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Are you buying .CO?


Top Contributor
While I know Domain Age is a major factor in SEO, I personally think a $40 punt for a high volume/low competition keyword is worth a shot.

Couldn't the same type of thing be bought in .cc/.ws etc for similar money and it wouldn't have the confusion issues?


Top Contributor
I 'pre-regged' 2 domains (computing.co and isp.co) and got this email today:

Your purchase could not be completed, therefore we
will be refunding the cost of registration.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for your business.

Domain Services
GoDaddy.com, Inc.

Ah well that's the height of my involvement with .co!


Top Contributor
I did reg one as it does have 135,000 exacts wouldwide and I do own the .com.au and was surprised it was still available as it seems everyone has pre-registered all the good ones.

I got www.touristattractions.co and it has already been getting traffic parked, my one and only .co purchase.



Top Contributor
I did reg one as it does have 135,000 exacts wouldwide and I do own the .com.au and was surprised it was still available as it seems everyone has pre-registered all the good ones.

I got www.touristattractions.co and it has already been getting traffic parked, my one and only .co purchase.


Very nice! Well done, great find!


Top Contributor
I did reg one as it does have 135,000 exacts wouldwide and I do own the .com.au and was surprised it was still available as it seems everyone has pre-registered all the good ones.

I got www.touristattractions.co and it has already been getting traffic parked, my one and only .co purchase.

Some say the traffic for .co is coming from domainers checking if the name is available
Is the parking company paying on any of the visits?


Top Contributor
I bought sello.co and today received this reply on another domain forum...

Low-mid $xxxx.

"Sello" is Spanish for "postage stamp". .co for obvious reasons goes well with Spanish names. "Sello" is also very close to "Sellos" which is a category definer on Spanish Ebay.

If you know where this can be found for reg. fee, please let me know...

I've replied in the forum suggesting they can make an offer, but does anyone have experience targeting spanish end-users?


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