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Result of 2010 auDA Board Election


Regular Member
The email just came in......
Outcome of auDA 2010 Board Election
auDA held its 2010 Annual General Meeting on Monday 18 October 2010.
Retiring Supply Class directors Marty Drill and Dwayne Varey were re-elected to the board unopposed.
Retiring Demand Class directors Kim Heitman and Cheryl Langdon-Orr were re-elected to the board. The election results were as follows:

Richard Bone – 2 votes
Kevin Fleming – 2 votes
Kim Heitman – 34 votes
Simon Johnson – 21 votes
Erhan Karabardak – 23 votes
Cheryl Langdon-Orr – 32 votes
Kelvin Markham – 2 votes


Top Contributor
Well it wasn't that close after all.

Maybe the bigger sites in the Australian domaining community will need to combine forces next time around.


Top Contributor
I wonder if the fact that Simon and Erhan were close to being elected in this election will give incumbent AUDA members a bit of a fright and may lead to them also increasing their campaign efforts in future elections?


Top Contributor
I wonder if the fact that Simon and Erhan were close to being elected in this election will give incumbent AUDA members a bit of a fright and may lead to them also increasing their campaign efforts in future elections?

Kim and Cheryl are very strong candidates, one being a founding member the other involved with ICANN. Next year however may see some changes. I would like to hear move from prospective candidates and their policies.


Top Contributor
The figures speak for themselves. If we have all the members of this forum vote you would have had a landslide win.

I suggest next year we vote for 1 member from here and back it up with a second vote for another. Its a shame we see our board members voting so high seperately and not getting in.

Is there a way you can give your votes to another candidate? Could Erhan and Simon have done a deal?

Obviously AUDA is still stacked. No excuses why all the 380 members of this forum did not join and vote for $22.

wake up and vote next time people!

Auda is not transparent. It never has been. Keep pushing for Transparency and no secret vote counting etc.. Who knows how many votes got lost on the fax machine. It needs to be electronic polling with an ip address etc etc and those votes shown with the ip address number the vote came from maybe?

Simon Johnson

Top Contributor
To answer your questions:

1. I've previously announced that I'd be running next year. So has Erhan.

2. Each member gets two votes, so you can vote for anyone.

I'd strongly encourage people to join auDA and nominate themselves to panels and provide feedback on public comments and discussion papers.


Top Contributor
Bump! auDA elections

I wanted to give this thread a big bump, because auDA elections are going to be on us before we know it.

We need to elect people who will represent us in the "Demand" class. People who will go in and bat for us.
People who are in the "trenches" with us day in and day out. Not people that just trot out once a year and
ask for a vote. I think most of us recognise those that deserve our vote, and those that don't.

Has anyone ever heard from the two re-elected members Kim Heitman and Cheryl Langdon-Orr? The people
that just beat Erhan and Simon. I haven't. I have nothing against them personally, but they don't seem to
want to engage with us.

There are two "Demand" positions coming up for election - but only financial auDA members can vote.

I know it has been said before, but if we put our collective might to it, we can get our people on the Board
this year, and then two more next year.

But please, if you haven't done so already, join auDA this week! It only costs $22 for the year.

Here is the link to join: http://www.auda.org.au/membership/membership-overview/
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Regular Member
Just one thing to keep in mind, is I think the constitution says you have to be a member 3 months before being allowed to vote.

So Ned's comments are doubly important. If you want to vote this year - join now.

I personally joined after last years election so I could have a voice in the demand class.

As far as Heitman or Orr engaging domainers, well given I've previously worked on boards and panels with them, I'd say it's a very safe bet you will never hear from them.


Top Contributor


Regular Member
Great bump to the thread Ned. I believe that there has to be more than only the participants here on the forum that vote in demand class. There needs to be a true marketing strategy and business plan in place to get Simon and Erhan elected. There needs to be funding, allocation of expertise and volunteers. Perhaps a private area devoted to people wanting to assist could be created. I am very keen to help both of the gentlemen mentioned become elected and will assist in whatever capacity I can to ensure victory by both. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. We are contributing to the insanity of watching people control a board that do not have our interests in mind and the comment by Ned proves that point by no communication from any of the board members elected over the last 3 years.

I vote that we stop being insane and develop a plan of action.
Firstly thanks to Neddy and James for their support (and all of you who have supported me).

I encourage forum members and other people with a genuine interest in the .au space to become involved. Membership gives you the right to have your say at board elections but also the opportunity to be involved in panels. I talk to people in the industry every day about auDA regulation, and as we all know on this forum, there needs to be reform to bring and end to unfair regulation, that can only be through constructive participation.

I have previously announced that I intend to run for board election again this year after only missing out by a small number of votes last time. I am always happy to speak to people to get their thoughts (and do so, sometimes even over a few drinks!), so feel free to PM me or give me a call.


Regular Member
You're welcome Erhan. You have my details and I'm looking for an excuse to fly down to Melbourne. Possibly next month after Mothers Day is over a group could sit down and brainstorm. :)

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