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Click Frenzy


Top Contributor
Zhejie, anyway I can give you some answers to these questions,

Q: Why…. is the ClickFrenzy.com.au website built on the eCommerce platform Magento?

A: Because there is nothing wrong with Magento.

Q: Why…. when it came to back-end and hosting infrastructure did ClickFrenzy fail on so many levels?

A: Due to higher traffic levels than expected.

Q: Why…was Click Frenzy organised and run by a commercial entity?

A: To make money.

Q: Why…. did Click Frenzy ask for user details and email addresses?

A: To promote future events.

Q: Why… did Click Frenzy not follow the well established Cyber Monday sales event?

A: Because they are doing their own thing.

Q: Why… the fudged numbers and PR spin?

A: Because that is what all companies do. They don't go around telling people they suck.

Q: Why… for an inaugural and milestone event in Australian online retail history, were discounts and bargains so fail?

A: If people buy the sale is good, if they don't the sale is bad. Luckily success or failure is based on cash in the bank ie profit, it doesn't depend on what MooMoo on Facebook thinks.

Q: Why… did Australian retailers not prepare for the traffic?

A: Because the traffic was far higher than expected.

Q: And once again…..seriously……why Magento?

A: Because there is nothing wrong with Magento.


Top Contributor
We’ve just made history...
Yes, the people of Australia have spoken... ONLINE SHOPPING ROCKS!

We hope you snapped up some fantastic bargains. One thing is certain, Click Frenzy’s first year won’t be forgotten.

We (the Click Frenzy team) would like to take a deep breath, catch up on sleep and review all that happened in 2012.

We'd like to thank all of our participating retailers and customers, and despite our stuttered start, hope you enjoyed this first year event.


Online shopping has arrived. Two weeks after the Race That Stops The Nation, Click Frenzy becomes The Sale That Stops The Nation. The countdown has already begun for 2013… register now to ensure you don’t miss out on the ultimate bargains online when the next Click Frenzy comes around.



Top Contributor
Its Still a DISASTER. And a Pig is still A Pig

Why is Snoopy the only one to answer these questions and not be challenged

Would the real Snoopy please stand up please stand up.....

As far as the polls show from some figures I've seen the public thinks shopping online in OZ stinks.

They now have trust issues with this mob and I'm sure their intentions were good and yes they received millions in free PR.

Please understand the difference between PR and advertising, they are two very different beasts.

These guys needed crisis management PR to come in if they had it available?
I doubt they did.

What I do know is that the large corporates do have crisis PR management on tap and shyte were they out yesterday earning their money.

They were saying it was the best thing ever and that sales were so High and the whole gig was just wonderful, thanks Woolies, Myer, etc and some companies with muti brands that were saying their sales were up because of the event yet they forgot those brands didn't sign up to advertise. They stated to miss quote their own brands (well the PR firms anyway)

They wouldn't have even had time to crunch the numbers at a corporate level.

It was such a success as no one at that level of corporate understanding advised most likely by their PR management (crisis team) wanted to get sacked by saying "we got stuffed like little hoggies"
and on top of that "we're in a lot trouble as our sites are shyte and our sales are crap online and offline, where too next, Mars?"

Good Morning Mr O'Brien and Mr Brookes

My name is Jeff, Jefff Bezos.

I bet your shaken and stirred. I'll be seeing you around

MoneyPenny Where is my plane ticket..................

PS if it looks like a pig, smells like a pig, guess what its a fecking PIG


Top Contributor
As far as the polls show from some figures I've seen the public thinks shopping online in OZ stinks.

Online shopping is growing rapidly here so if someone has done a poll and some people think it stinks that is meaningless.

These guys needed crisis management PR to come in if they had it available?
I doubt they did.

Crisis management for what exactly, where is the crisis?

They were saying it was the best thing ever and that sales were so High and the whole gig was just wonderful, thanks Woolies, Myer, etc and some companies with muti brands that were saying their sales were up because of the event yet they forgot those brands didn't sign up to advertise. They stated to miss quote their own brands (well the PR firms anyway)

Not sure what you are talking about, the companies you mention were advertising.

They wouldn't have even had time to crunch the numbers at a corporate level.

It is that hard to see the sales total & traffic levels on a website?

It was such a success as no one at that level of corporate understanding advised most likely by their PR management (crisis team) wanted to get sacked by saying "we got stuffed like little hoggies"
and on top of that "we're in a lot trouble as our sites are shyte and our sales are crap online and offline, where too next, Mars?"

Good Morning Mr O'Brien and Mr Brookes

My name is Jeff, Jefff Bezos.

I bet your shaken and stirred. I'll be seeing you around

MoneyPenny Where is my plane ticket..................

PS if it looks like a pig, smells like a pig, guess what its a fecking PIG

You're hogging the barky.


Top Contributor
I'd say its hoggie

1/ Online Shopping is growing rapidly
Really, Informative isn't it?

2/ Crisis Management
Look it up

3/ Woolworths were quoting brands that hadn't siged into Click Frenzy as having had sales from Click Frenzy directly. Which part don't you understand?

4/ If you're site is down how do you know what numbers you LOST?

5/ If it smells like hoggie, looks like hoggie, is starting to taste like hoggie.

I'd say its hoggie


Top Contributor
3/ Woolworths were quoting brands that hadn't siged into Click Frenzy as having had sales from Click Frenzy directly. Which part don't you understand?

The companies you mentioned were advertising, so you might as well state exactly what the misquote was because I don't think anyone is going to follow what you are talking about.

4/ If you're site is down how do you know what numbers you LOST?

Nice change of subject, (you'd do well in politics), but here is what you actually said,

"They wouldn't have even had time to crunch the numbers at a corporate level."

Of course they would have had time, they could run a report easily.


Regular Member
The best PR I have seen from this Click Frenzy is by Kogan - http://jamesnorquay.com/kogan-winning-click-frenzy-smart-pr-seo/
The article neglects to mention that Kogan has registered and is using click-frenzy.com.au.

Would you like someone doing to your trademark what Kogan is doing to the Click Frenzy trademark? Especially galling with Click Frenzy only being a one-trick minnow and the infringer being a shop online behemoth.

And do you really think Click Frenzy is threatening to sue because of Kogan "using the partial match term “Frenzy” in advertising", or because Kogan is using the trademarked term "Click Frenzy" in a number of different forms?

Kogan, a company built on guerrilla marketing, wants us to believe the former, and wants people writing, reading, and talking about how unreasonable Click Frenzy are being in threatening the "Kogan Click Frenzy Sale".


Top Contributor
The article neglects to mention that Kogan has registered and is using click-frenzy.com.au.

Would you like someone doing to your trademark what Kogan is doing to the Click Frenzy trademark? Especially galling with Click Frenzy only being a one-trick minnow and the infringer being a shop online behemoth.

And do you really think Click Frenzy is threatening to sue because of Kogan "using the partial match term “Frenzy” in advertising", or because Kogan is using the trademarked term "Click Frenzy" in a number of different forms?

Kogan, a company built on guerrilla marketing, wants us to believe the former, and wants people writing, reading, and talking about how unreasonable Click Frenzy are being in threatening the "Kogan Click Frenzy Sale".

The thing is Click Frenzy tries to claim owner ship on this day and tries to charge retailers several thousand dollars just to be listed on the website. I know because I worked with numerous retail clients and click frenzy was asking something like 5-10k for a listing.

If you look any where in the world no one company owns Cyber Monday or any "online shopping day".

Go to Google and see how many brands are bidding on Click Frenzy and using it in the ad copy. About 30 are doing it.

My article is around the PR/ digital marketing Kogan uses, I know the brand very well, I have friends who are good friends of his.

I think Kogan has done well by saying no to Click Frenzy and running his own campaign.

I was not even aware that Kogan owns the domain click-frenzy.com.au (my analysis did not even include that one)


Top Contributor
james, with all due respect, could david-jones.com.au get away with it ?

ps: james did you do an edit whilst I was posting? as my reply was based on what I saw at 4.41pm :)
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