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Important quality changes update


Top Contributor
Several important and very significant updates have been made to DNTrade.

Applologies for any downtime experienced during these updates.

These updates are to improve the overall health of the website in general.

These updates give more benefits to members by providing improved quality signals

This includes a range of measures such as anti spam actions. Specific action was taken to recify outbound links.

The main intention for this is to stengthen the quality indicators for all DNTrade members by cleaning up the outbound links.

Actions taken:
  • Added better social sharing buttons
  • Added rel="nofollow" to outbound links
  • Added a whitelist of approved domains for follow links
  • Added a blacklist of disallowed domains

All members:
  • Please update the "Home Page URL" in User CP (see screenshots below)

  • Can have one domain whitelisted only
  • This is the "Home Page URL" in User CP
  • We have updated the whitelist with your current home page URL
  • Traders should check this setting and update if needed
  • Use the contact us form to notify us of a change to the Home Page URL

  • Can have multiple domains whitelisted
  • Can post suggestions in the VIP area for the whitelist (here)
  • We have already updated the whitelist for VIPs



  • dntrade-home-page-URL.jpg
    19 KB · Views: 91


Top Contributor
Yes, that particular mod is now unsupported so we're replacing it. We're just in the process of merging the existing Likes.

Not too far away :)

Excellent, if the like feature was still in place... I would have 'liked' this post.

I thought it was a good feature.


Top Contributor
Here is a reply to give some more context, thanks all for appreciating this important update.

The need for outbound links as nofollow has been an issue for DNTrade for a while. We work really hard to deter spammers and send better quality signals. Every member is hand verified and must post an intro before approval.

Spam is a massive problem that we are dealing with on many fronts, and Google is taking it very seriously too.

We are focused on quality, and feel this change will result in a better quality forum for members.

We also recognise the value of outbound follow links where appropriate, and where it adds value. For this reason we have introduced the whitelist. This way members get the benefit of a well placed outbound link.


Top Contributor
Yep i went to use the like yesterday and wondered, all good things come to those who wait

The Like button. Yes, the software company who supplied it just went out of business land left us in a tough spot. We were not quite ready with a replacement. We are working on bringing back the like button. It was one of our favorite features. So will bring at back live as soon as technically possible.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
The Like button. Yes, the software company who supplied it just went out of business land left us in a tough spot. We were not quite ready with a replacement. We are working on bringing back the like button. It was one of our favorite features. So will bring at back live as soon as technically possible.


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