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hyphen or .net.au ?

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
I got a 2 x keyword domain name in my mind. The .com.au is taken so the next thing would be:
1. go with another domain
2. hyphen it
3. .net.au

Which would you do? (for the .au)

Thank you.


Top Contributor
My first pref would be another domain, I just like a good .com.au.

Personally my next preference would be the .net.au, but it's a pretty interesting question.

What would people prefer, creditcards.net.au or credit-cards.com.au?

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
My first pref would be another domain, I just like a good .com.au.

Personally my next preference would be the .net.au, but it's a pretty interesting question.

What would people prefer, creditcards.net.au or credit-cards.com.au?

Thanks for the feedback Chris. :)


Top Contributor
I assume option 4 - try to acquire the .com.au - is not possible?

I don't know about the .net.au v's hyphen any more. Previously I would have said .net.au was the better option, but I think it depends on the name and whether the hyphen fits well or not.


Top Contributor
My advice is to go with another domain (or buy the .com.au if that's feasible).

Dash or .net.au will bleed traffic and both are not great for building a brand on imo.
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Top Contributor
Go with another domain.

If you are developing and the site does well it is going to be a major issue trying to shift down the track, there will be significant confusion with 2 or 3.

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Thank you guys. I had a feeling it would come down to having to choose another. Brandable it is. (With a keyword thrown in for good measure).

Shane, Demonoid; buying the .com.au would be almost impossible as the buyer (me) would not have enough moolah to satisfy the seller; and that's if they actually wanted to sell, which I think they wouldn't (based on the keyphrase). Also, it already has a business built on it.


Regular Member
The thing that goes against hyphen domain names is when saying them out aloud. For example, for creditcards.com.au, you say "credit cards dot com dot AU". Yet for credit-cards.com.au, do you say "credit dash cards dot com dot AU"? Sounds clumsy. Or someone might interpret that as CreditDashCards.com.au.


Top Contributor
option 1 or 4, if its a GREAT idea then go with option 4 and spend the money.

do the numbers on profit and breakeven point and find a price you can afford, the fact is you will own it for a long time so the initial cost deminishes over time whilst you are making money off it.



Regular Member
German buyers like the dash, look at google.de, dash still appears in rankings.

I'd go with .net.au personally. People know about .net


Top Contributor
Do you not like the .net extension?

I meant dash in relation to .com , obviously german buyers would not buy dash .com.au names.

i have always said i do not like .net or .net.au
the only ones i own are the .net.au of the better.com.au's i own, other then that i ignore them.

my "dislike" wasn;t about you but about the post in general, i thought it would be a good idea to be able to equally dislike a post instead of only being able to like it.

just a thought

tim :)


Regular Member
I can understand you might not like .net.au, but .net??

.net is the 2nd most recognised extension. Even though its not .com, it still has value.

.net is to .com what Silver is to Gold in my opinion.

Sure, if you build a brand on .net you might have some leakage to the .com

But I'd rather buy Loans.net at $50,000 than Loans.com at $10,000,000

Much more growth potential and still good enough to develop on and build a brand. By the way, I'm sure Loans.net is worth much more than $50k...

And Loans.com could be worth $100mil considering it conveys global authority over the most lucrative industry in the world.


Top Contributor
I've sold some .net domains, but it's a lot harder. I've built one site on a .net that does pretty well, but I wouldn't build a brand on a .net domain again.

.net bleeds traffic to .com, .net.au bleeds traffic to .com.au and .com.

I buy .net domains for brand protection and that's it.

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