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Data Glasses

Top Contributor
How often do you submit one ?

i did a search for http://bikinis.tv/sitemap.xml
and found differences in the frequency of visits and priority

I can see the sitemap in webmaster tools for www.bikinis.tv/sitemap.xml but comes up as error when i type the address in to look at it

is this hurting my site . i wonder why i can't see this version

...thanks in advance


Archived Member
You don't want both versions to work. It's one or the other.

If you would prefer to have http://www.sitename.com instead of http://sitename.com, go into general settings in your wordpress panel and add www into the wordpress address URL & site address URL. Seeing the link in your sig has the www but your site is setup without it, I would be inclined to change it if that's how you have built all your links.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
i have both www.bikinis/tv and bikinis/tv listed in my webmaster tools , i did submit a sitemap for both of them thinking both sitemaps work

Now i have just gone to webmaster tools and in site configeration under settings i have both versions to www preference , does this mean the other no working sitemap will now work or should i delete the non www. sitemap leaving only the www.bikinis/tv sitemap ?

UPDATE ...... the www. is now working thanks heaps !

are the crawl rates and preferences normal ? ............ i wouldn't know to be honest
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