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Roamfree Forced Into Administration


Top Contributor
Hello everyone,

Just a quick update for everyone looking to replace RoamFree.

We have identified a new affiliate program and are currently attempting to negotiate a deal for our 'group'. I should be able to post the details in a few days.


New Member
Roamfree news

Hi Guys, just letting you know that I have acquired Roamfree, Bookeasy and all of its assets we will be working hard to get the Affiliate system back up to scratch, in fact within the next 6 weeks I will be bringing on some extra feeds in Asia, The Americias and Europe with around 160,000 new properties. As some of you would be aware I have been a domainer for the last 14 years and an Affiliate Marketer for the last 12 years so I will do everything possible to help.
All Accommodation bookings/payments are guaranteed as the funds sit in a Travel Compensation Fund account and is released after departure, so all monies will get paid.
Any problems please let me know.
David Oliver


Top Contributor
That sounds very positive - thanks for posting David - I'm sure it is very reassuring for everybody.


Regular Member
Hey David Oliver, don't forget where you started in the Industry :p
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Top Contributor
That's great news David, thank you for posting here.

I'm sure many members would agree that overall, the RoamFree program was a good program and with a few tweaks and improvements it could be great.

From my perspective one of the big challenges for RoamFree was the continued decrease in hotels, etc using the system. In significant regional tourism areas such as the Central Coast and Newcastle the subscriber rate is very, very poor. I've previously suggested ways to improve this result, such as rewarding affiliates that sign up new properties but this seemingly fell on deaf ears.

If the 'new' RoamFree does nothing to quickly add properties in areas such as these, I will leave the program. If rival programs such as www.takeabreak.com.au and www.discoveraustralia.com.au continue to grow and offer more properties I would be silly not to go with them.

As you may be aware, as a group the members of this forum are developing literally hundreds of tourism websites. Myself (and I'm sure other members) would be happy to work with you to perfect the system if asked.

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