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Thank you Cooper Mills Domain Lawyers


Top Contributor
Thank you for putting on such a very good evening. :)

Apart from the fact I had pole position for parking tonight (A first time win for me I tell you) I thoroughly enjoyed the conversations and sharing of knowledge.

It was a surreal moment there for a while when I first arrived to hear people talking the same 'lingo'.

I stood there listening for a while to these wonderful words - parking, buying, selling, domainer, monetising, obsession, thousands of names, hundreds of names, adsense, affiliates, retired, husband and wife team, telcos, made money, wish I made more money, food domains, pet domains, betting domains, finance domains, dot.com's, dot.com.aus, australian name space, opportunity.. ... it was like music to my ears.

So rarely do I ever go out, unless I'm talking to clients. My life is very insular when it comes to do things outside work, and of great personal interest, and I felt comfortable amongst those very successful people who kindly shared their knowledge, and inspired by those who have been very successful, over time, in using domain names as their vehicle for revenue.

Sure I might be naive in some areas due to my lack of experience, but I felt that all the people I spoke to were genuine, fun and loved the domain industry. While a few were hedging their comments, for the part, were more than kind with their time to share their thoughts and answer questions from many of us who new to this. Thank you.

So Cooper Mills and the great sponsors, thank you very much for putting this together. It was an excellent evening for me and many others, and I feel I've met some people I'll contact again over time because they're just damn nice and interesting to talk with.

The champagne was delicious as were the platters of food that kept coming out until in the end, I had to stop. But I gave it all a good go I can tell you!!

For those of you who did not make it to tonight's event, make sure you keep your eye out for the next one - you will enjoy it.

Great to meet you Nina (a fellow petrol head!) thanks for coming, and thank you to all of the other forum members who came tonight. A great success, with lots of deals being and ideas being exchanged.

I have uploaded a couple of photos on our Facebook Page you can check out here: www.facebook.com/CooperMills

I hope to see you all at the next function!



Top Contributor
Yeah thanks Erhan & Kim especially for getting this together.

Was a great night - few no-shows but total numbers around 70 was very impressive.

Sydney next time


Top Contributor
Good on you Erhan for putting this together. I was sorely disappointed at not being able to make it last night and hope to attend future Melbourne networking events.


Top Contributor
Great to meet so many of you last night it was a superb evening. Thanks to the Cooper Mills team for organising the event.

Looking forward to the next one already!
thanks guys great to see you all there - we are running a poll on our Facebook page about adding some content to the nights - feel free to give us your views: www.facebook.com.au/coopermills

Techmo, there is always the next function! Hope to see you then



Regular Member
Agreed - fantastic event and I learnt something new from EVERY person I met and had a chat with.

Been buzzing and looking to implement a few ideas now!

Thanks to Cooper Mills Lawyers and Netfleet for sponsoring the event.

And yes David, a Sydney networking event would be nice - I'm sure we can outdo the Melbournians ;)


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