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"BLACK MARKET" Domain Name Trade


Top Contributor
do you think this topic is at copper or zinc ? maybe ferrous !

vitriol [ˈvɪtrɪˌɒl]
1. (Chemistry / Elements & Compounds) another name for sulphuric acid
2. (Chemistry / Elements & Compounds) any one of a number of sulphate salts, such as ferrous sulphate (green vitriol), copper sulphate (blue vitriol), or zinc sulphate (white vitriol)
3. speech, writing, etc., displaying rancour, vituperation, or bitterness
vb -ols, -oling, -oled, -olling -olled (tr)
1. to attack or injure with or as if with vitriol
2. (Chemistry) to treat with vitriol
[from Medieval Latin vitriolum, from Late Latin vitriolus glassy, from Latin vitrum glass, referring to the glossy appearance of the sulphates]


Top Contributor
As for anyone who is going to have a go at me for voicing my opinion thats your right...

The trouble is you haven't backed up your opinions with any evidence. Seems like you think everybody is doing the wrong thing but are unable to demonstrate exactly how.

You're a Private Investigator by trade aren't you? I would have thought you'd have a better understanding of checking your facts before launching accusations.


Top Contributor
Furthermore David I have noticed that you continually make posts on discussions I start and make comments that have no basis in fact. I suggest you take the time to do your own research before making further comments.
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Regular Member
The domain is not a generic term but a 3 letter acronym. Latter I check the whois record and found that T**** S***** Pty Ltd registered it under that name. There is no close or substantial connection to the domain name and the domain cannot be used for monetising.

If the domain is a 3 letter acronym .... for the current Registrant to assert close and substantial is trivial. You have close to zero prospect in getting a complaint upheld and having the domain deleted.

You may want to get an understanding of the applicable policy before making posts I'd suggest. Past that you really just come off sounding a bit bitter, because as you said, you didn't cover your bases. Learn from that and move on.

One final note I don't really see how being an auDA member holds you to any higher standard than Joe Public. It's a sign of nothing more or less than you handed over 15 bux or so.
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Top Contributor
You may want to get an understanding of the applicable policy before making posts I'd suggest.

Brettf you have your way of doing things and I have my way. If I don't know the policy rules fully then discussing them will give me more insight.


Regular Member
Brettf: have you ever heard the term competitor intelligence? Thanks for all the information by the way.

I'm not sure I've given you anything other than what any educated party in the market already knows.

If you feel you can compete, I don't mind the competition. Have fun trying to figure out all the Registry logic.


Top Contributor
If you feel you can compete, I don't mind the competition. Have fun trying to figure out all the Registry logic.

As you say Brettf it takes some longer than others to figure out "logic" doesn't it.


Top Contributor
If I don't know the policy rules fully then discussing them will give me more insight.

And that's exactly what we encourage and promote on here Ashley.

But surely it is better all round to do so without engaging in my "word of the day" - vitriol?

'You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar'


Top Contributor
Admin your a funny ol fella, I go well.

I'm glad you're going well.

But I was more wondering how your complaint was going? Did you lodge one? And if so, did it get accepted by auDA?

Not stirring - I'm just interested.


Top Contributor
Neddy thats coming on a bit strong. How about a drink first?

You can duck and dive all you like webpark ...........

Simple question - yes or no answer is easy to give.

Did you lodge a complaint as you said you had / or were going to?

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