subs. [Name, Sex, City]

Contact me for more information tim@vouchers.com.au or "timgosper" on Skype.

You know my email, please remove it from that said list.


Top Contributor
More fool them

If anyone had anything to do with purchasing those names or that list :eek:

Some of my relatives are on there. They won't be for long Mr Gosper


Top Contributor
What I want to know is

Where the hell are the department of Fair Trading on this disaster?

These people have been ripped blind and someone should be ....... accountable.

This sort of thing makes me sick.
I hate theives.

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