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Domain Sales List 2008


I have decided to keep this thread with the full list of .au domains sold for 2008. I will keep the top 10 highest sold prices for .au domains on the front page sidebar until a time where there is a higher turnover of domains, in which i will most likely add the latest domains to be sold there.

FreeStuff.com.au $18,700
Merimbula.com.au/net.au $15,000
Jeweller.com.au $14,630
Reid.com.au $14,300
History.com.au $13,515
StockExchange.com.au $11,925
Forster.com.au $11,000
PWC.com.au $10,450
Tuncurry.com.au $9,900
Snowboards.com.au $9,540
TheOaks.com.au $8,000
AvocaBeach.com.au $7,500
Terrigal.com.au $7,500
MensClothing.com.au $6,360
Friend.com.au $5,565
Photographers.com.au $5,000
JobListings.com.au $4,770
Jackets.com.au $4,770
Pollution.com.au $4,770
Jobs.net.au $4,500
Plans.com.au $4,295
Camp.com.au $4,135
Branding.com.au $3,975
WW.com.au $3,575
Cloverdale.com.au $3,500
SurfingLessons.com.au $3,500
Instruments.com.au $3,500
PortElliot.com.au $3,300
Athletic.com.au $3,180
Broadcasting.com.au $3,180
CDs.com.au $3,180
Laughter.com.au $3,180
Enter.com.au $3,180
JetSkiing.com.au $3,180
DebitCard.com.au $3,000
Hunting.com.au $2,940
Hockey.com.au $2,750
Parasailing.com.au $2,700
Essays.com.au $2,545
Undergraduate.com.au $2,385
Campsites.com.au $2,065
TaxCalculator.com.au $2,000
Shout.com.au $1,590
Zuri.com.au $1,540
NorfolkIsland.net.au $1,408
Bake.com.au $1,270
Rumours.com.au $1,265
Rules.com.au $1,110
Knit.com.au $1,110
NorfolkIsland.net.au $1,010
PaddyPower.com.au $1,000
Sundowners.com.au $900
iQuit.com.au $800
Authentication.com.au $795
Barbecuing.com.au $795
DirtBiking.com.au $795
Toons.com.au $795
AVM.com.au $750
K7.com.au $700
Topix.com.au $600
NRLTips.com.au $600
TwoDollarStore.com.au $590
Lessons.net.au $550
UBuyUSell.com.au $500
SaleFinder.com.au $500
BoutiqueHotel.com.au $440
FloraNet.com.au $400
Sunrise.com.au $400
Adopt.com.au $400
FreeStone.com.au $400
ChristmasVouchers.com.au $350
WirelessHotSpots.com.au $350
SMSFs.com.au $300
AFTRS.com.au $250
Backpacker-Accomodation.com.au $220
BillsNook.com.au $200
FamilyCars.com.au $200
ResumeTips.com.au $200
MountDruitt.com.au $200
WolliCreek.com.au $200
Kava.com.au $200
iPhoneHacks.com.au $160
Misa.com.au $110
Perisher.net.au $110
BushTours.com.au $100
Bunbury.net.au $82.50
Blueys-Beach.com.au $82.50
Stanthorpe.net.au $77
Pokolbin.net.au $66
Denmark.net.au $61
Camera.net.au $60
Sheffield.net.au $60
Nowra.net.au $60
Agent.net.au $60
Airfare.net.au $60
FreeFone.com.au $50

If only i could work out how to use tables within vBulletin :confused:


Thanks DTP for the sale update

Also added K7.com.au which sold for $700 at NetFleet

James is right with the SMSFs ;)


Updated the list with NRLTips.com.au which sold for $600 at NetFleet

Some constant sales are starting to occur, which is looking good. I hope to see more domains being traded to help this young market.


Added iPhoneHacks.com.au which sold for $160 at Sedo and TwoDollarStore.com.au which sold for $590 at Afternic

Quite interesting to see a three word .com.au sell for over $500, im also wondering how iPhoneHacks hasnt been taken from the owner for blatantly infringing on Apples trademark.


Updated the list with the domain Topix.com.au selling for $600 at NetFleet. Quite interesting as Topix.com sold for big bucks to the popular articles website topix.net, I wonder if they will have any trademark issues.


Thanks James, its good to keep up to date with as many prices as possible, if only a lot more deals were publicly displayed. That would definitely have a positive effect on the .au market.


Top Contributor
Other domains sold by holidaystays

May as well put lessons.net.au sold on Ebay for $550
boutiquehotel.com.au and backpacker-accommodation.com.au on Domainshed for $440 and $220.00
Have sold other au domains for big money, but for buyers privacy, won't say what domains or amount.
Also my company bought tuncurry.com.au , portelliot.com.au , forster.com.au , terrigal.com.au and avocabeach.com.au
Have other domains going under contract soon.

www.holidaystays.com.au www.moretonisland.com.au www.goldcoastairport.com
Last edited:


Thanks for the update geodomains, all those domains added to the list.

Yeh there have been many domain sales which have been kept hush hush, its frustrating, but expected at the same time.


DebitCard.com.au added to the list which sold for $3,000 at NetFleet yesterday.

Not a bad name in my opinion, and for an alright price.


Top Contributor
Yes I thought is was good domain name as well and was the first to bid at $2500, should have kept going as $3000 is a good fair buying in my opinion.
Have ordered a book from US called The Domain Game wich should get the blood flowing when reading.
Has anyone read this book ? It is a new release.


Regular Member
I'm halfway through it. Good read, though it makes you wish you'd got into the domain thing about 8 years ago!


Updated the list with the domain Topix.com.au selling for $600 at NetFleet. Quite interesting as Topix.com sold for big bucks to the popular articles website topix.net, I wonder if they will have any trademark issues.

I can see there's some concerns about TRADEMARK and alike. In fact, if you have APPLE.com.au and you are selling apples online, I am sure you are SAFE and no one can take you down even the billions companies like Apple Inc.

As long as you are not making use of their reputation, and you are using the name(s) for purposes other than the TM owner, you are save to use any names.


Top Contributor
Domain au sale coming soon

Hi Everyone,
No luck with my ad in Townsville paper for townsville.net.au , had a couple of bites, but failed to get a sale, possibly would get a sale if I had persisted
I will be announcing soon some exciting news for those that want to get some hard to get au geographical and generic domains. Hopefully next week will know more, so everyone will have to keep guessing.



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