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gTLD stuff


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Firstly, i'm considering dipping my toes in the water for a personal use gTLD. More on that later...

I've been playing around with a "Test" gTLD at work [CENSORED].gallery which I regoed and got setup today. I thought this may be of interest to those of you employed in the same game as myself. Because I work in the hosting industry, it has all been to prepare for launching the gTLD's to market in the next few weeks. Who knows, might be the worst thing since Wawrick Capper. Time will tell.

My initial concerns were, when the requests start coing in, what programs will chuck a spack-attack when they can't validate the (new) gTLD format URL's?.

So far I've tested Outlook 2010 which worked flawlessly. Thunderbird has been a little harder but I forced it to accept the email username settings. WHM & cPanel have been happy to comply with our new gTLD overlords. And given my limited time today, this is as far as I've gotten.

It will of course throw quite the spanner in the works when it comes to Regex matching of domains and older (non gTLD friendly) programs / websites which require a particular email / domain format on validation fields. Not sure if I would be convinced on using a gTLD for my day to day email just yet for that reason!

I can't help but wonder in 12 months time, how many of these (probably bulk registered) domains will drop. And I also wonder who will be looking after those drops ;)


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Many are saying they will drop but i will be keeping geek.technology for sure (even if am not a geek) i think it suits the extension nicely, i have seen a couple i like including join.today and order.today another that i liked was hire.bike
I am seeing a couple of sales on dnjournal ... perhaps domainer to domainer?


Top Contributor
I'm not confident about the new extensions, I have been testing for the last 12 months as I bought a couple JUST to do testing and google is not picking them up !

I got a hand reg .com.au the other day, 2 words, did my normal stuff and ended up on the first page of google in a couple of days ( low competition terms ), my non .com/.com.au is nowhere online with similar techniques so thankfully I have only dipped into that new realm @ $200

I purposely registered a low search term domain so I would know if I could make it rank: lets call it dubbo.dentist :D ............ but its not !

I've done 3 others and just CAN NOT make them rank.

I certainly will not be buying any more



Top Contributor
Easy to say that now, but if Google start pimping gTLD's we might start singing a new tune.


Top Contributor
Easy to say that now, but if Google start pimping gTLD's we might start singing a new tune.
fair call.

melbourne flemington tomorrow , race 6, horse number 5

thats where we are at !

ohhh and my lotto numbers this week are 20, 26, 54, 31, 42 and 98



Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Things will change Tim (imo) here is a copy of a post i did on that other forum (dated december 2007)
Alpha Dot Weekly


Welcome to this weeks edition of alpha dot weekly , yes it’s a new week already , and as usual many sales and leases to review and report on , as always the star of the show are the ALPHA DOTS and the DOT TEN , Some huge sales again this week show that ever since its inception the alpha dots continue to rise and eliminate any other extension registered on the stock dot !!!!! Not since .solar has there been such interest in a new stock dot ? even then that seems like a small drop in the ocean compared to the action that’s going on with the alphas and the dot ten , so please have fun reviewing the latest sales , news and rumors in this weeks edition of … ALPHA DOT WEEKLY

This weeks big rumor is that the YR’s are going to make an offer on 3dtv.e , it is suggested that it will be around the 145,000.000 mark ?but my sources say this could not be enough to secure the annual lease ? the owner is reported to have said ‘how can anyone live on a $145,000,000 a year’

Go figure ? I say . On a personal note I would like to know how the young entrepeneurs make $ 5,000,000 by the age of ten ? (between you and me , I say it’s the implants) but you didn’t hear that here !!!!!

The news is that this week the .hybrids are going to the luna court in an attempt to secure the .h alpha dot , they say because there are more hycars and hybikes than there are hotels , that they should own the .h domain , well my point of view is ‘where you when we had the world domain vote ‘ we all had the chance to choose the keyword for the alpha domains ? besides I wonder if they are including all the hotels on the moon and the ones they are building on mars ??

I say ‘build a flyzork and get over it ‘ ….. once again just my opinion folks , remember what happened when .real estate tried to get the .r alpha dot !!!!! I still remember my robotbin saying ‘I’m not cleaning this house ‘ we all know .r is for .robo , next the holograhs will go on strike , so I’ll leave it at that I think

It seems that domaining will be a vital subject at interschools , but I think let them pass solar science first ???

The weeks biggest sale reported was 4.a at $ 1,000,000,000. interface have confirmed the sale and note that it was paid for using hydrocash credit , this will be complicated when they try to get their credits back from the government , but their argument is that they are only advertising ‘hydro products’ on a 3d interface ( I’ve heard that one before) but good luck to them !!! Hovercarhire.t was a big surprise at $500,000,000 , but they still cost a fortune , so I guess people are just hiring and claiming credits at this point , it’s a good offset against solar tax I’ve heard ? also strange a 'word' domain getting such a high price ? but we all know the acronym belongs to mass dot and they are not selling !!

On a final note before we go to the weeks sales/lease list , I am still amazed at the rise of .j , it seems there is a lot of junk out there ??? so its true ? one persons junk is another persons joy , ok happy alpha dotting !!!!!! and remember if it aint alpha dot … it’s worth squat

The top 20 sales and leases go like this

1 4.a $1,000,000,000 3rd biggest sale this month
2 bgi.b $678,000 ,000 another win for .b
2 luv2.i $587,000 ,000 .i still rocks
4 2bf1.c $565,000 ,000 it seems f1 is still cool
5 oooo.o $549,000,000 must be a visual thing ?
6 hovercarhire.t $500,000,000 remember words (good to see one again)
7 1yr.k $499,000,000 annual lease
8 b2.b $475,000,000 wow another .b sale
9 bd.a $450,000,000 annual lease
10 m8.m $ 410,000,000 annual lease
11 coo.c $399,000,000 I would have prefered coo.l
(still available for 5,000,000,000) sale
12 hap.b $378,000,000 short for housing and property
13 888.g $375,000 ,000 annual lease
14 myi.b $301,000,000 short for my internet , yet another .b sale
15 xes.p $299,000,000 sex backwards ? still a win for .p
16 x2.v $278,000,000 have you played this game yet ????
17 b00.e $275,500,000 boo.e went for 520,000,000
18 vvd.v $274.800,000 virtual video drive (outdated I think)
19 lll.c $269,000,000 annual lease
20 j2.j $250,000,000 highest .j sale yet

IN CASE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN ALL THE ALPHA KEYWORDS , HERE’S THE LIST AGAIN , but please save them with your touchload after reading , I get so many brain mails regarding these names , I just want to go into orbit (again)

.a advertising
.b business
.c cool
.d download
.e entertainment
.f finance
.g gamble
.h hotel
.I interactive
.j junk
.k kids
.l love
.m music
.n news
.o orbit
.p porn
.q question
.r robo
.s shop
.t travel
.u .uni
.v virtual
.w work
.x xtreme
.y youth
.z zoo

The Dot Ten , THE MOST EXCLUSIVE DOMAINS AVAILABLE EVER only 55 exist and only for the high rollers

.1 .2 .3 .4 . 5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 I am unsure why some people want to change to a dot twenty ?? what next a dot fifty ?

This week the rumor is that dv have purchased a .2 from sp , a spokesbot from disneyvirtual confirmed that spacepet were willing to sell this stock dot !!!! wait for it …. a whopping $10,000,000,000 , of course disneyvirtual don’t need this stock dot , they already have 11 other stock tens , but when your on a good thing stick with it, their spokesbot said.
Plus we have .1 and although we receive about 50 offers a week , we will not sell , we actually hope to buy/lease more

The 4u corporation continues to make inroads with the addition of p4u (property 4 u) they now have p4u.4 , s4u.4 and i4u.4 ,, they paid 5,000,000,000 for the annual lease and are offering some stock dot options for the outright ownership of this dot ten stock dot , we think cc will go with the annual lease (we all know the trouble colacorp have had recently)
Hey colacorp stick with the drinks and leave the flybots to someone else (just my opinion) but at least it’s a little bit of revenue for colacorp

Spacebiz have also secured a .6 stock dot from sp4 as expected sp4 just couldn’t keep up sales , after all space petrolium is truly a thing of the past ! and as the blues keep saying ‘a clean universe is better universe’ sounds a lot like the greenfuels motto to me ? The truly big news is that an investor has finally made their way into the dot ten , this will be the first time a dot ten has not gone to a big corporation , we believe it will be a .9 ? the rumor is that steller radio have taken a huge gamble with their holographic radio venture and they need to set up more relay stations than expected . So my sources tell me an offer has been accepted for 4,000,000,000 annual lease ,,,,,, talk about getting a bargain , the indivual prefers to be known as doc stock dot ……… really, the ego some people have (yes I am jealous)
some people have all luck !! remember you can touchload all this stuff and read review it later on your interactive glasses

Page 2 has all other sales/lease info , there were 4798 sales this week and 1880 leases and 1203 trades , yes the stock dot is here to stay , possibly the only thing we can really rely on in this crazy world …. happy stock dotting !!


Top Contributor
In my view the new tlds are already starting to fail.

-Far lower reg numbers than expected.
-Dodgy claims of sales (ok that is nothing new).
-People selling at a loss on flippa.
-Very low interest from corporates in sunrise registrations.
-1 & 1 spends $50 million on marketing and gets 10,000 registrations.

It seems to be falling apart quicker than past launches.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I do think it's a long term thing, i think the big advertising budgets of .sony and .canon will be interesting to view. May take a generation for full acceptance, i doubt many business's are even aware they exist, so keeping that in mind it may take a while. The sheer scale is quite something and may contribute to a wider acceptance over time ?? Are you saying Alpha Dot Weekly are making dodgy claims?


Top Contributor
I do think it's a long term thing, i think the big advertising budgets of .sony and .canon will be interesting to view. May take a generation for full acceptance, i doubt many business's are even aware they exist, so keeping that in mind it may take a while. The sheer scale is quite something and may contribute to a wider acceptance over time ?? Are you saying Alpha Dot Weekly are making dodgy claims?

You are going to wait a "generation" to see if these make money? This reminds me a bit of .tv where people kick the profitability can down the road constantly. A few more years...a few more years. Remember, the main thing that will change in the future is that we will all be dead.

Really things either make money now or they don't. If someone can make money right now from new tlds, great. If they can't they will probably never make money from them.


Top Contributor
You have some valid points here snoopy. I guess the one's who are making money out of these are the registrars who are offering them. And they selling them pretty hard too.

You are going to wait a "generation" to see if these make money? This reminds me a bit of .tv where people kick the profitability can down the road constantly. A few more years...a few more years. Remember, the main thing that will change in the future is that we will all be dead.

Really things either make money now or they don't. If someone can make money right now from new tlds, great. If they can't they will probably never make money from them.


Top Contributor
I wonder if google will favour their new gtld's ….ummmm

I very much doubt there is any financial justification in Google favouring their own new tads. The amount of money spent is small and it looks like they will be giving them away.

If anything they probably apply a penalty because of all the spam crap they will get on these free domains.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I read it is free for the first year (so far just idn's) then about $13 per year, why punish something you are charging people for ..... kinda doesn't make sense


Top Contributor
I read it is free for the first year (so far just idn's) then about $13 per year, why punish something you are charging people for ..... kinda doesn't make sense

New tlds that are free (or cheap) end up full of spam.

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