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Why do i post so much?


Top Contributor
i got asked this question by PM the other day so i thought about it and here is my answer as i think others would like to know.

I post because i want to learn, i actually post less then what i am tempted to, i often say to myself " tim , stay out of this conversation"

the purpose for this post is that i personally feel i am gaining HEAPS from being apart of DNT instead of sitting and "watching"

give give give and i can assure you you will get it back, luckily for me thats my personality but DNT is a good chance to break that classic advice: "if you continue to do the same things you will continue to get the same results"

now if you are mcdonalds and making a cheese burger in the 60's thats exactly what you wanted but we now have salads and juice in mcdonalds, coca cola can now be coke zero !, will VB every bring out VB lite? XXXX did !

SO post, have a go, make a bold statement we can trash ! but you will learn and SO will we from having been posed the question.

HEY, and its FREEEEEE , what a BARGAIN



Archived Member
Some punctuation would help whatever points you're trying to get across. Your posts look like they're typed by a 5 year old.

Nothing personal.

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
I love your enthusiasm Tim!

I'd also love to hear some stories about how you approach potential clients and the ways you win them over.


Archived Member
noted but nothin's gonna change !


Can I ask why? Surely it takes more effort to type like that instead of using some punctuation. I'm not saying it has to be perfect (and mine is far from it) but surely a little effort would get whatever message you're trying to get across to more people. As is, I just skim past it and I would guess so do some others.


Top Contributor
Why? because of all my posts i'm sure you could find a much better one to criticise , but maybe :

- this one was the last straw for you?
- you're an english teacher?
- you have trouble reading a sentence with 2 commas in it?
- or you're an accountant and you like things done by the book?

hows this post panning out for you?

i've never worried about spelling and gramma in a forum or an email except when it comes to clients websites.

i have read my original post and found it quite easy on the eye, simple brief sentences.

i wonder what others think?

if you don't like then don't read, if everyone doesn't like then i'll go to being a "watcher" which funnily is what my bloody post was all about, hows that for a twist.



Top Contributor
Can I ask why? Surely it takes more effort to type like that instead of using some punctuation. I'm not saying it has to be perfect (and mine is far from it) but surely a little effort would get whatever message you're trying to get across to more people. As is, I just skim past it and I would guess so do some others.

Actually I find Tim's posts quiet nice to read, yours are also Jonathan.:)

Everyone to their own, I don't think we need to be to clinical on posts, as long as we get the message across. :D



Archived Member
- this one was the last straw for you?

Headline stuck out and I took it as an opportunity to address all your posts.

- you're an english teacher?
- you have trouble reading a sentence with 2 commas in it?
- or you're an accountant and you like things done by the book?

No. No. No.

hows this post panning out for you?

i've never worried about spelling and gramma in a forum or an email except when it comes to clients websites.

i have read my original post and found it quite easy on the eye, simple brief sentences.

i wonder what others think?

if you don't like then don't read, if everyone doesn't like then i'll go to being a "watcher" which funnily is what my bloody post was all about, hows that for a twist.


Like I said - it's not a personal attack but I just don't understand why anyone would expect others to take them seriously with posts such as yours. Based on your posts alone (not the content), I wouldn't go to you for website services; food for thought!

I'm not a mod and at the end of the day, it's their call but I don't see poorly constructed posts attracting any quality members.
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Top Contributor
everyone is entitled to an opinion.

from the PM's i get i think there are quite a few members that take me seriously.

I really do not want to spend alot of time checking my gramma etc, i find that starting a conversation brings new ideas in and thats what i think forums are all about.

the second most important thing is knowing what you are good at, the most important thing is knowing what you are bad at, then outsource it !

i know i'm not excellent at english, so you are not telling me anything new.

you will be happy to know when i submit fomal proposals to potential clients i email my concept to my wife, she rewrites it and i send it, i don't write content for my clients but if they need it I then employ a copywriter.

how about we get back to the original idea of this post rather then the quality of my writing skills.



Archived Member
The topic is your posts so it seems pretty on topic if you ask me. If you don't know how to read/write, probably could've just said that to begin with and we can leave it at that.


Archived Member
make yourself happy and don't read my posts in future


You made a thread about your posts. I explicitly did not bring it up in other threads as not to junk them up but I think this one is appropriate.

It's not a personal attack, it was just a comment re: your posts. No need to take your cricket bat home over feedback. My apologies if you took offense, it was not intended to do so or an attempt to stop you posting.


Top Contributor
Come on guys - play nice!

I agree with Don - everyone to their own.

I find Tim's posts good and entertaining (in the main). Sometimes they are too long and I just skim them. But that's me.

But as a moderator, I appreciate the fact that he contributes regularly. And his posts are always positive (though perhaps a bit way out on some occasions). :)

And JB, you've made a few posts in the past that have raised eyebrows! ;) But you're also a valued contributor - and a smart guy - and we have never hung you out to dry.

If no one is hurting anyone, live and let live is what I say.

At the end of the day, if you don't like his posts or his punctuation, then you don't have to read them.
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Top Contributor
LOL, ned did you mean that typo in the first line?

i give up on this thread, what was meant to be somethign to gain members activity has turned into the complete opposite

i'm unsubscribing to this thread so any other discussion will need to be done via PM



Top Contributor
I read it as constructive feedback. Not sure why anyone is getting upset. I too have mentioned something similar via PM and I was presented with a semi excuse that typos don't matter to Google.

Mate, seriously, he's not having a go at you. He's trying to help out by helping you look more professional.

I have received a lot (not alot) of work via forums. Word of mouth travels a lot further than most realise.


Top Contributor
I read it as constructive feedback.

I'm a grammar and spelling nut. I hate it when I stuff up something, or make silly errors. And more often than not, I will get a PM from johno69 or Rhythm alerting me
to the fact. And I appreciate those alerts - and change what I have written. But that's me.

However, this is a public forum, and provided the "spirit of the rules" are followed, contributors can write how they like; spell how they like; use grammar, punctuation
and spacing how they like. If they don't want to change (even after it has been suggested to them), that's their right. Imho.

Without naming names, I can think of other members whose grasp of the Queen's English and grammar is less than perfect, but they are welcome here. Even those other
members (and I'm thinking of one in particular ;)) who post long diatribes are welcome (he hasn't been on for a while).

At the end of the day, other members simply don't have to read what some other members write. They can even put them on "ignore".

"One man's pleasure is another man's poison".


Top Contributor
At first I was thinking what is up with Tim's post, but after reading a few they are pretty funny and it brings something different to the forum so I enjoy it =)


Top Contributor
Back in the good old days of the net, no one gaff about grammar ala gen x. I blame baby boomers and gen y.

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