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Direct registrations are happening


Top Contributor
Now that it's the 31st I wonder what has happened as far as .nz registrations are concerned, I guess it's a little early to tell..


Top Contributor
When I suggested last year (at the Names Panel and the AGM) that auDA should contact all affected registrants about the proposed direct registration changes (or a good representative sample at least), they wouldn't have a bar of it citing "potential spam issues".

Well at least we can now be thankful for some small mercies. They have obviously overcome this fear. ;)

This from their latest announcement:

We all know that the actual survey question asked was designed to get a specific answer. However, playing the "glad game" for a moment, I'm sure we can now look forward to some proper and meaningful engagement with their stakeholders when it comes to discussing / deciding implementation ideas.

I live in hope ...

I had to give this a bump as it has shown no improvement in auDA Management process at all.

The whole process has been rigged to give a result they wanted.

It is the duty of the new auDA Board and auDA Management to fix the mistakes of the old auDA Board.

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