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Regular Member
My experience has shown that the look and design of site is not alway the winning factor. What keywords are you considering? I searched for misogynist but your site did not come up in google.

I guess my main point here is, no matter what domain name you have, you still need SEO of some kind.

In this case, you are competing against wiki, dictionary sites, and major news sites. All these sites have major industry stake holdings and will have spent a lot of money on SEO.

Saying that, I am sure you can make your site into a going concern, if you put the work in. Just figure out who your audience is, determine the keywords, create the social profiles, do the SEO. Then if done properly, within about three to six months or so, you should start seeing results.

How will you make money from it?

Hey Thanks for advice. Good stuff. Nice to get some positive input. Very Good advice indeed. Thank you.


Top Contributor
Hey Thanks for advice. Good stuff. Nice to get some positive input. Very Good advice indeed. Thank you.

No probs, hope it helps a bit.

Of course the other option is pay for traffic from Google, but you will still need to optimise your key phrases. And you need to consider the ROI and if there is any profit in it.

It's a great sounding word isn't it? "Misogynist..." has a ring to it. Not really sure what it means though.

Perhaps Julia will belt Tony with it again, and you will get another spike? The harder the better for your sake :D


Top Contributor
i've recently been approached by political factions to create propaganda sites in the lead up to the next election, i've declined.

just be careful to keep your own morals intact with what you do with the site.



Regular Member
i've recently been approached by political factions to create propaganda sites in the lead up to the next election, i've declined.

just be careful to keep your own morals intact with what you do with the site.

I hear you Tim, hopefully what I got so far is pretty innocent and light hearted. I wish not to belittle either Julia or Tony or any group of people. I think that is what you are saying?
and thanks for advice.

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