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Netregistry somehow used my credit card for domain renewal


Top Contributor
Netregistry has somehow used my credit card for a domain I had on auto renewal which I didn't want to renew. I hadn't bothered to change the auto renew as I knew my credit card had not been updated in my account and it was the only domain I had in that account.
Now they tell me I can't get a refund even though it all happened today and I notified them once I saw it had been renewed.
They don't have the expiry date or numbers on the back of my credit card, so did they get them from my Netfleet account ?
In all my other accounts at other Registrars, if you don't update your credit card you won't get a domain renewed. I explained this to them and they gave me their terms and conditions on how they don't give refunds.
I've lodge a reversal with my bank now as Netregistry does not want to help. Bunch of thieves.


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Sometimes banks will allow transactions to go through with old credit card numbers, have a look when you get the statement and see if it states the exact number that was used for the transaction. Banks really shouldn't be processing this crap.


Top Contributor
Well update, Netregistry are now going to refund my credit card. I did say I would post on DNT , so maybe the forum has punch after all.

These guys are on the low level of the scale so doesn’t surprise me it would take public posting to get them to do the right thing.

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