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Request to withraw domain


Hi Guys,

I've got the .com.au version of a .com domain that has an Australian registered trademark. I've been asked by an Australian based lawyer acing on behalf of the US based company to transfer or withdraw the domain name as my interests (according to their research on me) are similar to the goods and services of the trademark.

At the moment the domain is parked as I purchased it a number of years ago (after the trademark registration) however have yet to develop the site.

As far as my own research I am not in breach of anything so don't have to do anything. If they want to make an offer to buy it I'd consider it as I genuinely haven't had the time to develop a site.

Does anyone have any experience, advise in this type of situation?



Top Contributor
ask cooper mills lawyers ( members here ), you can disclose the name to them confidently and see where you stand as if its a good domain it would be worth the money for a review by them.
after that you have an well informed view on your situation.
on a different note , i have had it happen to me and i just called the owner and we sorted it out, end result is i didn't want the domain anymore and we agreed on a price.
don't get bullied.
search dnt for keywords and you will find manyyyyyyyy threads on these subjects, or just start in the "legal issues" threads.
if its a generic like "bikepumps" then you have a good reason to keep it, if its "mossomobikes" you are probably screwed..... if you get the analogy.


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