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Monitoring .com.au for potential expire/drop


Top Contributor
David if your going to make such claims at least back it up with some evidence otherwise your just talking rubbish.

Well I didn't take copies of your website at the time so I don't have any evidence, sorry. The fact you haven't denied it speaks volumes though.

However, what I dislike is that you always must end your discussions by raising previous posts in some attempt to justify that your opinion must be better than someone else. You should yourself take note of making childish insults like you usually do!

I only tried to answer an unanswered question in this thread from another member as accurately as I could. It wasn't childish at all.

If I wanted to be childish, I'd resurrect this thread: http://www.dntrade.com.au/black-market-domain-name-trade-t5011.html


Top Contributor
Well I didn't take copies of your website at the time so I don't have any evidence, sorry. The fact you haven't denied it speaks volumes though.

I only tried to answer an unanswered question in this thread from another member as accurately as I could. It wasn't childish at all.

If I wanted to be childish, I'd resurrect this thread: http://www.dntrade.com.au/black-market-domain-name-trade-t5011.html

This post speaks volumes of your character David, well done you win. Great job.


Top Contributor
All. But I wouldn't say my data is complete.

my logic would say if something has been caught there is little chance its going to come back on the market, either its been bought by a domainer or picked up by the original owner who has now learnt their lesson for letting it drop.

at a guess johno69 what % would you say caught domains come back to drop in just 2 years? just a guess



Top Contributor
No idea at all.. But you then have a record ofthe expiry cycle. be it 2 years, 8 years etc..

Unless things change, this will be useful one day.

I think the drop houses would have a very comprehensive list though already.


Top Contributor
at a guess johno69 what % would you say caught domains come back to drop in just 2 years? just a guess


Well according to the bottom of this - http://www.netfleet.com.au/domain-sales-graphs it refers to 226 repeat drop sales since 2009. So that's 226 out of....hmmm

Maybe since start 2009, that means 18 months worth of domains are over 2 years old (ie could have possibly dropped)

Say 30 domains/day are caught. In 18 months that's 16,000 names. So we're looking at 1.4% of caught domains are likely to drop again? Is that roughtly right? Maybe Anthony can help us with the numbers?


Top Contributor
is it safe to assume if a domain has a modified date of 13 sept 2010 and is with drop that it will be dropping soon? if so, what would be the time frame?

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