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it would be nice to have free COR, but the registry is not set up that way, it would require some significant changes at both the Registry and with Registrars. In .com world whenever you transfer domains between registrars you are forced to renew the domain for another year, while we have free inter registrar transfers. It's only really an issue if you buy a lot of after market domains.

I think the changes from 1 to 5 year registrations will resolve some of your concerns.

I agree that it is a good idea for auDA to regularly review policy and ensure that it is fit for purpose - I personally think there are some policies which have outlived their intended purpose. The CEO has already announced that auDA will be engaging in some policy review, that would be a good opportunity for you to raise some of your ideas. You and I both agree on giving auDRP Panels the power to award costs in cases of RDNH, that is one change I would personally like to see.

Actually Erhan you wlll find it is FREE for .com and many other extensions.

Akthough it will require a " policy change" It can be done in Australia with a policy change but like so many things auDA, the auDA board and registrars have done nothing to assess how to do it, they have not done any survey's of existing registrants.

Come on let's see some innovation, transparency and action on this. No more excuses. It is a blatent Rip off in Australia and of course many at auDA, in Supply and on the auDA Board may not want to change it as they want the extra revenues.

With the new 1 - 5 year registration domain name period this is a crucial policy change that is needed now in advance. If you prepaid for 1 or even 5 years who should there be more fees or loss of what has been paid for already?

This has been raised for many years. What has auDA, the auDA board done so far to survey existing registrants and members?

We all expect a no free COR vote from those who make money from it. That's obvious but that is not globally competitive or innovative... which many in supply, Ausregistry and auDA claim they want to be.

This is an issue for every person who is buying a name on the aftermarket or on the drop systems such as www.netfleet.com.au. www.domainshield.com.au, Drop.com.au etc.

If people buy a name now and sell it in 6 months the 1/12 years of paiud registration is flushed down the toilet. Icann, ausregistry, auDA and a registrar or reseller just make money again... This is not in the interest's of the domain name registrant at all.

The old auDA CEO told me many years ago it would be impossible for policy to change to allow names to be sold or more than 1 name per entity... he was wrong and just like this COR policy set up incorrectly in the early days of Australia it needs immediate changing now also.

You are on the auDA board please do all you can to make this happen. No registrant will complain with the change and it is not how many domain names that are involved 1 or 20,000 it is a rip off.

Adding an extra year with another year fee is very different to flushing the money down the toilet and having to pay again for time already in credit with the existing registration.

.com is not the only extension that allows this many global extensions and countries do FREE COR.

Maybe when the new tender comes out for Australian domain name management and wholesale registry this is mandatory.... if auDA, Ausregistry do not want to agree then they can not bid for the next tender.


Top Contributor
What policy change is required and how soon can it happen? Focus on a solution to present to Registrants, members, auDA and the board.

Let's not see this swept under the carpet by auDA again now or at another AGM when it is raised again.

With a new auDA CEO, new staff and new auDA board members let's see some action for the Domain Name Registrants benefits now. This should be the auDA and board focus. ...not 2018 or later. It can start January 1st 2017. It can be done. The board meets again in December let's not just have that as a Christmas drinks meeting but actual work to complete the task.
What policy change is required and how soon can it happen? Focus on a solution to present to Registrants, members, auDA and the board.

Let's not see this swept under the carpet by auDA again now or at another AGM when it is raised again.

With a new auDA CEO, new staff and new auDA board members let's see some action for the Domain Name Registrants benefits now. This should be the auDA and board focus. ...not 2018 or later. It can start January 1st 2017. It can be done. The board meets again in December let's not just have that as a Christmas drinks meeting but actual work to complete the task.

There are 2 elements to this change you are advocating (a) policy; and (b) technical. The policy changes would need to be developed and then put out for public consultation, so you couldn't do that by xmas, and secondly the technical aspects would require changes at the registry and with registrars to support it (in order to roll out changes it would surely take months [including testing, and deployment], it isn't something that could be done in a month).

Come along to the AGM in a couple of weeks, so we can discuss in person!


Top Contributor
Thanks a lot! As always - the best!
Good lesson to pay attention when I read.
All the time I thought COR is the Change of Registrar but in fact it is the Change of Registrant.
Thanks again, much appreciated!
Actally that's a good point maybe a lot of people do not know. Perhaps it really needs to be better exmplained to peopl what COR stands for
There are 2 elements to this change you are advocating (a) policy; and (b) technical. The policy changes would need to be developed and then put out for public consultation, so you couldn't do that by xmas, and secondly the technical aspects would require changes at the registry and with registrars to support it (in order to roll out changes it would surely take months [including testing, and deployment], it isn't something that could be done in a month).

Come along to the AGM in a couple of weeks, so we can discuss in person!

I have raised this at the last 2 AGMs and in writing to auDA. never any progress. Please work now in advance on this. I will post other country details to assist as I receive updates from those bodies.

1. How it can be done with policy change
2. When it could be done.

Ownership Change

To all of our customers:
Be vigilant in providing anyone your user name and password, other than those you trust

The ownership of the domain name should be in your name or your company's name. If you are delegating this job to an IT person, the contact information should not be in his name. This can cause many future problems, and we get many emails from our customers asking us what to do about it. If he is not the rightful owner of the domain name and if he leaves the company, you most likely will have a hard time getting your user name and password to access your account. Also, do not allow any technical support personnel tell you to transfer the domain name from our registrar to another registrar by convincing you that you will save a few dollars. This is a costly mistake. Your domain name is very valuable to you, and you do not want to give any control of it to someone else.

DomainsNext.com is pleased to offer you the ability to change the ownership of a domain (also known as updating the registrant information) online in real-time. This is helpful information if you are selling your domain name. This is a value-added service and is totally free of charge.

To begin, click on Domain Manager and login using your username and password.

1. Change the ownership information to the new owner's information by clicking on “Edit Contact Information.” On the following page, change all relevant information (Admin, Owner, Billing and Tech contact). Do not use contact privacy, and save the information.

2. Please create a new account using this link CLICK HERE

4. When all of this is completed, please send us an email requesting the transfer of the domain name(s) from your existing user account to the new user account. When we receive this information, we can transfer (push) the domain names to the new account.

The following information must be forwarded to us:

Domain names in question
User Name and Password of your Account,
User name for the new account


Top Contributor
New Zealand FREE COR
"How do I change the Registrant (legal holder) of a domain name?
Freeparking provides a free online Registrant Transfer process.

The new Registrant would first need an account with us that the domain name can be transferred into. If they do not have an existing account, they can create one at: https://secure.freeparking.co.nz/newaccount

The new Registrant will need to provide you the username of their account before you can initiate the transfer. To start the transfer process, log in to the current account at: https://secure.freeparking.co.nz/

From the domain’s management page, select the 'Transfer Registrant' option.

You will then be asked to enter the username of the account you wish to transfer the domain name to (the new Registrant's account).

Once confirmed, the domain name will be transferred to the new Registrant's account."​


Top Contributor
There are 2 elements to this change you are advocating (a) policy; and (b) technical. The policy changes would need to be developed and then put out for public consultation, so you couldn't do that by xmas, and secondly the technical aspects would require changes at the registry and with registrars to support it (in order to roll out changes it would surely take months [including testing, and deployment], it isn't something that could be done in a month).

Come along to the AGM in a couple of weeks, so we can discuss in person!

Ok so Yes COR can be done? That is finally good news!

1. Who will put forward the policy change. Will you?

2. When can it go out for Public Consultation? As a board member will you propose it now before the AGM now it has been raised again with you?

3. Registry and registrars do not really need to agree with it if auDA and public consultation supports it. If policy is changed they need to follow the policy change.. Some many not want to and then they will not be as competitive as others who offer it free. Just google search FREE COR and you wsill see thousands of overseas examples of registrars / registry and admin bodies offering it. and even without any required additional years of registration paid for. ( see above registrar examples)

4. Why has this taken 16 years to get somone at auDA or the board to even respond?

auDA the auDA board and " supply registrars etc" are on notice to start thinking of existing Australian domain name registrants not themselves. This paid COR and cancellation/ loss of paid for registration time has been a rip off for too long. Cut the red tape and follow the examples of FREE COR from other countries. It can be done!.. No more delays!

Perhaps the auDA board should no longer have any supply members on the board.
It appears they often have conflicts of interest and their policy decisions can be affected by financial gain matters. They appear to never vote for anything which can affect their income. This is at odds with what Australian domain name registrants need from a board and domain name administration body.

auDA also makes money from COR so what can be done to stop auDA's thinking and get them to agree to innovate like other countries with free COR?

It has been reported by some bodies and registrars how much money they make from COR.....

Most countries allow FREE COR. Australia needs to change in 2017 and auDA, auDA board and supply etc should not delay it any longer!

Make .Com.Au Great Again!


Top Contributor
There are 2 elements to this change you are advocating (a) policy; and (b) technical...............................
great answer coopers, I think its something we could move "towards" but i don't think its "drop everything and get this done"
I think an AGM question, then a timeline would be great, certainly not swept under the table though.



Top Contributor
great answer coopers, I think its something we could move "towards" but i don't think its "drop everything and get this done"
I think an AGM question, then a timeline would be great, certainly not swept under the table though.

Why delay it any longer? It has been raised for many years. It has been swept under the table every year and Australian domain name registrants are losing money from it!

auDA, Board and serious candidates advocating positive improvements need to do their homework on it now and present it since it has been raised clearly with evidence and facts it is just another money grab.

I have confirmed today with the management at New Zealand's Domain Name Commission info@dnc.org.nz

1. There are 100% NO Change of Registrant Fees in New Zealand.
2. Registrant change can be done via the registrar online or via paper. The registrar can do this free or they can charge if they want. Most registrars do it FREE online.
3. Fast, Free online via registrars and secure.
4. The remaining period of domain name registration which has already been paid for is transferred to the new registrant. There is NO cancellation of the name and NO mandatory new registration which is the excuse auDA and some in supply had set up here to get more income....

FREE COR is the same process as many countries. I have used it!

No more excuses, No more delays! Tim please raise this at the AGM.... again. It is a rip off and it is time for improvements now not later.


Top Contributor
4. The remaining period of domain name registration which has already been paid for is transferred to the new registrant. There is NO cancellation of the name and NO mandatory new registration which is the excuse auDA and some in supply had set up here to get more income....

The solution to this is to perform an "update" to the domain name and drop the COR process (technical side) that way the registry doesn't have to reinvent the change it is just a matter of registrars performing an update. Obviously a similar policy would apply but just wouldn't reset the registration, etc. We use the update method occasionally where a reseller uses their own ABN by mistake during the registration.


Top Contributor
The solution to this is to perform an "update" to the domain name and drop the COR process (technical side) that way the registry doesn't have to reinvent the change it is just a matter of registrars performing an update. Obviously a similar policy would apply but just wouldn't reset the registration, etc. We use the update method occasionally where a reseller uses their own ABN by mistake during the registration.

FREE COR can be done easily. It is only an update. Years ago some in "supply" and at auDA wanted to force the process to mean a cancellation and new registration so they could make more money......Time for this rip off to end. Enough is enough now. New auDA Staff, New auDA Board .. it is time to close down the past policy mistakes, red tape and rip offs fully. It may be some of these "mistakes" and required "policies" where deliberately written for financial gain. They certainly have know about it for a very long time and have done nothing.

Now people know it is time for change from 1st January 1st 2017.. Not 2018 or later... It is money down the drain for people and there is no excuse now not to change it.


Top Contributor
The solution to this is to perform an "update" to the domain name and drop the COR process (technical side) that way the registry doesn't have to reinvent the change it is just a matter of registrars performing an update. Obviously a similar policy would apply but just wouldn't reset the registration, etc. We use the update method occasionally where a reseller uses their own ABN by mistake during the registration.

Congratulations Synergy Wholesale!
Finally someone in "Supply" has the guts to stand up for this and show how easy it can be. You will get a lot of business if you set up your system to enable this FREE COR online.

Of course there are checks and security balances to make sure of, that's a given, but it is common in most countries and again here is a clear example of FREE ONLINE COR from NZ http://www.freeparking.co.nz/support/faqs/domainnames/registrant-transfer

Time to stop the Australia COR fee rip off and update the auDA policy with the update change now.


Regular Member
Am very happy that my few questions about how better to transfer .com.au and who is the cheapest domain registrar for .com.au have developed in such an important conversation. I was that spark and I think I can see a small fire already [in a good way].
Time has come to do something about COR and the sooner the better.


Top Contributor
There are 2 elements to this change you are advocating (a) policy; and (b) technical. The policy changes would need to be developed and then put out for public consultation, so you couldn't do that by xmas, and secondly the technical aspects would require changes at the registry and with registrars to support it (in order to roll out changes it would surely take months [including testing, and deployment], it isn't something that could be done in a month).

I have been hearing this excuse for years, also with regards to implementing different registration terms ie 1-5. How can changing the expiry date of a domain by 1-5 years be that hard, it is a simple date field in the database, any newbie is capable of that.

With regards to COR as stated it is a simple update of information. 95% of the registrant details can already be updated almost instantly ie. change of email address etc. The only fields that are not are the Registrant name. Drop already does a online COR as does Netfleet and the other dropcatchers who register names with their own business details and then within minutes do what is essentially a COR to the new registrant.

Are you seriously saying that a "World Class Registry" is not capable of making a few technical changes which essentially are already in place.

With regards to policy, yes it needs to be developed. Obviously there is already policy in place (perhaps it is a loophole) if Netfleet, as stated, can do an instant COR for the benefit of their drop catching service. With regards to public consultation I would expect a 100% in favour of free COR (Domain owners and demand class). who knows how supply would vote.



Top Contributor
Great post Lemon. .. good point how Drop.com.au, Netfleet.com.au ( Melbourne IT auDA Board Member) and others have been doing it for years !!!

once again another update from New Zealand how FREE COR can be done easily..

" I note you asked in your earlier email if the remaining period for the domain registration transfers to the new registrant - this is correct.

If a change of registrant is done, and no extra time is added, the billed-until date will remain the same."

Domain Name Commission
https://dnc.org.nz/ "
I have been hearing this excuse for years, also with regards to implementing different registration terms ie 1-5. How can changing the expiry date of a domain by 1-5 years be that hard, it is a simple date field in the database, any newbie is capable of that.

With regards to COR as stated it is a simple update of information. 95% of the registrant details can already be updated almost instantly ie. change of email address etc. The only fields that are not are the Registrant name. Drop already does a online COR as does Netfleet and the other dropcatchers who register names with their own business details and then within minutes do what is essentially a COR to the new registrant.

Are you seriously saying that a "World Class Registry" is not capable of making a few technical changes which essentially are already in place.

With regards to policy, yes it needs to be developed. Obviously there is already policy in place (perhaps it is a loophole) if Netfleet, as stated, can do an instant COR for the benefit of their drop catching service. With regards to public consultation I would expect a 100% in favour of free COR (Domain owners and demand class). who knows how supply would vote.


Hey Lemon, its not an excuse at all, I think auDA should regularly review its policies to ensure that they remain fit for purpose and relevant - I was just explaining the process. I would personally like to see some changes. I think the example Mick mentioned is the manual registrar update, that can be made in limited circumstances. My understanding is that this is not automated through the registrar API with the Registry (I will defer to Mick on that) but rather a manual process through the Registrar portal, which would mean changes at the registry would be required if my understanding is right.


Top Contributor
My understanding is that this is not automated through the registrar API with the Registry (I will defer to Mick on that) but rather a manual process through the Registrar portal, which would mean changes at the registry would be required if my understanding is right.

The functionality exists via EPP for an update like it does for a change of registrant, so easy for us to adjust the process to use one option over another. :)


Top Contributor
Hey Lemon, its not an excuse at all, I think auDA should regularly review its policies to ensure that they remain fit for purpose and relevant
I am all for review but the names panel recommended 1-5 year registrations in AUGUST 2011 that is 5 YEARS AGO and it still has not been implemented. The Cameron Ralph Report was made 1 month ago and already some parts of it have been actioned.

Automated COR is already being done by dropcatchers who use the 3 day grace period of registering a domain name and being able to change details as a loophole for their own benefit.

As a supply class board member who would have some input to the registry tender documents and requirements I would assume you to have a fairly educated knowledge of the processes involved.


Top Contributor
The functionality exists via EPP for an update like it does for a change of registrant, so easy for us to adjust the process to use one option over another. :)

I hope people are listening to someone in supply registry world Synergy Wholesale who says it is easy and can be done already! It is being done already by some registrars for their own benefit and profit every day!

No more delays and No more excuses. It can be done so let's get it done NOW auDA and auDA board. Stop the Australia COR fee rip off and show people you are focusing on the important changes you have been aware of for many years but seem to be avoiding for possible "financial gain" .

Great work Synergy Wholesale... your honest can do attitude is getting more customers and as you know you may shortly have a few extra thousand names moved to you and away from another registrar :)

Erhan . Please act on this now. You have the information from an auDA supply member who knows it can be done and how at NO extra costs.

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