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Tim..... important announcement


Top Contributor
Well i did what i said i would do and that is nominate for demand class director, however so have chris and shane.
i stated at the start i was there so we could have 2 honest demand class directors who's values aligned with ours and that has always been my goal.
So in the best interest of everyone involved, to save any confusion or loyalties i will not be promoting myself for votes, i will be giving my proxies to shane and chris and help them in any way i can to become elected, i certainly hope you all follow suit as a united front. DO NOT vote for me, vote for shane and chris please.

ensuring your 2 votes are used is very important, as chris has stated he'll support shane, shane would be supporting chris, this happens between all nominees every election.

Hopefully i will see you next year at election time, and we will be looking for another person to put their hand up for nomination.

tim connell


Top Contributor
Has Chris stated his position on .au?

Think this is a very good idea if viewpoints are aligned, so thanks Tim for "taking one for the team". As you say having 2 candidates only is highly important to securing representation, more than that and domainers chances of having a seat at the table greatly diminishes.


Top Contributor
Very gracious and considered of you Tim.

It's clear to me that you put yourself forward to act in the best interests of this community (domainers, developers and SMEs). This is certainly reflected in your earlier statements and this most recent announcement. So I would just like to say, thanks for all your efforts.


Top Contributor
Very gracious and considered of you Tim.

It's clear to me that you put yourself forward to act in the best interests of this community (domainers, developers and SMEs). This is certainly reflected in your earlier statements and this most recent announcement. So I would just like to say, thanks for all your efforts.

Well said @Demonoid and @snoopy

It's very kind of you to do this @tim - thanks for all your efforts, I think you have spurred a lot of people to get involved that wouldn't have done so otherwise.

I'll put together a statement shortly, naturally I'm very interested in direct registrations, and an overall interest in strengthening the name space.


Top Contributor
Just got Chris's statement,first part is,

A fair implementation of direct registrations, so that existing domain name registrants are not disadvantaged

Tim, I'd suggest you still run unless I am somehow reading this statement wrong. There is support for Tim and Shane because they are against .au and want that vote squashed (because the vote has been tainted by conflicts on interests). If we start voting for people who want to talk to AUDA about how to implement .au then we might as well give up right now.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I wish to support whoever "opens up" the .com.au space, there are many people who stumble at the first attempt, Abn, Monetising Etc ..... if you want growth let the average Joe participate otherwise you will see them on Facebook as they say "Well I tried to get a domain" They do not want a .id or something less they want a .com.au so their efforts are rewarded
Also if I spend the same amount on a net.au as a .com.au why shouldn't have the right to a .au ??
Tim stepping down may solve a conundrum for some but I just want whoever will do the things I feel need change


Top Contributor
Just got Chris's statement,first part is,
Tim, I'd suggest you still run unless I am somehow reading this statement wrong. There is support for Tim and Shane because they are against .au and want that vote squashed (because the vote has been tainted by conflicts on interests). If we start voting for people who want to talk to AUDA about how to implement .au then we might as well give up right now.

I understand @snoopy. I know I've copped some flack for talking about direct reg implementation, but I only did so after it was announced by auDA ,so I'm just trying to be realistic. I want to make sure it's handled as best as possible to protect .com.au owners.

I definitely think we need more research and discussion on direct registrations which is one the reasons I’d like to get involved.


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Also if I spend the same amount on a net.au as a .com.au why shouldn't have the right to a .au ??
in this context the problem lies if .au goes ahead and what terms.
my thoughts are the .net has no right and i pondered this for a long time, most .net.au owners purchased because they could not get the .com.au, some in the early days registered because that was what they were told to do for their industry , SO anyone with a .net.au for me did so with a clear mind.


Top Contributor
I understand @snoopy. I know I've copped some flack for talking about direct reg implementation, but I only did so after it was announced by auDA ,so I'm just trying to be realistic. I want to make sure it's handled as best as possible to protect .com.au owners.

I definitely think we need more research and discussion on direct registrations which is one the reasons I’d like to get involved.

Chris if you you want to talk about implementation that is exactly what supply side is hoping for. We need 2 candidates who are actually against direct registrations and are willing stand up over that issue, in particular the status of vote that is widely seen as tainted.


Top Contributor
lets not over react, please hold your votes, we are in the correct position to add to the board because the other candidates seem to only talk about themselves and not issues.
my opinions, except for shane i have based them on very little fact as they didn't hit the mark for me.

Shane Moore, we know where he stands as he is the only one to have openly stated it all.

Simon Johnson
states: Direct registration protects existing domain owners, especially small businesses and
trademark holders;
[ simon was asked on many occasions to state his position and didn't, and still hasn't, he seems to have settled into .au is done and dusted without a word about the goings on that lead to this totally manipulated outcome ]
Teresa Mitchell
details nothing about present issues
[ talks in the 3rd person? why? her record shows a real "team player" who comes across to me as someone that likes change for the sake of change,
Nicole Murdoch
details nothing about present issues
[ i will say her name was on the names panel minority report that all but got ignored, but also now to me seems comfortable with what has happened ]
John Nugent
details nothing about present issues
[ ? ummm ! has an interesting resume ! ]
Jim Stewart
states: I'll be encouraging membership and work to protect the interests of existing .au domain
[ a seo expert, reality is seo spend to cope with a change to .au will be like starting all over again, so whilst agreeing a .au has no benefit we will all have to pay someone to sort it out and keep our rankings, i have always said that i'd make money from a .au, all webdesigners/seo/registrars will, passive resistance won't be enough ]

Peter Tonoli
details nothing about present issues
[ is experience looks good, the kinda guy you hire but you don't need to vote for ]
at least what you presently have is communication with chris, and there is NO NEED to race out and vote this week.



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Think this is a very good idea if viewpoints are aligned, so thanks Tim for "taking one for the team". As you say having 2 candidates only is highly important to securing representation, more than that and domainers chances of having a seat at the table greatly diminishes.

That's it in a nutshell. And as they say in politics, disunity is death.

Tim, I consider you a mate. I love your passion and positivity - and your integrity. I also know that if I had been effectively gazumped (without notice) at the 11th hour by a third domain investor candidate (and a friend), I would have been really pissed.

Your subsequent decision to weigh things up and then decide to stand aside in favour of Chris shows an incredible amount of character. As Snoopy says; you are "taking one for the team". Further, your stated intention to help get both of them elected is classy. I totally admire and respect you for all your actions.

Is it the right decision? I don't know - time will tell. Imo, given your background experience, you would definitely be a much better campaigner than Chris. And you have a definitive position on direct registrations. However, Chris has probably got a more prominent profile, and may pick up some votes where you wouldn't. Swings and roundabouts.

As I wrote in the other thread, the "three of you" are up against a formidable opponent in Simon johnson. He is out there cajoling votes already. You three need to make sure you are organised - and not just talking about "stuff" on a forum. Otherwise, before you know it, it will be "shoulda coulda woulda"!


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I never saw the issue as only 2 candidates running. I think there are potentially at least 5 or 6 good candidates, some of them are members on DNTrade. The recent changes at auDA over the past few weeks are what prompted me to throw my hat in the ring last week as way on helping to make sure we had a good shot. However, I value my friendships more so I've decided to stand down. I hope this also helps to ensure the community and their interests get a seat at the table.

Being friends with several of the candidates was always going to be tricky. I've spent the past few days talking to members, there's a vast array of different opinions out there! Quite a few of the members I haven't spoken to before which has been great to get to know a few more of you. Thanks for all the support, I'll revisit it next year! :)

Andrew Wright

Top Contributor
Okay - so just to be clear, both Tim and Chris are out of the race now? Shane is a given, who is our second candidate?


Top Contributor
both Tim and Chris are out of the race now? who is our second candidate?
I am the 2nd candidate, i only stepped aside to prevent a "3 into 2" , we had to sort out some things but this is the final position and won't be changing again. i haven't lost any momentum and i am here to do what i said i would and that is fight against the totally manipulated situation we find ourselves in.

in sales we call this the "assumption close" if you say it often enough people follow, you don't ask them eg: "so was it the red or blue toaster i should rap up for you" ? .....hang on , i haven't decided on a toaster yet !!!!

pure propaganda, and they think if they move quick enough it is to hard to go back, wrong, we can not let them do whatever they like without telling anybody and them come up with decisions so important, they are taking money off people, inflicting extra ongoing costs based on a position of stand over tactics for absolutely no benefit.

pay for the extra domain OR ELSE someone else can have it. this is gangster tactics, nothing short of organised crime imo.

if anybody thinks that a fair implementation is going to happen they are totally wrong, they have done it to us once and want to do it again, with rumors of a secret implementation panel now out auda continues its "say nothing" approach to doing business.
we need to stop and go back to the drawing board, consult the real stakeholders, the domain owners.

there is no growth in this decision, there are no benefits, only confusion and i don't care if it costs $1........its MY $1

I've heard good things about the new CEO, now we need to see that in action. At this stage we still know nothing about whats gone on since the decision except a lot of people have gone.
2 PAID directors don't decide to exit if something isn't drastically wrong, the boards chair doesn't contest reelection (demand class) ? miguel resigns ( demand class) etc etc what is truly happening ?

You will all receive an email from me this week asking for your proxy which will be shane and I, the email will list as many items of issues i wish to focus on and i am open to suggestions which i will respond to. I am not a yes man, all i can do is tell you how i stand on items and why, please feel free to state your case as its certain i can not agree with everybody.

I look forward to representing you all on the board of auda



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pay for the extra domain OR ELSE someone else can have it. this is gangster tactics, nothing short of organised crime imo.
Tim, the gangster / organized crime comment is a step too far for me. Please don't let your vitriol get the better of you. There are many decent people on the Board, and a few of them are my friends. Are some of them conflicted and pushing their own agenda? Absolutely. Do I disagree with them about direct registrations? Yes. But they're not gangsters. If you and/or Shane get elected, you're going to have to work with these same people.

It's also important to remember the facts here. In 2015, a Names Panel was constituted comprising a broad cross-section of stakeholders. They made a recommendation to the auDA Board to proceed with direct registrations (noting that implementation was a major issue to be determined); and the Board voted to accept that recommendation. There were four people on the NP who disagreed - I was one of them. That's democracy.

we need to stop and go back to the drawing board, consult the real stakeholders, the domain owners.
Now this is where I totally agree with you Tim. I've written about this on Domainer ad infinitum. I also stood up at the AGM last year and said it.

Post the Names Panel, there was supposed to be an implementation working group formed representing all stakeholders - and consultation with registrants was to be a prime objective.

One of the potential outcomes of this consultation could have been that direct registrations couldn't and shouldn't proceed because it was all too difficult and unfair.
This outcome would have been presented to the auDA Board, and once again, they could choose to accept or reject it. This did not get off the ground for several well documented reasons (changes at auDA).

That's the angle I would be pushing. Proper consultation before such a huge step is taken. In my opinion, it is incumbent on the auDA Board to do so.

In recent times, there have been two replacement Independent Directors appointed. Have a look at their pedigrees - they are both very smart and talented people. And the new CEO is definitely a breath of fresh air - as I wrote on Domainer, I have great faith in him. I think we're going to see some positive steps next year.

Andrew Wright

Top Contributor
Guys - Tim, and Shane, forgive the language but you need to pull your fingers out.

Communicate with all demand members, tell them how how they can vote (and who they should vote for) and do it soon. The clock is ticking, I've been emailed by three candidates already.

18 days before the deadline - 5pm AEDST on Thursday 24 November 2016.

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