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This Is Embarrassing auDA


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April Newsletter has been shared for added transparency and accountability. I am sure potential members, stakeholders, government , Registrants etc would like to know what is happening.
auDA states:
"ACNC: Governance Standard 2: Accountability to Members
This standard requires charities (including companies limited by guarantee) to:
Take reasonable steps to be accountable to their members, and allow their members adequate opportunities to raise concerns about how the charity is run. Being accountable includes letting the members know about the charity’s activities and what the results of those activities are. It also includes allowing members to raise concerns and ask questions about how a charity is run.

Again, publishing Board minutes and agendas do not fulfil this objective."


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I would like to hear from Tim on this one... We did rally behind him not so long ago.

What is effective stakeholder engagement?
Successful stakeholder engagement requires a commitment to engage actively with stakeholders; listen to them, talk to them about why your organisation exists, what it does and build a relationship with them in a mutually beneficial way. Engagement is not an end in itself, but a means to help build better understanding and relationships with the individuals, groups, departments or other entities with whom the NFP intersects.
Why Does it Matter?
Engagement with key stakeholders can be particularly important when setting or considering changes to the purpose of the organisation. In short, it is important for organisations to respect the rights of members (who may control and vote on key NFP matters) and engage and communicate effectively with all other relevant stakeholder
Now I'm beginning to sound like DomainNames :);):(:mad::confused::cool::p:D:eek::oops::rolleyes:o_O


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Awesome stuff! I hope they read it!
"What is effective stakeholder engagement?
Successful stakeholder engagement requires a commitment to engage actively with stakeholders; listen to them, talk to them about why your organisation exists, what it does and build a relationship with them in a mutually beneficial way. Engagement is not an end in itself, but a means to help build better understanding and relationships with the individuals, groups, departments or other entities with whom the NFP intersects.
Why Does it Matter?
Engagement with key stakeholders can be particularly important when setting or considering changes to the purpose of the organisation. In short, it is important for organisations to respect the rights of members (who may control and vote on key NFP matters) and engage and communicate effectively with all other relevant stakeholder"


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"What is effective stakeholder engagement?
Successful stakeholder engagement requires a commitment to engage actively with stakeholders; listen to them, talk to them about why your organisation exists, what it does and build a relationship with them in a mutually beneficial way. Engagement is not an end in itself, but a means to help build better understanding and relationships with the individuals, groups, departments or other entities with whom the NFP intersects.
Why Does it Matter?
Engagement with key stakeholders can be particularly important when setting or considering changes to the purpose of the organisation. In short, it is important for organisations to respect the rights of members (who may control and vote on key NFP matters) and engage and communicate effectively with all other relevant stakeholder"

stakeholder engagement -
i go to BBQ's as well, but i have never seen a chop propose to a t-bone



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Does Canada have more transparency than auDA? Yes - All info is on their PUBLIC website
auDA and the auDA Board have had this information for a very long time. They know auDA is not transparent like other countries administrators is.Now auDA has gotten worse deleting off even the most basic required information from the website and minutes.

Shame auDA & auDA Board..... Shame


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Title of this thread is "This Is Embarrassing auDA".

I've just published some "auDA Snippets" today on Domainer. Some auDA Directors / Management don't obviously like their Members speaking up - particularly me. Threatening me with defamation and calling me "disgusting" is embarrassing. Particularly as all I've ever tried to do is hold them accountable for the promises they made at the AGM.


Top Contributor
Title of this thread is "This Is Embarrassing auDA".

I've just published some "auDA Snippets" today on Domainer. Some auDA Directors / Management don't obviously like their Members speaking up - particularly me. Threatening me with defamation and calling me "disgusting" is embarrassing. Particularly as all I've ever tried to do is hold them accountable for the promises they made at the AGM.

Ned, name on your website who contacted you with such threats. Their attempts to bully and silence people needs to be exposed.

From the amount of material auDA has been deleting off their website ( and other places perhaps?) something is obviously wrong and they want to make it as hard as they can for people to investigate or write about it.

The funny thing is auDA and the auDA Board has so many leaks..... Some of those who want to speak up have been muted with threats also it seems...They know things are wrong but someone is definitely trying to intimidate people enough to keep things hidden and stop people speaking up. Why and who?

What are they trying to hide?


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Today's article on Domainer asks if Tim Connell is getting a fair go as an auDA Director?

Are the Board intolerant of him and who he represents? Have they effectively muzzled him?

The Australian Institute of Company Directors says this:

"Directors must be prepared to challenge both management and their fellow board
members. This can be difficult, particularly when they disagree with the prevailing
opinion, or the opinion held by particularly strong or dominating members of
the board.
Good directors will listen to other opinions with an open mind and be assertive
but not aggressive in putting forward their own point of view. They will also be
able to differentiate between challenging an idea and attacking an individual."
“A new or aspiring director’s great asset is a fresh pair of eyes – and there’s no such
thing as a dumb question.” Dr Stephen Judd GAICD

I call on the Chair of auDA to ensure that:

♦ Tim is afforded the opportunity to express and debate his opinions (and those of his “constituents”) in a proper and respectful manner at Board and Committee level.​
♦ All elected Directors (Supply and Demand) should be allowed to communicate in general terms with their constituent base about what’s going on at auDA. Particularly given that auDA is a membership organisation. (Members of Parliament are allowed to do this once a Cabinet decision has been made. As are Local Government Councillors once a Council decision has brought down).​


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Are the Board intolerant of him and who he represents? Have they effectively muzzled him?

Code of Conduct Agreement:
  1. As a member, I will treat those I engage with as part of my membership; equally, respectfully and without prejudice


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Code of Conduct Agreement:
  1. As a member, I will treat those I engage with as part of my membership; equally, respectfully and without prejudice
Here's a conundrum for you Lemon. What Code of Conduct should apply to Independent Directors (including the Chair) who are not members of either class?

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
The example we have been shown is; get rid of every person in auDA and on the board whom disagrees with the cabal.

That includes the CEO, the chair, various independent directors and key personnel.

Stacking the demand side membership with supply side employees, creating new positions, creating extra directorships and ensuring control over the appointment process.

Hmmmm and bringing in a code of conduct for the riff raff without any discussion whilst muzzling ignorant newby directors.


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The example we have been shown is; get rid of every person in auDA and on the board whom disagrees with the cabal.

That includes the CEO, the chair, various independent directors and key personnel.

Stacking the demand side membership with supply side employees, creating new positions, creating extra directorships and ensuring control over the appointment process.

Hmmmm and bringing in a code of conduct for the riff raff without any discussion whilst muzzling ignorant newby directors.


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Tomorrows post on Domainer - no words needed.


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