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(Although I'd use a dummy EMD site first to see what actually happens when one explicitly points out to Google what keyword your domain ranked for)

thankfully i don't have an issues but if i did i don't think i would be going to google ! the japanese have a saying " the nail that sticks up is the nail that gets hit with the hammer" ( bonus points if anyone can tell me what movie thats from )



Top Contributor
the japanese have a saying " the nail that sticks up is the nail that gets hit with the hammer" ( bonus points if anyone can tell me what movie thats from )

Now I swear I didn't go to Google - but that sounds like something Mr Miyagi from Karate Kid would say.

Am I right or wrong? :)


Regular Member
thankfully i don't have an issues but if i did i don't think i would be going to google ! the japanese have a saying " the nail that sticks up is the nail that gets hit with the hammer" ( bonus points if anyone can tell me what movie thats from )


The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)

Lieutenant Boswell: You know Sean, the Japanese have a saying, "The nail that sticks out gets hammered."


See, google's still working!


Top Contributor
We still don't know what he won however. :)

" bonus points ", LOL

but seeing as though he used google he broke the rules so no bonus points will be issued.

seeing as there was actually no rule or definition of what "bonus points" actually meant then there will be no prize awarded because one of the rules which were not also detailed was the judges decision is final, seeing as there was no judge then the previous rule become invalid.... thanks for playing



Top Contributor
thats been around since the movie come out and everyone just changes the "subtiltes" to suit the subject they want to trash.



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