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Ton of NNNN.com.au dropping - what's the value?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Is there any value in domains starting and ending with 88 in .com and what length of numbers is too many, in you opinions. ?
Ok that is a better question, as for developing the answer is NO .. unless you are planning on making a casino aimed at the Chinese market, basically they are the only folk who truly love numerics. Domains with 8 are considered more valuable and the more 8's the better. However there is a cut off point, if you do a search at Namebio.com you will see the domain 88888/com went for u.s $245,000 in 2013 I tend to think had it been offered up again last year when the Chinese folk were chasing short domains with 8's it could have gone for another 100k or more. If you go to name bio and simply place a number 8 in the keyword box then push enter you will see there are 7483 results for the number 8 These results include other patterns such as LLNNN (letter letter number number) You can expand your research by using the pattern box on the righthand side of the keyword box, to search for 4 digit sales you would put 8 in the keyword box and NNNN in the pattern box, to check combination such as NNLL put 8 in the keyword box and NNLL in the pattern box. short domains with 8's do seem to be popular and there some auctions as we speak over at namepros. One example is dgm8.com that I noticed the other day. Some folk believe there is some value in this pattern LLLN and some do not. Here is a handy link to read up more, http://tldinvestors.com/2016/08/how...4character-coms-with-report-on-oozel-com.html
It's worth noting numeric names with patterns are considered more valuable, it could be that although 4 is not a popular number (sounds like the word the death) it can still command a good price if a pattern, I would suggest that 4444.com would have more value than a random pattern, even with an 8 ? I would not buy anything over 5N which seem to valuate at between $500 - $1500 at the moment. 4N's seem to be at $15,000 - 30,000 and if you were lucky enough to get a 3N ..... well some good money in the bank (there are only 1000) Not all domains with 4 are bad luck, combos like 48 and 84 are in fact considered to be good luck .......http://messagenote.com/feng-shui-2/chinese-numerology-good-or-bad-number#respond
Hope this helps

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
If you check the Namebio daily report there are still some sales, even for 7N but as mentioned risky market, many have stated that the Chinese poured money into domains after the stock market crashed, now they could be doing the crypto currency thing instead. NameJet has many numeric names on auction and so does snapnames


Top Contributor
If you check the Namebio daily report there are still some sales, even for 7N but as mentioned risky market, many have stated that the Chinese poured money into domains after the stock market crashed, now they could be doing the crypto currency thing instead. NameJet has many numeric names on auction and so does snapnames
With 604,800 possible 7n .com ,it would appear you would be 888 lucky to get an offer


Top Contributor
Can anyone recommend a Chinese domain broker, given the domain I've got has a .net in the medical field its worth reaching out.


Top Contributor
Here is a quote from an advertisement on Domain Sherpa, giving details of a Chinese domain broker.
Chinese investors are paying top dollar for premium domains, but to do a deal, you need a broker who speaks Chinese, understands the culture, and can guide investors through payment options. You need George Hong at Guta.com. George is a native Chinese speaker with investor connections in China. Email Sales@Guta.com.

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