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Hi, I'm a web developer from Adelaide with an interest in domains (and monetising them) on the side. I think I have 60-70 or so, almost entirely .com.aus (though a few .net.aus like industry.net.au and body.net.au).

Found out about this site via a tweet from Drop. Joined hoping to learn a bit more, get feedback on domain values and see what sorts of things others are buying and selling.


On that, is Drop still relevant? I used to be on that site daily but it seems now that Netfleet picks up everything, it's not always worth trawling both?

FWIW, I am yet to get a Netfleet drop account - trying to curtail my spending until I develop a few more of my domains!


Top Contributor
On that, is Drop still relevant? I used to be on that site daily but it seems now that Netfleet picks up everything, it's not always worth trawling both?

Good question - If you really want a name than you need to bid on both platforms.

Drop dominated the game for a long time and I'm sure they are working hard to improve their results.

FWIW, I am yet to get a Netfleet drop account - trying to curtail my spending until I develop a few more of my domains!

I think most of us can relate to that!


Have got a few sites in home reno space that do OK.

Never sold a domain though have turned down offers. Had someone climb to $680ish (I was asking $700) and then bail on one that I would probably sell now. Oh well.


Top Contributor
Have got a few sites in home reno space that do OK.

Never sold a domain though have turned down offers. Had someone climb to $680ish (I was asking $700) and then bail on one that I would probably sell now. Oh well.

Not good strategy: you risked $680 for $20.


Top Contributor
Hi Prawn - interesting username! :D

Welcome to DNT - glad you found your way here via Drop (thanks Andrew).

Your website looks great by the way. Please feel free to give yourself a plug in our services section.

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Not good strategy: you risked $680 for $20.

Easier with hindsight, but yes, should've sold. (Checked and it was $620 they reached; domain was babyslings.com.au.) Was overseas at the time and not paying enough attention to the process. No way that I'm aware of to identify the person making the offer on Netfleet and try to resume negotiations unfortunately. Oh well.


Regular Member
Hello from a fellow newcomer. South Australia is a beautiful place. Had an unbelievable 4WD holiday in Flinders Ranges last year.

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