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Ian Hanke tells auDA to bring in Code of Conduct to stop criticism


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Breaking news....

Ian Hanke "auDA spokesperson" in the media, is now telling auDA management to vote in a code of conduct via another SGM as soon as 955 supply related members can vote to prevent members from speaking out about auDA in the the media and at auDA meetings, and to remove those people who do speak out from the membership base.


Top Contributor
Breaking news....

Ian Hanke "auDA spokesperson" in the media, is now telling auDA management to vote in a code of conduct via another SGM as soon as 955 supply related members can vote to prevent members from speaking out about auDA in the the media and at auDA meetings, and to remove those people who do speak out from the membership base.

if this is true, it goes to show who controls this Board and how easily it is influenced by 3rd parties. Imagine if these people are allowed to speak directly to the CMWG and they decided it was appropriate to recommend it under a single membership model.

I hope the CMWG is not holding any prejudice against people contesting management; i really hope they aren't behind closed doors discriminating against those who hold alternative views. Imagine if that got leaked. ['independence lost, captured by those who lie for a dime]


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Does anyone wonder why very expensive Liberal Party PR Spindoctor Ian Hanke is involved behind the scenes at the auDA SGM, at Board meetings and at CMWG meetings?

How much is current auDA Management prepared to pay to keep their jobs and to seemingly Mute and Smear whistleblowers and those who have called on real reform at auDA to meet the Government report requirements?


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