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The numbers just don't stack up


Top Contributor
We all value names differently and hence this is what can create some big name sales on the drops, aftermarket sales, plus all the names that do not get reported. A lot of us will admit to looking at the Google keyword tool to work out search volume, average CPC etc. Recently though, as some of my sites have taken over #1 spots I was expecting a shit load more traffic than I started to get.

I would refer back to the keyword tool, and it would reassure me that there was volume there, but on checking analytics, the users were not. Something didn't add up...

What I have learnt just now, (you may already know, but for those of you who don't), this is information you may find helpful... When using the Adwords Keyword Tool, make sure you LOG IN. If you do not log in you will see different results.

For example:

Keyword: Car Loan Calculator
Adwords tool without logging in 6,600 exacts
Adwords tool with logging in - 3,600 exacts

Keyword: Driving Lessons
Adwords tool without logging in 5,400 exacts
Adwords tool with logging in - 1,600 exacts

Keyword: Car Games
Adwords tool without logging in 301,000 exacts
Adwords tool with logging in - 135,000 exacts

Keyword: Golf Courses
Adwords tool without logging in 27,100 exacts
Adwords tool with logging in - DOES NOT SHOW

I'm also concerned that the current (logged in) version is showing a lot of different Country results although restricted to "results from Australia".

I encourage you to play around with both of the different tools on your own names, clearly something isn't right. The logged in version makes more sense to me, but I still believe that there are some major inaccuracies in this version too (note: Logged in version still in Beta). For example, Golf Club, Golf Clubs, Golf Courses does not show up and I do believe that people in Australia would type in those keywords at least a couple of hundred times a month.

Has anyone else shared a similar experience where a domain you bought because you had X volume has actually turned out to have much less? Anyone share my frustration with these tools? Anyone offer any better, more accurate reporting tools?

Any help here would be appreciated!!!


Top Contributor
Recently though, as some of my sites have taken over #1 spots I was expecting a shit load more traffic than I started to get.

One keyword I rank #1 for shows 6,600 exact but I get 5 organic referrals a month..

I wish there was a feature to turn off the extended network stats. I also have beef with the traffic estimator tool which gives inaccurate results all the time.

For example:

Keyword: Car Loan Calculator
Adwords tool without logging in 6,600 exacts
Adwords tool with logging in - 3,600 exacts

Keyword: Driving Lessons
Adwords tool without logging in 5,400 exacts
Adwords tool with logging in - 1,600 exacts

Keyword: Car Games
Adwords tool without logging in 301,000 exacts
Adwords tool with logging in - 135,000 exacts

Keyword: Golf Courses
Adwords tool without logging in 27,100 exacts
Adwords tool with logging in - DOES NOT SHOW

I'm getting the better results from your test when I'm logged in and out, but I've noticed what your talking about in the past.

I'm also concerned that the current (logged in) version is showing a lot of different Country results although restricted to "results from Australia".

I often have the same feeling.

Just as a side note, does anyone here use Hitwise data?


Regular Member
Thanks Shaun.

This explains the disappointing results with some of my developed sites.

Also check out webmaster tools dashboard search queries.


Top Contributor
Digging this up again, because I saw this:

Why do traffic estimates for my ad group differ from those given by the standalone tool?
The results yielded by the Traffic Estimator in your ad group and the standalone Traffic Estimator may differ for two reasons:

(1) Performance Data: The past performance of an ad group will influence the Quality Score of all the keywords in that ad group. Your ad group's Traffic Estimator considers the ad group's performance details when making estimates about your keywords. The standalone tool, on the other hand, does not. For the most accurate results, use the Traffic Estimator in your ad group.

(2) Double-Serving: In accordance with our double-serving policy, we will only show one of your ads on a search for a particular keyword, even if that keyword appears multiple times in your account. The Traffic Estimator in your ad group accounts for double serving among your keywords when making estimates, whereas the standalone tool does not. Therefore, the standalone tool may yield higher estimates when it evaluates a keyword that appears multiple times within your account.


Why do search traffic statistics vary between keyword tools?
The Keyword Tool combines search data across Google.com and all affiliated search properties. Data from the tools may vary due to the ad group you've selected to research, or whether you've accessed the tools from outside of your account. Numeric data between the tools may also differ due to rounding.



Top Contributor
Its a sales tool for Google

Therefore how on earth could you give the tool any relevance. They want you to buy as many keywords as possible


Top Contributor
The most accurate keyword tool is the Google adwords keyword tool, but you need to be logged in to get the right answer.
All the numbers that are being thrown around on some auction sites are not right.
How do I know, only because I have numerous number 1 sites and the numbers I get per month are what Google keyword tool tells me when I login.
I've had this discussion numerous times with fellow domainers and they all seem to get the higher numbers per month on their Google keyword tool.
I have another domainer friend who's keyword tool matches my numbers, so I think Google's keyword tool is confusing the shit out of a lot of domainers when buying domains.



Top Contributor
How do I know, only because I have numerous number 1 sites and the numbers I get per month are what Google keyword tool tells me when I login.

I've found my #1 sites usually get around a fifth of the exact search traffic and thats generally what I use as a guide.


Top Contributor
I must admit to being really confused by the discrepancy in stats for "maternity" - maternity.com.au is dropping tomorrow.

Old Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Keywords [maternity], Local Search Volume (Aug) 22,200

New Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Keyword [maternity], Local Monthly Searches 720.

In the new tool it looks like Google are reporting no searches in June July and August.

I'm getting the same results whether I'm logged in or not.

Anybody else getting these results?



Top Contributor
Hi Andrew,
The new version is correct and I'm sorry to say that 720 is probably right.
This has real ramifications for those that worked on Googles old keyword search tool as it was well and truely wrong for exacts.



Top Contributor
Hi Andrew,
The new version is correct and I'm sorry to say that 720 is probably right.
This has real ramifications for those that worked on Googles old keyword search tool as it was well and truely wrong for exacts.


Hi Don,

It used to be fairly easy to reconcile the legacy keyword tool with the new keyword tool. The new one used the average search results, the old one the most recent. Looking at the the new tool downloaded stats which gives you month by month you could match these exactly - eg the August 2010 search figures would tally for both. Now they are way out.




Top Contributor
I must admit to being really confused by the discrepancy in stats for "maternity" - maternity.com.au is dropping tomorrow.

Old Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Keywords [maternity], Local Search Volume (Aug) 22,200

New Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Keyword [maternity], Local Monthly Searches 720.


Hi Andrew,

Yet on today's email from Drop it says 40,500.

Massive difference across Google's own tools. (Not anyone's fault)

Which of the 3 numbers should I base my valuation on?

Maternity values on stats being provided:
720 searches - $400
22,200 searches - $1200
40,500 searches - $2300

So which should we use to buy on the Drop?

Historically for me the logged in version is correct. Therefore I will be buying and speculating NOT on the numbers being provided on the daily email lists. The numbers being provided are not accurate in my opinion. These big numbers often inflate the price. I hope this doesn't hurt domainers in the short term, especially if Google were to only provide logged in numbers.

Imagine a name you bought on the basis it has 40,500 exact local searches, then Google comes out and says that the only accurate number to use (or only tool provided) is in fact the "logged in" version of 720. What has this done to value of your name?


Top Contributor
Hi Shaun,

The stats vary wildly depending on how you source them from Google (and all these stats have been sourced from Google).

We supply the metric information as an added value service to help bidders make informed buying decisions, but we have always recommended that bidders conduct their own research...

"Importantly the data used highlights domains based on specific criteria, but it is possible that some excellent domains may have been missed or the data may have changed over time so we would advise you to continue conducting your own complementary research. "

Hopefully this is a minor glitch that will be corrected, not a change of Google policy and we can get back to some consistent data.



Top Contributor
I must admit to being really confused by the discrepancy in stats for "maternity" - maternity.com.au is dropping tomorrow.

Old Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Keywords [maternity], Local Search Volume (Aug) 22,200

New Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Keyword [maternity], Local Monthly Searches 720.

In the new tool it looks like Google are reporting no searches in June July and August.

I'm getting the same results whether I'm logged in or not.

Anybody else getting these results?


Closed at $11,111. Ay caramba!

I did put in a small bid for this myself (wife liked it though wasn't really sure on it myself - I think it not a straight forward name to try and build on). I think though the lower search stats are right, 40,000 searches a month doesn't make that much sense for what is more of a brand term rather than a really popular keyword. It is the sort of names that could do well for someone established in the space, maternity shop etc.


Top Contributor
Massive proxy bid, and so early on in the Drop (2hrs before auction close?). Creates a bidding frenzy that is almost guaranteed to drive up the price (IMHO). No sense to me. But congrats to Drop and winner.


Top Contributor
Massive proxy bid, and so early on in the Drop (2hrs before auction close?). Creates a bidding frenzy that is almost guaranteed to drive up the price. No sense to me. But congrats to Drop and winner.

Probably not a domainer then to bid so early?


Top Contributor
Thats an amazing price well done again Drop, by the way George and Andrew do DNTrade members get shares in Drop any time soon, cause you are doing so well lately, almost a one sided event, must be exciting to own a great auction drop platform?



Top Contributor
Thats an amazing price well done again Drop, by the way George and Andrew do DNTrade members get shares in Drop any time soon, cause you are doing so well lately, almost a one sided event, must be exciting to own a great auction drop platform?
Very true. Congrats guys for having such a great auction platform - interface and success rate.


Top Contributor
Good pickup Rhythm, property values just went down, in our case some of our domains.
Seems domainers are starting to relise the old Google keyword tools search numbers were not correct, I agree.


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