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Melb meet 24/5 Australian Domainers drinks

Data Glasses

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Forgot to say many thanks Erhan, and yes i am aware it is spelt Emma but she will always be an LLL to me .......spaceroddy@LOL


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Thanks to Joe & Erhan for organising it, was a great night!

Unfortunately only one person came in fancy dress (Spacey).

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Snoopy my .tv mission has been completed

A few people asked about my ebooks so i have decided to make them free for a few days ........including the epic The Harlem Cafe

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If you enjoy the read perhaps you will share the link on facebook?
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I'm REALLY sorry i couldn't stay but i'm just waiting on a phone call and i should be in brisbane for the 15 JUNE drinks.

The Footy show was interesting, i use to think that Sam was funny because of scripted jokes but he actually is funny off the bat. didn't get home till 1 am. We all got given these beer bottle coolers in the shape of a foot ball which you can throw and they spin like a turbine, the intructions inside say " please remove beer can before throwing !!!!

anyway, i really wished i could have stayed, thanks for the event



Regular Member
Lovely to catch up with some familiar faces last night and meet some new ones.

A big thank you to Joe and Erhan for organising.

Bradd - fabulous dumplings in chilli oil!

Spacey - Don't forget to watch Blade Runner this weekend:)


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blade runner is set in the year 2014, watch out for the scene were he is reading a newspaper, whens the last time most people bought a newspaper, free newspapers delivered don't count.



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i'm 99%, just trying to get some client meetings so "they can pay" for the trip !

but in reality i'm 99.9999999% there as its soooo bloody cold inmelbourne today !


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Lovely to catch up with some familiar faces last night and meet some new ones.

A big thank you to Joe and Erhan for organising.

Bradd - fabulous dumplings in chilli oil!

Spacey - Don't forget to watch Blade Runner this weekend:)

Homework completed , i had seen it before back in the 90's during my hashish period ...... :eek:


Top Contributor
blade runner is set in the year 2014, watch out for the scene were he is reading a newspaper, whens the last time most people bought a newspaper, free newspapers delivered don't count.


Hi Tim, I bought one yesterday. We always pick up the Saturday paper. :)

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