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Short Cutts - Very clever!


Top Contributor
I came across this via Flippa, initially I wasn't sure whether this belongs in SEO or Development, but there is so much useful content for general webmasters and domain owners it was too good not to share here.

Since early 2009 Google's Matt Cutts has recorded a superhuman number of videos to help struggling site owners understand their site in search. While the videos are great, sometimes the guy just needs to get to the point. With that in mind we've done the hard work and watched every Matt Cutts video to pull out simple, concise versions of his answers: The Short Cutts!

Hats off to ClickConsult for a very good idea ;)


Some examples...

Q: Does / at the end of a domain make a difference?
A: No

Q: Does Google treat .co as a generic TLD?
A: Yes, they're not treating it as specific to Colombia

Q: Can I geo Target without a .com domain?
A: There are about 40 domains you could use that aren't country specific

Q: When I change domains, how long should I leave the redirects in place?
A: A few months, maybe. Only if all signals confirm the change

Q: How should I handle localized content for different languages/countries?
A: Translate the content, put them on separate domains

Q: Can a purchased domain's history affect its trust in Google?
A: Yes


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