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Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I even find the term 'speculation' odd. People don't speculate in shares, they invest.

Someone that buys a block of land, then sells it a year later isn't called a speculator or squatter. They're an investor, pure and simple. In saying that, I'd suggest the bulk of people here are developers more than anything else.


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Speculate just seems to have a negative or amateurish connotation to me, as opposed to invest which suggests a more legitimate business or professional strategy. Maybe it's just me.

Investing requires speculation but does speculating require investment?

you need to invest funds ......to speculate



Top Contributor
Speculate just seems to have a negative or amateurish connotation to me, as opposed to invest which suggests a more legitimate business or professional strategy. Maybe it's just me.

Investing requires speculation but does speculating require investment?

I think the negative connotation is because it is high risk. I don't think investing necessarily involves speculation, some investments are near risk free.

Speculation requires money but that doesn't make it an investment. To take it further next level down in terms of risk is gambling (when the odds are against you) and some would probably say that requires an "investment" as well. In reality it requires money and it is likely money down the drain like buying a movie ticket or throwing a bag of money off a bridge. Some car dealers even calling buying a car an "investment", doesn't mean much in reality as it is certain to fall in value, more like an expense.

From wikipedia,

Speculation and investment

The view of what distinguishes investment from speculation and speculation from excessive speculation varies widely among pundits, legislators and academics. Some sources note that speculation is simply a higher risk form of investment. Others define speculation more narrowly as positions not characterized as hedging.[1] The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission defines a speculator as "a trader who does not hedge, but who trades with the objective of achieving profits through the successful anticipation of price movements."[2] The agency emphasizes that speculators serve important market functions, but defines excessive speculation as harmful to the proper functioning of futures markets.[3]

According to Ben Graham in Intelligent Investor, the prototypical defensive investor is "...one interested chiefly in safety plus freedom from bother." He admits, however, that "...some speculation is necessary and unavoidable, for in many common-stock situations, there are substantial possibilities of both profit and loss, and the risks therein must be assumed by someone." Thus, many long-term investors, even those who buy and hold for decades, may be classified as speculators, excepting only the rare few who are primarily motivated by income or safety of principal and not eventually selling at a profit.[4]

I would go with the second paragraph. Is it mainly about income, or mainly about price appreciation? I think that is what determines the difference. A speculation is a guess, investing is putting money into something on the basis of a current return.


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There are professional domainers continually buying up trade marked company names and trying to sell them off amongst us here on DN Trade.

So i'm really not surprised at the comments I get when I mention I own a handful of domains.

It's all just part of the industry and there will always be some trying to profit in underhanded ways.

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Domain Investors vs. CyberSquatters via Morgan Linton

It’s two terms that should never be used together in the same sentence but all too frequently are “Domain Investors” (or “Domainers”) and “CyberSquatters.” The funny thing is, many cybersquatters have never heard of Domaining and don’t even know there is a domain industry, yet all Domainers know about CyberSquatters. These kind of generalizations are what make the entire industry look bad when so many people are doing amazing and creative things.
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