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All Australians remember 10 years ON


Archived Member
I agree with your points about the Politicians getting involved with this stuff to an over extent. But that is what Labor does best is PR the shit out of things in a hope they will try and win some voters. Labor getting desperate just look at the recent weeks events.

I also do not really agree with the religious quotes all over the original post, was probably not the right place.

I feel this was a very sad instance where innocent civilians were killed and I feel this should be a time for people to remember those innocent lives who were lost, this isn't a time to link up religion or politics. This isn't also a time to link it back to things the American army has done in their own war is it?? Do I agree with all these wars and loss of life no, its not something I endorse at all.

It wouldn't matter who or which party is in power, they read from the same teleprompter.

As for the US government, they're related to the Bali bombings because the bombings were done in part due to our involvement with their wars.

The Bali bombings (and other events such as ANZAC Day) are fair game for criticism IMO because these events are politicised by our own governments. The dead are dead and don't feel one way or another about it.


Top Contributor
Remember them every day.
Good point.

I made an apolitical post but the Infamous Trollers SMEE and J. Bahr had to raise all those oft-repeated rants and raves about USA / Aussie Political / military abuses.
plus SMEE questioned my personal beliefs.
I loath hatred / terror by anyone . Killing people enjoying themselves in BALI didn't help one kid in IRAQ / Afghanistan / Elsewhere have a better life.

My personal efforts in Cambodia helped kids have a better life.
My sponsorship has helped kids in Lebanon have a better life.
My support has helped kids in Australia have a better life.
SMEE / JB when did either of you do something that helped a kid have a better life?
Trolling memorial threads do not help a kid have a better life!
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Top Contributor
I feel this was a very sad instance where innocent civilians were killed and I feel this should be a time for people to remember those innocent lives who were lost, this isn't a time to link up religion or politics. This isn't also a time to link it back to things the American army has done in their own war is it?? Do I agree with all these wars and loss of life no, its not something I endorse at all.

Please tell me you're not that naive. It's ALL about religion, politics and the armies.

Taking a middle ground is like abstaining from a UN vote to not allow depleted uranium weapons - in effect you endorse it.
The effect those weapons have had on the people of Iraq - they have every reason to dislike Westerners as we have proven we don't care, have no moral fibre and cannot be trusted.
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Top Contributor
Good point.

I made an apolitical post but the Infamous Trollers SMEE and J. Bahr had to raise all those oft-repeated rants and raves about USA / Aussie Political / military abuses.
plus SMEE questioned my personal beliefs.
I loath hatred / terror by anyone . Killing people enjoying themselves in BALI didn't help one kid in IRAQ / Afghanistan / Elsewhere have a better life.

My personal efforts in Cambodia helped kids have a better life.
My sponsorship has helped kids in Lebanon have a better life.
My support has helped kids in Australia have a better life.
SMEE / JB when did either of you done something that helped a kid have a better life?
Trolling memorial threads do not help a kid have a better life!

I questioned you because you are a hypocritcal "Sunday Christian" (ie - when it suits you) - you previously said you helped in a war zone. Just because you cannot win an argument, don't start the pathetic 'troll' line against members who disagree with you in an attempt to garner sympathy or to sway anyone with a resemblance of intelligence who can see why/how/where this whole Bali thing started.
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Top Contributor
Yes by helping kids in Cambodia by removing Aussie made land mines and help limbless kids get prosthetic limbs.

Well good for you. I would have thought with your experiences that you would know by now that the Bali bombings didn't start there - they started when Australia got involved in unwinnable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and that you would have a little more compassion for the kids and their parents in Iraq suffering through depleted uranium use, which is why I really doubt any of your claims.
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Top Contributor
Well good for you. I would have thought with your experiences that you would know by now that the Bali bombings didn't start there - they started when Australia got involved in unwinnable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I know all about multi-lateral warfare. I have been supporting the VICTIMS of warfare regardless of who / why /where / when most of my life.

My protests about your posts was because this thread about the VICTIMS not the reasons.
I will join in any debate with you about warfare and the abuses (And most likely agree with you), but this is not the forum or thread for it.

I am not and have never been a Sunday Christian (I practise a SATURDAY SABBATH), I help people of all beliefs daily.


Top Contributor
I know all about multi-lateral warfare. I have been supporting the VICTIMS of warfare regardless of who / why /where / when most of my life.

My protests about your posts was because this thread about the VICTIMS not the reasons.
I will join in any debate with you about warfare and the abuses (And most likely agree with you), but this is not the forum or thread for it.

I am not and have never been a Sunday Christian (I practise a SATURDAY SABBATH), I help people of all beliefs daily.

A Sunday Christian is one who for all intents and purpose may as well be an atheist because they only act Christian when it suits them. Of course this is the thread for it. Should we all act like it never happened or pretend we don't really know why it happened? If it makes you feel more comfortable (or that you win), I'm happy for a mod to split this into another topic.


Top Contributor
most Christians think THEIR brand of religion is the correct one.
I don't think my brand is the only correct one.
Followers of Christianity help others regardless of their beliefs because Jesus taught us to do exactly that.
Islam / Buddhism / Judaism et al beliefs have similar tenets of charity.
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Top Contributor
Please remember the rules:

"While debate and discussion is fine, please treat fellow members in a respectful and adult manner. All members should respect and adhere to the promotion of harmony within the community. We are great believers in free speech, but disruption of harmony is not good!"

Ten years ago today we did lose fellow Australian's in Bali, some members may have even lost someone close to them. Please be mindful of this when using this thread to remember those we lost.

It is a day to remember and honour their memory not get into debates over religion and politics.



Top Contributor
@ smee

You are welcome to your own opinions and you can express them freely, just make your own thread.

You hijacked a thread about a specific event, with your thoughts and views on non-related issues and events. A bit of respect wouldnt go astray:(


Top Contributor
@ smee

You are welcome to your own opinions and you can express them freely, just make your own thread.

You hijacked a thread about a specific event, with your thoughts and views on non-related issues and events. A bit of respect wouldnt go astray:(

Not sure how you don't see how they are related. I guess you didn't read the topic. I did suggest 3 hours ago that the topic be split if that made people feel more in the their comfort zone.



Top Contributor
I did suggest 3 hours ago that the topic be split if that made people feel more in the their comfort zone.

Had you shown respect to start with, by not hijacking the thread, it wouldnt have needed splitting.:(

Anyway, ive had my say and I will refrain from any further posting in this thread.


Top Contributor
@ smee

You are welcome to your own opinions and you can express them freely, just make your own thread.

You hijacked a thread about a specific event, with your thoughts and views on non-related issues and events. A bit of respect wouldnt go astray:(


Smee, did you know creating a thread is FREE ? djuqa asked you at the start to keep to topic, David reaffirmed it, Chris also, why was it neccesary to go on and ONNNNN.

start a new topic and see if anyone attends but don't push your point on this one as it was stated specifically that was not what this thread wanted to be.

Slag me off in the new thread please not this one, as i won't be posting on your new thread so have a field day.



Archived Member
Don't disrespect the dead! Don't politicise the issue! Meanwhile, the PM is the focal point of the bombings and the sycophants come out to attack anyone that threatens the status quo.

Don't you idiots see politicans use days like today to further their own agenda. Why do you think they're the first to come out and say any discussion aside their own comments is sacrilege. The PM will permit what can and cannot be discussed about this day! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!

Obviously I'm not alone in these thoughts and I'd encourage anyone who feels somewhat lost in the current political climate to check out the articles and books @ http://www.crimethinc.com/
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Archived Member
How would that make for a discussion? What's wrong with having a debate in this thread Tim? Why do you feel so threatened by the issues smee raised?

It's pretty clear that if threads only contain opinions that are all in agreement, that isn't going to be much of a discussion.

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