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.Net.Au Views


Top Contributor
If you can't get the .com.au; then the .net.au is definitely the next best.
I 100% agree.

I hope to have a couple more examples (category killer finance .net.au domains) to post back here - but I have yet to work on them, so their rankings are just top 100, not top 10 - nothing to be proud about *sob, sob*. :)


Top Contributor
I have a few net.au domains that I've developed. Generally I've found them pretty difficult to rank, but I do have one with a hyphen that has ranked fairly quickly and easily for a competitive insurance term.

Overall I'm a little negative on them, but they are still worth a shot when you can hand reg the net.au version of a $x,xxx com.au. Like the others said though, I would never use one if trying to build a business or a brand.


Top Contributor
Abc.net.au and whirlpool.net.au are good examples, neither are run as a business. If these were "for profits" of that size I doubt they'd be using .net.au.

Wouldn't go near a .net.au, it is non standard, confusing and appears second rate. Would be adding an extra keyword on the end or considering hyphens before using one.

Make up your mind!
First you object to .net.au on the grounds they are non standard, confusing and appear second rate
Then I prove there are .net.au that are standard, are not the slightest bit confusing and do not appear second rate
Now you saying that net.au are for "not for profit" sites

I am shocked that you , an expert, and well aware of the radio test, think a hypenated .com.au should be chosen over a memorable .net.au
I wouldn't use a hypenated name if you paid me

I see generic .net.au on business signs every day and I think to myself that they are smart operators not settling for a made up .com.au

This acceptance of .net.au may be due to the fact that so many generic .com.au are concentrated in the hands of a few companies like OMG
So Australians have accepted .net.au , unlike the situation with .com and .net
And Australians see and hear about .net.au all day every day

Please don't bring up that spurious argument about SEO

By the way, I used to like reading an American site called something like the good bad and the ugly of domain names where people submitted photos of horrible domain names
I can't find that site
Do you know what is?


Archived Member
was this established or just opinion ?

..... love to know thanks

Try http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Webmasters/thread?tid=09341d2c164765b0&hl=en (whirlpool.net.au reference)



If you do a bit of Googling, you can find other examples where people are having various issues with .net.au and webmaster tools.

Given that many have stated they can't get a .net.au to rank well or rank quickly, I think it fair to extrapolate that there are possibly problems. Maybe it's hit or miss, I don't know.


Top Contributor
Try http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Webmasters/thread?tid=09341d2c164765b0&hl=en (whirlpool.net.au reference)



If you do a bit of Googling, you can find other examples where people are having various issues with .net.au and webmaster tools.

Given that many have stated they can't get a .net.au to rank well or rank quickly, I think it fair to extrapolate that there are possibly problems. Maybe it's hit or miss, I don't know.

Sorry I am not a webmaster tools expert
How exactly does webmaster tools treat .com.au differently to .net.au?


Archived Member
I don't have any personal experience with the issues Honan but given these 2 examples are from 2 fairly well known people in Australia, I'm sure it isn't user error. If WMT has problems with .net.au then it might ring true for google.com.au itself.


Top Contributor
I don't have any personal experience with the issues Honan but given these 2 examples are from 2 fairly well known people in Australia, I'm sure it isn't user error. If WMT has problems with .net.au then it might ring true for google.com.au itself.

I am sure WMT does not have problems with .net.au

Are you sure the poster is the same guy who runs whirlpool?
It was his only post

I asked this question on the same forum
Many developers in Australia have concluded that Google prefers a domain name ending in .com.au over a domain name ending in net.au
The answer:
They're wrong I'm afraid, Google are interested in the content/quality/popularity of a site, not the suffix. One aspect of what they might be seeing is the reality that you get more prime sites on any country's most accepted domains, partly for the reason that they go first.


Archived Member
It was posted by Simon Wright; owner of whirlpool.net.au so yeah, it's the right person.

Whether there is any evidence of there being issues with .net.au, I think in the .au space you're better off taking a suffix/prefix .com.au than an exact match .net.au

I have first hand experience where person A told person B their website was located at randomwebsite.net.au and person B turned around and quoted it back to them with a .com.au extension instead. If you're advertising a .net.au, I would bet money that a % of people are typing .com.au instead.


Top Contributor
On the topic of .net.au versus .com.au,

I have noticed several good domain names through my travels in the domaining traverse.

Of course the .com.au versions of the names have already been taken, but the .net.au derivatives have been left available.

Would anyone take that as a sign that .net.au is not as valued, let alone be almost insignificant compared to .com.au domain names (As far as domaining/monetary value is concerned)

The domain names I'm talking about are really, really good single-word nouns or 1 to 2 word phrase names - nothing out of this world: potentially good value names that have the .com.au taken and the .net.au left available.


Archived Member
No, I have no idea if he posted it on whirlpool but I don't see why he would do that either. I would say most people only go to the Google forums when they have a problem and not for general chat like we do here or at whirlpool itself. I think it says a lot when of the most prominent .net.au's has had issues with WMT. Doesn't even rank #1 for broadband even though it is the best broadband forum/site handsdown.
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Top Contributor
No, I have no idea if he posted it on whirlpool but I don't see why he would do that either. I would say most people only go to the Google forums when they have a problem and not for general chat like we do here or at whirlpool itself. I think it says a lot when of the most prominent .net.au's has had issues with WMT. Doesn't even rank #1 for broadband even though it is the best broadband forum/site handsdown.

Then what makes you think it is Simon Wright of whirlpool?
It does say a lot if most prominent .net.au's had issues with WMT
I have yet to see any evidence anywhere for that statement apart from one tweet and one post of dubious origin
I have issues with WMT for my dot coms
That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with .com

Anyway that is enough from me on this subject
I am bored already


Top Contributor
On the topic of .net.au versus .com.au,

I have noticed several good domain names through my travels in the domaining traverse.

Of course the .com.au versions of the names have already been taken, but the .net.au derivatives have been left available.

Would anyone take that as a sign that .net.au is not as valued, let alone be almost insignificant compared to .com.au domain names (As far as domaining/monetary value is concerned)

The domain names I'm talking about are really, really good single-word nouns or 1 to 2 word phrase names - nothing out of this world: potentially good value names that have the .com.au taken and the .net.au left available.

techmo, if there are some good .net.au names available (with reasonable search for the term), and you can hand reg them,
then imho you would be mad not to.

Just look at the drops lately. Good .net.au names are achieving $500 ++

My whole argument to this is that if the .com.au is highly unlikely to ever become available (unless at an exorbitant price),
why would you not pick up the .net.au for chicken feed?

I repeat examples of members here on this forum who have done just that - and got their sites to rank on page 1.




Archived Member
Then what makes you think it is Simon Wright of whirlpool?

Are you really suggesting that someone else is pretending to be Simon Wright of whirlpool.net.au and posting help threads about webmaster tools with no obvious benefit to doing so?

C'mon, that's a massive stretch if I ever saw one.


Top Contributor
Are you really suggesting that someone else is pretending to be Simon Wright of whirlpool.net.au and posting help threads about webmaster tools with no obvious benefit to doing so?

C'mon, that's a massive stretch if I ever saw one.
I am suggesting it might be another person named Simon Wright
The fact that only one post ever has been made by that "user id", and that it was ignored, persuade me so

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Try http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Webmasters/thread?tid=09341d2c164765b0&hl=en (whirlpool.net.au reference)



If you do a bit of Googling, you can find other examples where people are having various issues with .net.au and webmaster tools.

Given that many have stated they can't get a .net.au to rank well or rank quickly, I think it fair to extrapolate that there are possibly problems. Maybe it's hit or miss, I don't know.

Thanks for reply , but with smallbusiness that i have just added it all seems normal when compared to other .com.au names i have on wmt , i am suggesting a one off issue at this point

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