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a CALL to action


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without a doubt because shane and i are so public about our stand our competition are watching and reading, so be it !
like any good election campaign you need a team and i'm asking anyone who is willing to do some emailing to PM me, i can provide you with standard templates explaining our stand so its just cut and paste with a little personal hello at the top to this person you know will be affected by this change.
we know supply class have access to 1000's of email addresses but that means nothing, receiving an email from someone you know gives a whole new weight to the decision.to join.
with just 2 weeks to go we have a lot of work to do + we don't know the people you do ! if you can think of 5 people and i send you a template to make your life EASY that would be great.
this is not buying votes, its informing the people who auda should have done monthssssssss ago, thats all.

without a doubt there are 2 people "they" don't want on the board, Shane and I , kinda makes me smile

many hands make light work.

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