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Some Asshole Stole my domain

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
The domain of 6462.com has been stolen from my godaddy account and i doubt i will ever get it back ...... so how did your day go ??
The domain is now at ename.com and appears to be listed at 4.cn


Top Contributor
i've heard of this before, it ends in a longgggggggg trail of " its not my fault" from godaddy and almost never gets anywhere.




Top Contributor
Sorry to hear that spacey. GoDaddy really need to add two factor authentication for Australia. I've got hundreds of domains with them and it does worry me that this sort of stuff happens so frequently.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
They were sent an email an email on the 4th of december informing them of attempted attacks on my login details via fraudulent emails ... it is on record but not sure if that helps me though. You would have thought they could have offered extra security ??
Spacey that is terrible mate. I have heard that some fraudsters from China have been transferring domains to a Chinese registrar after they are stolen from GoDaddy or Enom. There are a few articles on domaining.com about this. I think the Russians stole porn.com not to long ago but the domain was successfully recovered by lawyers


Top Contributor
Sorry to hear about this Spacey,

I know of one person I have contacted at Godaddy before, let me know if you want the email address, they are highly up than the normal support person so it may help. I don’t know how much they will do as Godaddy is one of the worst registrars for not being willing to do anything about domain thefts,

I would look at exactly how they got access to the account and try and plug that hole, e.g. compromised email or something else. Might be worth changing the username, account number on the account if possible.

Would also suggest moving out any particularly valuable domains to somewhere like Uniregistry or somewhere else with strong 2 factor authentication. Anything held at Godaddy is risky.

The other thing I would do is get the theft publicised by contacting domain bloggers, that will put it out that the name is stolen and the publicity might help in trying to get it back.

People also should be vigilant around this time of year, thieves know people are away from things round this time year and that customer support is probably weaker as well.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
The theft was instantly put out there https://www.namepros.com/threads/my-domain-6462-com-has-been-stolen.842592/page-2#post-4757689
also here http://domaingang.com/domain-news/alert-6462-com-stolen-domain-name-not-buy/#comment-49473
I have filled a 'stop the transfer form' today and stated my case, however whether it works is another story. The thing was i read that many of the two step logins were unreliable , the sms did not arrive when requested. The other thing many of the other registrars seem risky, important names were instantly transferred out yesterday.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
sent to abuse@godaddy.com on the 4th december
Someone is trying to scam my details ........ they obviously want the numeric domain of 6462, i will be blocking this email address but want his attempted fraud on record , rod seeber
From: GoDaddy (info1@godaddy.com) Microsoft SmartScreen classified this message as junk.
Sent: Wednesday, 3 December 2014 7:08:03 PM
To: spaceroddy (spaceroddy@hotmail.com)
Microsoft SmartScreen marked this message as junk and we'll delete it after ten days.
Wait, it's safe!|I'm not sure. Let me check
As of Dec 1, 2014, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has mandated that all ICANN accredited registrars begin verifying the WHOIS contact information for all new domain registrations and Registrant contact modifications.

You have registered one or more domains from Godaddy Inc. and verification of the Registrant email address is required for these domain name(s) to remain active. Please click the link below to verify the email address. You have until 01/01/2015 to verify this email address. After this date, the domain name(s) will be suspended until the email address is verified. please cut-and-paste the following URL into an open web browser to complete the verification process:


Once you click the link, your email address will be instantly verified and there is nothing further for you to do on the following domains:



GoDaddy Inc.


Top Contributor
Hey Spacey,
Sorry to hear this happened, hope you get some compensation from GoDaddy. I'm not up on .Com values, would the domain be worth a lot to anyone?



Top Contributor
Today I received an email (from GoDaddy I think) claiming there had been an account breach, and that I needed to click on a link to re activate my account. I'm not sure if it's any relation to this, but I thought I'd share this info.
I'm sorry you need to go through this hassle mate- I hope you get 6462 back!..
Last edited:


Top Contributor
spacey, what a bugger dude! , i just watched your video about it all. PR*CKS

i noted what you said and i also notice my high profile sites get hack attempts after 5pm australian time and i think its because they think they can get another 12+ hours to get in ? just my theory.

i think you are doing the right thing so far, email, post, youtube but as above says change evry password you have.

i kinda don't get how you have ftp access but no control over the domain, a thief would normally take control and move the domain + take total control thus giving you NO access !

just like when my clients send me all their passwords so i can develop / re-dev their website.

so the fact that this domain is still at ventraip puzzles me.

i also think you put to much info into your youtube vid, so if you do another you might want to hang back a bit and blur some areas IMO :)

i agree with your emails to godaddy, they have to STEP UP, i would be as mad as you and this is unfortunately a good example of their failure to deliver security.

its good that you have some proof of ownership.


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Tim as explained in the video, the thief did not change nameservers because they obviously believed to keep things as were possibly meant the theft would go under the radar, i believe to put as much information out there can only help me in this instance. Questions will be asked why overseas (non american clients) are offered less security on their accounts. It's a slow time of year and this issue will proceed into the new years ........who knows how it ends .... i told the asshole in Chinese he has brought bad luck onto himself, kinda don't think that's gonna swing the deal somehow, second video contributes to the fact i was and am still the rightful owner.

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