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Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Got 5 cheques from Amazon infront of me. Don't even bother depositing them...partly because im lazy partly because it costs $15 to deposit an international cheque and they are worth 100-200 each.

I recently cashed an international cheque and happily paid the fees because there was money ....... afterwards

Your doing well if you don't cash cheques ....... i think i saw you in that movie caddyshack, or was that Chevy Chase

They do appear to have a direct deposit option .... :eek:


Top Contributor
I'm just starting out with Amazon. Interested to hear about this other affiliate program you're trying Spacey?


Top Contributor
That looks much better. You do need to add a bit of padding to the right of the images in the posts though

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
That looks much better. You do need to add a bit of padding to the right of the images in the posts though

its a cut and paste situation so unsure of how to change it

the online bookshop is smashword , i dont really like any of the big affiliates clickbank, amazon, commission junction, it seems there is never enough in each one that you can just stay with the single affiliate option

stuff everywhere and none of it paying (for me anyway)


Top Contributor
If you have a look at the css and apply it to images you may be able to get it working. If you don't get anywhere, I'll have a look later :)


Top Contributor
Try this:

.post-entry img{

The issue with this is that if the image is aligned to the right then you'd need it on the left as opposed to the right. I'd suggest because of this, having a 10px padding around the whole image:

.post-entry img{

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
ok i finally understand what you're referring to , the space between the pic and the text

which i would happily attempt to fix although i don't know where to start ,

can i have a hint please

thanks so far

actually this is good advice as nearly all my wordpress sites have this occurrence

if i am in the correct spot just bold over where i should adjust .......... thanks heaps

/* Main - Content - Post */

#content .post {

color: #000000;

float: left;

margin-bottom: 16px;

width: 554px;

padding: 7px;

background: #D1CEC1;


/* Post - Title */

#content .post .post-title {

width: 554px;

height: 51px;

color: #000000;

font: bold 12px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana;


#content .post .post-title a {

color: #000000;

text-decoration: none;


#content .post .post-title a:hover {

text-decoration: underline;


#content .post .post-title .post-date {

float: left;

background: url("images/post_date.gif") repeat-x;

width: 50px;

height: 51px;

color: #FFFFFF;

text-align: center;

text-transform: uppercase;

margin-right: 10px;

font: bold 10px/15px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana;


#content .post .post-title .post-date span {

margin-bottom: 2px;

display: block;

font: bold 16px/34px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana;


#content .post .post-title h2 {

padding: 4px 0 3px 0;

color: #000000;

font: bold 19px "Verdana", Verdana;


#content .post .post-title h2 a {

color: #720000;

text-decoration: none;


#content .post .post-title h2 a:hover {

text-decoration: underline;


/* Post - Entry */

#content .post .post-entry {

font: normal 12px/18px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana;

color: #000000;

padding: 0 4px;

width: 546px;


#content .post .post-entry a {

color: #000000;

text-decoration: none;


#content .post .post-entry a:hover {

text-decoration: underline;


#content .post .post-entry .more-link {

font: bold 12px/20px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana;

color: #000000;

float: right;

padding-bottom: 5px;


#content .post .post-entry .more-link a {

color: #000000;

text-decoration: none;


#content .post .post-entry .more-link a:hover {

text-decoration: underline;


/* Post - Info */

#content .post .post-info {

padding: 10px 4px 0 4px;

width: 546px;

clear: both;

font: bold 12px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana;

color: #000000;


#content .post .post-info a {

color: #000000;

text-decoration: none;


#content .post .post-info a:hover {

text-decoration: underline;
Last edited:


Top Contributor
All you have to do (may not work but should) is copy the second lot of code I posted and add it to the bottom (or anywhere for that matter). Give that a try and see if it works

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