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Quoting and Linking External Content


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Created so we can move the discussion on quoting content here rather than hijacking other threads.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
"Aren't links done via the furthest right hand top icon in the post box and then with quotation marks wrapped around any text and link"


Top Contributor
As per the discussion on quoting here:


Hi the paste function means non dntrade members cannot read it and it displays poorly on mobile devices and tablets for people with eyesight issues. A lot of media, Government and stakeholders had requested it was cut and pasted in so they could read it also without joining up... as much as I suggested they join dntrade they would prefer not to for some reason ( perhaps Government limitations for some) .

The thread in question is open to all and renders fine on mobile.

Thanks for recommending they join DNT, everyone is welcome to contribute here. The rules we have in place are for the benefit of all members.

Less people read it when it is in the quoted box format.

The slabs of text are difficult to read and can annoy members (regardless of the content).

I know some people who do not want this information out there want it in the box paste format to limit people reading it.

This is not the case. Members need to be able to easily distinguish between comments and copied text from other sources.

I know it is long but dntrade is one of the few places where the real facts, documents, minutes etc can be posted.

It's not the length, and it's not about limiting information for anyone. If I can't tell what someone has written, or if I've seen it before, I skip it. I think you'll find most people do the same.

We know auDA is reading it all and they do not like Whistleblowers speaking up or easy access to information to cannot control themselves or via their paid PR Spin Doctors. https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/au_domain_administration_ltd_boa

It's not about who is reading it, this isn't about auDA or anyone else, it's about following the DNT forum rules that exist to benefit all members :)


Top Contributor
It's not the length, and it's not about limiting information for anyone. If I can't tell what someone has written, or if I've seen it before, I skip it. I think you'll find most people do the same.
Yes I could not agree more. The content is usually good quality, and obviously a lot of time and effort has gone into it, which I applaud.
However there is an art to writing content that is engaging, whether it's for web pages or forum posts, it's the same principle. It must be easy to digest and engage the reader so there is incentive to read further. A wall of text or facts does not do this, no matter how good the content, which makes it counter-productive. I hope DomainNames can take this as constructive feedback, because I do appreciate the time and effort of his research and posts.

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