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The New Drop Auction Platform is LIVE!


Top Contributor
Happy to announce that after almost 9 months of development, the new Drop.com.au drop catch platform is live.

Some of the key changes:

Visible Bids - That's right, you can now see the bids as soon as they are placed.
Real time BID updates in the new auction interface.
Email Alerts if you have been out bid.
Earlier drop time to enable us to extend drop auction end time to reduce the impact of Snipe bidding.
Date scroll option to see future days drops, ideal for any policy delete domains that are listed weeks in advance.
New friendlier pricing tiers.
Reserve pricing feature for extended domain auctions - ideal for aftermarket domain auctions.
Mobile friendly design.

Having visible pricing has always been a function that Drop wanted back and we are glad to be able to offer this again.

We would like to thank our clients that have provided feedback, the good and the bad, to us directly as that is always appreciated and welcome.


Andrew Wright

Top Contributor
Interesting pricing tiers...

Bids greater than $50,000 can be placed in $25,000 increments.


Top Contributor
Yep - in now. Looking good!

(Still has the "Domain Droping" spelling error in the export though :))
the export function was not worked on as yet, as there are a few other points that will be corrected at the same time, such as removing Link and adding GDA and EA data points, so thanks for the heads up.


Top Contributor
Note that the current extensions are subject to change. Initially all auctions have a clear end time. Domains that have a bid, will be extended by 5 minutes for final bids to be put in with a single time extension.

As we are designing the auction platform to be cross compatible with Netfleet aftermarket auctions, there are provisions made for multiple extensions to continue to extend for further time slots. We hope to be able to test this on Netfleet soon.

The $50 bid is a legacy bid that was already placed before we changed over to the new pricing tier. So it has been kept as we could not increase it to $100.


Top Contributor
Thanks Andrew for the feedback. The other item you messaged about should also be corrected now. Thanks again.

If anyone else has any suggestions, feedback etc please feel free to ask.


Top Contributor
Drop terms were updated recently.

With the release of the Visible Bids feature where all bids are currently visible to all that access the Drop section, we are requesting that all users do not disclose final prices of domains that they did not win. This is for two main reasons:

1. Listing Drop auction wholesale prices is detrimental to the domain name aftermarket ecosystem.
The "wholesale" prices paid at Drop are setting the wrong expectations for end user domain values.

2. The vast majority, if not all of our clients prefer not to have their prices disclosed.
If you were the highest bidder and won the domain auction, then you can release your own price, as that is up to you.

Thank you for your understanding and support of the domain aftermarket.


Top Contributor
Dutch Auctions on expired domains are live!

The Drop platform is adding a secondary Reverse Auction for domain names to start right after the end of the main domain auction. The Dutch auction will start with a Buy Now price of $25 inc. GST and the price will reduce down by $1 every 30 seconds till the price drops to only $10 inc GST.

As soon as a domain is ordered, it is removed from the list for all other clients. The list of such names is kept private so only the winning buyer will see the names that have been ordered via the Dutch Auctions.

The release coincides with SES Wear Orange Wednesday on 19 May as SES do amazing work that we are proud to support them. Drop is donating 100% of the proceeds made in the next 7 days from the Dutch auctions to SES.

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