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Changing of the Guard


Top Contributor
Thanks Ned. I know first hand how much work you put in behind the scenes to grow and sustain DNT and we have become good mates along the way. You certainly had a great deal of passion for the project and you leave behind some pretty big shoes to fill - but I'm sure Chris and his partner will be up to the task.

To think.. all that time and you only managed to bugger up the VB configuration a handful of times!.. well done ;)


Top Contributor
Ned, Thanks for all the effort you put into dntrade, it is an integral part of the domain trading community in Australia and provides both a fascinating guide to the future and history book all in one place.


Regular Member
Ned - we're going to miss you around here!

The work you have done on DNTrade in the past year as well as your vision and passion for growing the community has been phenomenal.

Now good luck in recuperating and getting back to the best of health :)



Top Contributor
Please excuse me for not individually thanking you all for your very kind comments.

But I truly appreciate all the sentiments expressed. Thank you.

I will be around for a little while yet as I do the handover to Chris. So I'm still "Admin" for a little while longer, and then Chris has asked me to stay on for a short period as a part-time moderator.

So you haven't got rid of me totally. :D

P.S. Already deleted 5 spammers today!


Top Contributor
Thanks Ned, for all you have done with DNTrade, and for Aussie domaining....and I am sure, you will be back with a vengeance sometime in the future.

Once the handover is complete, do take a nice break - you deserve it. Hope you get back to good health soon.

ps. do keep in touch, and let me know if you need anything.


Regular Member
Congrats to Ned & Chris

I have only gotten to know Ned over the past few weeks and I wish you well on your well deserved sea-change.

I look forward to what Chris has to bring to the DN Trade table, I am sure it will be great.

Would love to have you both as guests on my podcast at www.OzDomainer.com to talk about the changing of the guard and what Chris has planned for DN Trade.

Looking forward to speaking with you both soon.


Ed Keay-Smith


Regular Member
many thanks Ned for your fantastic work over the years :)

Looking forward to Chris taking DN Trade to the next level!


Regular Member
Congrats Ned,

I've only been here a short while, but have met some great people and am learning a lot.

You've created something special with DNT!

All the best for the future.


Top Contributor
Ned, firstly hope everything is now OK on the health front - your health and your family have to come first so it's probably a wise decision to give up the rigours and demands of us annoying forum members! :p

However, let me just thank you so much for every contribution you have made and every bit of wise knowledge and assistance you have shared, both with me personally, and with the wide DNTrade community. This site is fantastic and has changed my outlook on the web and how I can improve the way my business is run!

I look forward to maintaining a close business AND personal relationship with you and will definitely have a chat with you soon.

Thanks again for everything, Ned. Thank you.

Furthermore, welcome Chris! :D I look forward to having you run the site and hopefully you can impart some knowledge and insight just like Ned! I also look forward to new and exciting changes coming to DNTrade!
So sorry about your health issues, Ned.

I know the love and pride you had in DNT so I feel your pain :-(

I hope as a tribute to you, your members will support and assist the new owners to keep your baby thriving!


Top Contributor
Ned, you've done a great job with DNTrade and I hope under the new owners it will continue to grow as a great resource for domainers and associated areas. I hope that the time spent away will help you to overcome these health issues and refocus on the important things in life :)


Archived Member
Thanks Neddy! Best of luck with everything.

DNTrade has grown a lot since you took over and I'm sure it will continue to grow in the months and years ahead.


Regular Member
Thanks Ned - you have built a great site

no easy task as we all know. :)

and welcome Chris hope it all goes well for you too.



Regular Member
Hi Ned, echo everything already stated so well. I certainly am sorry to see you sell the forum on the one hand, however there's simply nothing more important or enjoyable than replenishing your health and your focusing on your personal time, fun, family/friends and projects. I simply know you're going to have a most excellent time recovering to better health. I learned a while ago that there's this place called 'offline'.. check it out, you'll bloody love it. Cheers!


Top Contributor
Hi Ned, It has been a real pleasure, best of luck and good health.
Thank you for your kindness.


Regular Member
All The Best Ned


All the best for the future and hope your health rebounds. Well done on building DN Trade and hope I can catch up with you in Queensland one day


Perth WA

Mike Robertson

Top Contributor
Just echoing all the sentiments that have already been posted in the thread already.

You're a top bloke Ned and have done so much for the Au domain space and I'm sure you'll continue to make great contributions.

Here's to your health and future success!



Top Contributor
Again, thank you to everyone for your kind comments.

I truly appreciate them - and am humbled.

I'm feeling a lot better already, and I just know Chris is going to do a fantastic job in the head chair.

Cheers, Ned

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