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Why aren't there more active members?


Top Contributor
Firstly, this is not a criticism! I'm just puzzled why such an excellent local forum like this has so few members? And more puzzling is why so few (of the few) actually contribute or add their 2 bobs worth?:confused:

I mean there must be more than 140 active domainers in Australia? Surely we could all do with some more geeing up; some more good news stories (or even bad for that matter!), some more tricks & tips etc etc! I am not advocating that we spend all day on the forum, but why don't we all at least try to be a little more participative?

I mean sometimes a person can do a post and not even get a reply! That is disheartening!

IMO, increased membership will create increased momentum and activity and sales - think of a small snowball that starts rolling down a mountain! What size and power does it have when it really gets going?

So how do we galvanise our local industry and this forum? What steps can we take to get more members and more contributors?

Any thoughts?

Cheers, Ned


The industry is still small and alot of information is not Australia specific. For example if you ask a web dev question here then you will an answer, but not as many as on an international forum.

As the industry grows so will the forum, you can help by placing a link to the forum in your signature on other forums so that Australian members can find out about this place :)


Top Contributor
Hi Paz,

As I said, I certainly am not being critical. I'm just puzzled - and wondering how to be part of the solution.

Perhaps you could open a "suggestion box" thread? Let's get some brainstorming going! It's surely got to be beneficial to all of us?

Cheers, Ned

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I put a link to here and for netfleet on my blog, i wrote to a current affair and today tonight when trafficdownunder was on ...... no response

Throw into the mix you need an abn just to reg a name ?

You can put a big sign on the back of your car saying 'learn domaining' dntrade.com.au

You can write an article and submit it to the local paper , print the name on a t-shirt

Contact investment companies and business radio programs

Although once you get the interest and people want an 'aussie domain' they will soon be put off by the fact they need an abn

So its still quite hard to promote and we are trying to get other projects started

I put signs in ten laundry mats saying .......learn domaining and i didn't get one reply

Some things just take time, i did mention this forum in a article submitted to ezinearticles.com that was picked up

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